Rework doomfist

I think it’s more because of adding more and more individual heroes which ****s up balancing and making allrounder heroes to shut up players.

Sorry, but it’s not a Doomfist problem if you miss your sleep dart. Even though his CC displaces you, it’s still incredibly easy to sleep him.

bahahhahahahaha those guys… really stop defenfing a bad hero desing because something can stop this bad design… the counterplay is not the fix.

also needs more hero overlap. like if there was another mcree type hero mayybe doomfist wont be as bad since mcree is the only reliable damage with a stun. more options means more flexibility.

its also annoying that he gets i frames. like a flash and sleep dart goes right through the man. even if you flash/sleep him during his punch and it hits, you still die. idk feels like alot of bs randomness going on in both sides. (reason why people say hes either garbage/op due to his bugs.)

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yo I hate it when he descends from the sky like a harbinger of death shooting laser beams from his eyes murdering my tanks, uppercutting my dps to mars, and just the sight of him making my supports commit sepukku out of fear all while rip and tear plays from the bluetooth speaker in his fist.

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Actually the only control taken away during his combo is horizontal movement for 0.6 seconds, more than half of which Doomfist himself can’t move or do anything, but the enemy is able to aim, shoot, and use abilities.

Stpp complaining about a Hero just because you can’t play more than one or two Heroes. Him having “bad design” is completely subjective, which means it’s an opinion, one which people do not always agree with. Any Hero can be said to have a “bad design” by someone who dislikes them, literally any Hero.

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lol no…

it’s the complete opposite. heros like doomfist forced you team to swap every single hero that cant defend against doomfist and you are forced to pick like two cc heros.

False, i counter him by myself, with freaking Torb, which if you have good memory, has NO CC

Literally every hero by design is repetitive. Saying Doomfist doesn’t do anything but slam, uppercut, kill is no different than saying “all soldier does is shoot”.

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So Zen and Soldier? Because ever other Hero has a way to stun, boop, escape, or survive Doomfist.

Why did you link my comment? I’m not the one making threads. What are you dragging me into?

orisa sig brig moira sombra mei doom ball and a few more idk

Doh my apologies.

It must’ve done that because you’re the last comment I read when I’d seen that thread (and it automatically links to a specific post when you copy / paste a thread link).

As soon as I get back to my computer I’ll edit that out for you

Oh I see. It’s okay. I just thought I personally offended you with my comment or something. Yeah don’t worry about it, it happens. Have a nice weekend.

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and they said your teamates is dead.

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You offended me by wanting to make friends with people! This is the internet! We must all be savages and hate each other!

Just kidding. And GTS is actually a pretty cool guy and he generally doesn’t do stuff like that on purpose, mostly countering arguments and such.

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The point is that NOT everyone is supposed to counter df in a way, ask Zarya to bubble you in his engage and you’re safe. Getting OS by widow is frustrating, getting hit by Ashes dynamite is frustrating, getting flashbang fan the hammered by McCree is frustrating, hell getting 2 shot by any hitscan is frustrating. When doomfist gets on top of you he IS supposed to kill you, whether it is or not frustrating. And I actually think the most “stupid” thing about df is his RP, which every df player has no problem with being nerfed in exchange for buffs to the rest of the kit.

Funny that all the guys with Doom icons think he’s fine.

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It’s actually funny how all the people with no experience with the Hero think he’s not.