DVa appreciation thread

best tank to go to bronze on


I recently became a D.Va main and I haven’t had this much fun in years.

Protecting my teammates and getting POTG all the time is the life.

Ngl D.va is the worst hero in overwatch, but Dva’s mech is a lot higher up

I prefer my boi Winston.
Most important tank story wise too

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She’s one of the best tanks. She needs a buff.

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FYI, just posted an idea that would effectively be a giant indirect buff to D.va.

Rework HealthPacks for Tanks

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Also known as the very last tank you wanna play if you wanna climb ladder

(At least now with double barrier coming back)

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Interesting idea. Gives me TF2 vibes with the way their healthpacks work.

I like it.

And ya know what? Imma do it anyways >:D

She really is a good tank for plat level play, and she is sooooo fun to play. I hope that she gets a Winter skin this coming event.


I like to drunk driving d.va I never loose :stuck_out_tongue:
(it’s probably just as well I don’t have a drivers license)

Also best tank does not necessarily mean currently meta… it could be other qualities like best character in general… and d.va is pretty fantastic in that regard certainly one of my favourites

I deranked to silver with this round. :frowning:

I don’t know what I could’ve done better…

to be honest i tend to drink a cocktail i call d.va bomb which is basically

1 measure dark rum 1 measure apple jack 1 measure Cointreau half a tall glasses worth or crushed ice and the rest mountain dew (honestly not that alcoholic and on principle i only ever allow myself one drink at any one point.

So not even sure if that really get me very drunk i tend to work on the principle that i should never become so drunk that i cant code a basic A* path finding algorithm.

anyway somehow so far 5 out 5 games have all been wins when using this cocktail :slight_smile:

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dva is annoying lmao gameplay and lore.

Wdym DVa is adorable. qwq

jkjkjk. You’re allowed to have your own opinion. Even if we’re both wrong on this one. The best character is Brig’s cat


jetpack cat needs to be playable! it must happen!


From the new D.va karaoke singing, it sounds like she’s practicing for her blackpink audition.
D.va is the best though. I like ramming a giant bunny mech into someone while firing energy cannons and missiles.
We should make a international D.va appreciation day. But what day…?
Her birthday. February 31st.

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31st February, no need to thank me

Haha very funny. :expressionless:

In all seriousness, I wish the devs disclosed the important info. Like what day was it when DVa was born. That would make our lives easier when choosing a day lol

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What are you talking about? D.va is perfdgugdfsugdsjkg
Brig’s cat really is the best character and we all know it. I must get this message out before they find me. I must leave FFDsihfhiidGHGFHDH.gnimoc si eH .laer si taC kcapteJ
D.va is cute.

Thank you anyways.