Rework Brig into a healer

I dont see the problem with brig at all, she hasn’t been picked often (at least not in silver/gold ranks), and when she is picked, a simple 5 seconds of shield focus breaks it and shes alive for even less than that afterwards. She heals with every swing that makes contact with balanced heals, she can throw out her heal/temp armor pack for others, and her ult also heals and adds armor until used. Looking at all the other heroes, shes pretty balanced and belonging in the support role she was put in.

This right here is why I was so against making Sym a DPS, because after you take away the support that can’t heal you make it seem like all supports HAVE to heal well in order to be a support.

Brig is fine. If you got a problem with her then switch to her counters. Can’t play her counters? Then learn.