Rework Cassidy grenade already

It’s quite common to spend a lot of time practicing something, anything, and still be average at it afterwards. We all have our limits. Things like hand eye coordination can be improved through training quite a bit, but not everyone can reach the skill ceiling due to lack of innate talent. An even more important limiting factor is our genetically apportioned time perception. Often reduced to thinking about as reaction time, but it’s an oversimplification. How fast we can assess and process information and make the right decision, especially under pressure, can be improved with practice, but only to a point and it’s different for each of us.

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There’s a lot of people here that don’t understand bell curves and think that everyone can be 90th percentile if they try hard enough.

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The devs agreed on behalf of the community that the ability in question is good enough and or fun enough. We just need to agree that it is and move on

Imagine if it was a flashbang. No not the stun from OW1 but an actual flashbang…