Rework doomfist

That Doomfist is someone that does A LOT of dmg, which is why i dont see him fitting has a Tank


A good doomfist destroy ashe on seconds.

And really we dont needs more reasons to have mccre on all matchs…

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Eh… its more of a 50/50

Ashe can kill him before he even gets near and push him away if he does get near, but yeah, its kinda tied there

The main thing about countering DF is not letting him get near you untouched, which hitscans can do


Oh yes its so easy to hit a long cooldown projectile with windup on a doomfist that just fell from the sky and killed you in about a second. yes so easy.

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though most of the time people say just switch if you are being countered by df but they almost always say to switch to a dps. It can be really hard to pick a counter if you play support you only reliably have moira’s fade and maybe mercy’s super jump if she sees you coming. This can make it really frustrating when you cant do anything about the doomfist. being completly forced to rely on your team mates to take care of him. This just makes it rely frustrating since its really hard to escape from him.

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On a massive target whos abilities self stun him? yes, it is

Face it, it’s time Doomie was reworked to a Support.

Ana has sleep

Brig has SB, can mess him up with Flail and save people who get dived with her healing

Lucio is almost untouchable by him and can mess him up with Boop

Baptiste can spam Jump to make it REALLY hard for DF to kill him, plus he can dmg him a lot

become a sombra main
problem solved

seismic slam ----> uppercut ----> shot gun shots. yes his abilities slow him down, but he deals cc on his opponent that doesn’t have control over it like he does.

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And you can easily Sleep Dart him there, or use abilities to get away

Since you know, you can still shot him and use CDs

I specified reliably.
ana’s sleep has a really long cooldown and is far from easy to hit.

brig can stun him however if its against rocket punch they both fall putting herself in danger as well.

bap can jump a lot which can help against him. though the dealing damage part means that he is not healing his teammates which should come first.

I’m not saying that he is op its just that supports feel like they are at the mercy (pun not intended) of whether there teammates will stop the doom or not. this makes it very frustrating to play against him.

Again, DF is massive, and he is highly vulnerable to Sleep Dart during his abilities, specially Uppercut

DF is mostly a diver, so the chances are, he is in a worse spot than you

You can always find room for dmg with him

you can but the wind up on sd and the time it takes to turn to face him means unless he landed directly in front of her she will most likely die first. also the cool down is very long so you are forced to hold onto it and not use it in circumstances where it would help you or your team.

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Sleep dart is pretty hard to hit on him. he moves around very quickly so it can be a big struggle to hit him with it.

He may be but normally he wont dive alone and he would have dealt more damage to brig then she would to him.

there is no such thing as always in this game especially with the amount of cc doom can deal and instakill there is no such thing as always being able to counter it.

You’re simply putting him in ideal circumstances, in reality it’s a 6 on 6 and he has to dive, he usually dies before he can do that, and if he kills you in the state he is now, it’s probably a extended teamfight or he caught you alone, in which case HE IS SUPPOSED TO KILL YOU.

Remember, DF is stuck on animation for both Slam and Uppercut, so its easy to land it during those, even more on RP who is a sitting duck during the charge and moves on a straight line after

Not really, Brig has self healing with every hit plus armor

Mate, DF is one of the easiest heroes to counter, he has a lot of counters, and the hero is borderline a throw pick

oh yes I will easily kill him he dies to small breeze. he really needs buffed. I bet mercy is able to kill him so easily its not like he takes away your movement, instakills, hits through barriers, has 250 hp, and gains more as he kills you with his incredible movement and short cooldowns giving him and escape. but he’s so easily countered by the entire support class and is defiantly not frustrating to play against.even though he has so much in his kit to make him hard to kill unless you can predict when he’s coming and have your team help you. my entire point from the start was that he can get away with killing the supports without them being able to do very much to stop him and that they require there teammates to help when he dives, and that it is very frustrating to play against him when your dps wont help counter him. i do believe he should be advantaged against supports but i don’t think he should have such a overwhelming advantage. supports normally have a way to get a kill against a dps or force them to retreat when they try to 1v1 them, but doom takes away a lot of your ability to counter him through his large health pull ,cc ,and instakill potential. relying completely on hearing him and turning to hit a pinpoint accurate move. but yes clearly a throw pick.

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Doomfist is balanced. He’s someone who can get a lot of value, and secure kills quite effectively, but he can also be badly punished.


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isnt this the trade off when you design heroes that are fun to play as and not fun to play against.
like these heroes work in a PVE or single player games but in a competitive setting, it just makes you wonder why.

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