Rework Cassidy grenade already

6700 hours on this hero and its a shame how uninspired his E ability is. Boring to use, boring to play against, doesn’t have a consistent behaviour. It’s an untrustworthy, harmful disease of an ability that failed on all fronts

It wasn’t mentioned in the season 10 blog post so I’m going to assume it won’t be reworked this season, but it needs to be changed for everyone’s sake


Yes, please and thank you. I have no idea how this poorly designed mess of an ability has been ignored for over a year. Nobody likes it. Cassidy mains do not like it. It’s inconsistent and lame. Games are supposed to be fun and this is not fun to play with or against. It doesn’t even match the cowboy aesthetic. It’s just a failure on every front.


Yeah, give him horse instead


Agreed. 2nd most played character for me and this ability is straight garbage, perhaps the worst in the game. Giving an unreliable ability to a character that completely relies on consistency is absurd.

over 9000 hours on this hero, just give Cassidy a new ultimate that isnt deadeye in this press Q to win videogame or buff his range

bros played 9k hours and is still plat :sob:


Sig is his wall, remember?

peaked higher than you on Cass no doubt. My power levels are higher

Give him a lasso, he can use it like a Hog hook and pelt the enemy with bullets.

The only thing I can find by searching magnets and cowboys is a picture of Roy Rogers.


Give him chaw that he can spit in people’s eyes, blinding them for three seconds.

It’s an arcing, single-target projectile, so it’s a skillshot that doesn’t lock out abilities.


Or the exact same ability but he tosses a tumbleweed at them. The tumbleweed then covers their screen for a few seconds.


Nothing wrong with that. Plat is already like in the top 25 percentile of players. I don’t think people realize how rare it is even be in the top 25% of strictly competitive ranking systems.

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But after 9 thousand hours? Thats 375 days


your power levels are way lower than me on Cassidy, mine are over 9000

But he has the high ground.

There’s a reason they gave Cassidy the Goku hair, not the spike hair.

If only he had the Obi-Wan skin.

I know Star Wars more than DBZ

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That be dope, or Boba Fett

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Or even Cad Bane, Captain Rex can work too.

just give me his range back. Ill be happy enough!

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