Rework Brig into a healer

Why does a support need a stun, and a boop on a stick that does 70 damage? Brig seems like a DPS who they gave a passive and a new E to make a support. The main things that need reworking are her ult and her shield bash. Brig needs more healing in general so buffing her base hps might be a good choice. Shield bash shouldn’t have existed in the first place since brig doesn’t need it; she already has the whip to protect herself. I’d say it should be replaced with a healing ability. Here are a few random ideas

  • extend your shield to the left/right to protect a teammate
  • heal anyone standing behind you’re shield (this might work with her small shield
  • damage dealt to the shield during the next few seconds will be sent back to your team as healing (This could boost brig’s difficulty a little)
    Giving armor to her team could work, but it needs to be changed around so it can block enemy ultimates. Maybe make it give more armor( a couple 100 or so) faster but when the ult ends the armor immediately goes away.
    If everything I said is horrible plz don’t get mad, You can’t deny that brig is bad out of goats and she should be fixed up a little.

A common misconception is that “support” is synonymous with “healer.”


they’ve already had this discussion. in broad strokes, sym or even torb (old one at least) could be “support”, but they decided they fit better in the defense (now dps) section and that support is pretty much = to healer in this game

We’re already deep into semantics at this point, so I’ll just point out that Brigitte already heals more than Zenyatta, ignoring his ultimate. Does he need to be reworked into a healer too?


im not getting into the whole rework brig thing, as I think the devs probably have that better covered than me, just pointing out the direction they went in with the whole support/healer situation

Okay, but that’s literally the title of the topic you’re commenting on.

Zenyatta is a support who can heal.

Brigitte is a support who can heal.

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They removed non-healing support roles from the game but if you want brig to have a non-healing support role then how about remove her healing abilities entirely.

They removed the “Defense” role from the game, which never included heroes with healing… so no.

I never said or implied this.

  1. I’m not the developer, I don’t decide how they change the heroes.
  2. I think Brigitte is fine the way she is.

Brig needs her bash and whipshot. Whipshot deals with Winston dva. Shield bash deals with genji tracer. The backline in this game was fragile brig still fixes that.

zenyatta is a secondary support, he provides benefits to his team other than healing (discord orb) and his ult blocks enemy ults and attacks. lucio is the same way. plus zenyatta and lucio’s healing don’t require interaction with enemies to enable so they have more time to heal outside battle and don’t need as high hps

And? Are you suggesting that Brigitte is a main healer?

Well, I wasn’t around to respond recently but you’re wrong. Symmetra was a non-healing support hero for quite a long time. But you probably didn’t know that.

If you think Brig belongs in the game you’re a fool.

Good argument, you probably convinced someone. ^^

Maybe you should make your own game without Brigitte? Otherwise, you don’t get to decide who’s in the game.

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I’m confused at what the issue is. “Why does a support need a stun and a boop on a stick”? Because those are utility abilities. Lucio has a boop (way better than Brig’s whip), Ana has a sleep dart, Zen has a +25% damage taken debuff. These are support abilities, i.e. you use them to give your teammates an advantage. Her M1 is melee range and her M2 is a tiny shield for survivability. She clearly has a support ult. Everything about this character screams support.

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I’d prefer to have the game before they did their best to ruin it with that terrible addition.

well then you aren’t too bright, brig has way too much utility in this current day making her result in a must pick, her stun knockback healing, and 1v1 potential makes it pointless to pick any dps hero in the game right now, and because she stacks a 3rd healer you can stack a 3rd tank with the extra healing. as long as brig exists as is goats will be the meta.
there’s a reason the top level of overwatch is dying and it’s brig.

I see your point, I’ll get better about that. Thanks for the knowledge! Most people here just seem to be full of opinions and insult anyone they disagree with, you’re a breath of fresh air.

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I somehow like your suggestions

And yes, brig def. Needs a rework. Shes either utterly broken (in goats) or just bad (in every other comp)


The devs aren’t going to remove brig anytime soon. The reality is that they put months of work into her and they’re not going to waste it. I’m not saying she needs to be a main healer. Sym was never a support, she could give ppl extra health but thats not the same as healing. Half of brig’s kit are dps and tank abilities, i just want more healing abilities so she can actually be viable as a healer when 2-2-2 comes around.

have you seen brig lately? she’s become all but extinct, she’s only really picked in the 3-3. her pick rate is relative to sym throughout the ladder.