Rework Bastion to get rid of bunker

ay i suggest some changes to this?

  • reduce health to 200
  • give him a short window of invinvibility during transformation

bastion in sentry mode is a sitting duck anyways. theres no reason for him to be as tanky, since in a mediocre team there will ALWAYS be a shield in fron of him. the opposing team has to work around the shield, and thats hard enough. they shouldnt also have to fight against an armored 300HP beast after that. thats my main problem playing against bastion.

turret mode without a barrier is wasted in most cases anyways, no need for the extra health.


That’s just…

How do i even describe how bad that is?


great discussion. thanks.

if you want to keep the bonus health, then youll have to drastically reduce bastions fire power.

I also have this.

  • When slept, Bastion stay in turret form.
  • Increase Bastion health to 350HP (125 armor).
  • Increase his heal rate by 20%.
  • Increase his heal capacity by 20%.
  • Decrease spread from 3.00 - 2.00 to 2.50 - 1.50
  • Enable headshot with a 1.5x.
  • Decrease ammo capacity from 300 to 200.


Also during the transformation time into Sentry mode/Tanks mode, Bastion have no iron clad during the cast.

I think something like a 0 to 20% iron clad during the 1 seconds of transformation time can be great, for example :

  • 0.1 second = 2% iron clad
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Oh idk…

Maybe make him effective where he needs to be?

thats the opposite of reducing his fire power

id be all for a rework though.
make sentry mode a timed ability, like idk 10 seonds duration or until his ammo is empty.

then it takes more finesse, but opens up for some buffs.

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Well we can’t make him as useless as he is now.


He will still be able to kill people.

bastion is far from useless.

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Good discussion.

youre obviously very fixated on a specific direction so i apologize for inconveniencing you with my opposing views. have a nice day

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Yea, i’d kinda like the hero to be playable…

Sorry about that.

200 health PERIOD Is the opposite of playable when you have a Tank sized hitbox.

You cannot possibly always assume “Bastion will be behind a shield anyways”

So you would rather him be unplayable otherwise.
That makes him 100% team dependent which is the OPPOSITE of what we want.


What? Have you looked at his pickrate? He’s hardly even a part of bunker


well then take away his fire power, as i said.
if he has a tank hitbox, and tank HP, then he needs tank damage. easy, youd think.

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Not how that works.

He may have a tank hitbox, and needs Tank hp, but that’s because unlike all the tanks and dps, he cannot move when dealing the best damage he is capable of.
(Which arguably is currently not as good as staying in recon… sadly)

So he needs to be arguably more tank-y than most tanks, when in Sentry Mode to even survive.

And yes, he is a dps. so he needs quite the considerable damage output, for the downside of not being able to move.

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I feel like these two together might be a bit much. Not sure though. What is the headshot multiplier here?

I’d be okay with any headshot modifier.

Though the reason for pulling his spread in tighter is to reward aim.
The better aim you’ve got, the more damage… and the more you look at heads the more the enemy dies.

Almost like playing normal heroes.

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Removing bunker will do almost nothing to ladder. Focusing your attention on forming other metas, then bringing them to community attention, is a better move. Especially if they’re easy to play.

Bunker’s been a thing for a long time, Baptiste just augmented it to the point of viable with coordination. There are many combinations waiting to be practiced and augmented with the characters that already exist.

Fair enough. I like a lot of what you suggested. I’m just worried that making him too tanky in addition to adding to much extra firepower would be bad. He might be okay on his own but since he’s not a normal hero (in sentry anyway)
I don’t think he should play like one.

Making him more survivable could be a balance struggle because things like bunker exist. He’s fine on his own but would he become too oppressive when paired into bunker? Granted right now he’s kinda squishy. Idk. I feel like a headshot multiplier could be okay but if his spread gets too tight he won’t feel like Bastion anymore.

Actually his damage feels okay to me right now. Especially with all the damage amp abilities that he can receive. Maybe making his survivability would be better.

What if Bastion got a new type of shielding hit points similar to Hammond, but with kind of the opposite effect? For example he has 300 total hit points right now I think?

Maybe add 100 shield points on top of that, but make it so that when he is within a certain proximity to barriers his shields go down. That way he has better survivability on his own but won’t be anymore oppressive in bunker comps?

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Removing Iron-crap would help with this, as allied healing would be MUCH less effective when in any kind of Bunkers.


I’m fine with this sentiment.

What I am NOT fine with is all the “reworks” that make him non-viable ANYWHERE! Such as make him into a fat and useless version of Soldier 76.