đŸ‘ș Revert Sym's Primary (A lot of Links)

of course only tracer !!

Cause if reverted, you would have to deal with this again
 right? (Seen tracer mains complain about it.)

 i love fair battle i dont like auto aim. i think moira is enough and

i hope her primary is never reverted

they have a much better, more interesting, and easier to balance kit now than before

You do realize if Sym is auto aiming you, you were too close to begin with.

Blah blah blah we need a revert because I don’t like it.
No we don’t.

I realize nothing. I just know that auto aim is not a place in the games !!! its like cheating

You guys don’t play Sym and currently doing well while she is not
 I don’t think you opinions should matter.


good luck with revert :joy: :joy:

I miss the no aim sym cuz thats what made her her for me at least. Changing that part is like taking mercys beam away and making it shoot something so u heal or taking away bastions turret form.

Symm no-aim primary was balanced.

A ramp up damage over time melee attack that tickled you for 2 seconds to let you know that you were gona die soon.

Powerful 120 dps and yet balanced due to melee range and slow ramp up.

So it’s not about balancing around people who can’t aim. It’s about not changing heroes design 2 years in to the game where people (who can’t aim due to disability or age or skill) have gotten good with that hero, now find that they cannot play that hero.

That is BAD practice for a company like Blizzard.

lol no it wasnt, she was a troll pick!

It was actually the most balanced aspect of her old kit and wasn’t what affected her viability. The rest of her kit was bad. Her ults were extremely powerful, but limited in placement due to the fact that everyone knew where they’d be, so any flanker (or any hero flanking, like Valk Mercy) could quickly dispatch them. Her turrets were easily mitigated as well (still are).

Then you have her gun. The autolock was extremely short range and has the ramp up, justifying its auto lock nature entirely because of the 30 dps it started with. Her orbs, while inconsistent, were an extremely strong tool not only for how much potential damage they could do, but because of how strong they were in creating space. Her damage was fine, just inconsistent. The new Sym is the same, as all iterations rely on her turrets to make up for the inconsistency within her gun.

Her reliance on her turrets and how easily nullified her kits are is what has always held her back from being genuinely viable. Her gun did not.

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Tracermain reply’s on Symm forum while never playing Symm
 Makes sense

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Feel like that’s most of them

Eh idk. I think that all the primary fire needs is a thicker beam and less time to ramp up (1.5 or 1.3s maybe)

And also if they could fix that glitch where shes standing near a wall but clearly pointing the gun at the enemy and still it doesn’t hit, it’ll be much better

Playing against Symm could be another way to express one’s opinion but you dismiss that.

What would you say to people playing against her who say that the autolock feels unfair, unclear, and unfun, a complaint which seemed pretty specific to old Sym?

Hey buddy, I appreciate you linking my post. I’ve been meaning to update since my opinion on a few things have changed since we hit comp. The core theme of the post is mostly the same mind you. Note, despite being linked here I’m not asking for a full revert at all, just simple aesthetic changes as far as the primary is concerned. Better hit registration and visual feedback with a beam closer to moira’s is the direction I took it. Despite how people may feel about the new noodle, its still entirely possible to be effective with it, just not as effective as before. if we’re talking strictly primary fire as the only means of real impact then yes the new one takes getting used to as has become the last resort unfortunately. Despite that, there are plenty of other ways symmetra can affect the map that previously no one could. Not just symmetra.

Edit: I forgot to mention that in my post I did also ask for one other beam change. The change was to revert level 1 to level 2 charge (both ways) back to 1 second whilst keeping the current (live) 2 second charge for level’s 2 and 3. The reasoning for this was because of the addition of the TP. Before the one second CD hurt us because we lacked a gap closer. We now have a gap closer. This change along with the aforementioned should appease most players and even the aim purists who think mechanical is the only in game skill we need.

I really don’t see why not. It’s not like her primary was that strong, and if it was just tone down the damage a bit. I don’t really get the argument that it’s unfair, you know the range so just don’t go into her range? Should we be angry when we die to a Rein swinging his hammer too?

And since Sym isn’t allowed to damage behind shields anymore, I really hope the next character will have that at least.