It’s as logical as everything being damage boosted but dragon strike and self destruct.
Here’s a radical thought - maybe animations should look like they take the amount of in-game time they actually take?
Whatever. I’m salty right now. I’ve been very patient with all of this stuff. I plan on not touching this game for awhile until bugs and hero issues start getting worked out. And I’m not even talking balancing, I’m just talking about “this game breaking bug is now fixed.”
I’ll still do my forum lurking, per the norm, but I don’t have any desire to tank for my team if I’m going to continued to be plagued with bugs, on top of my already stewing saltiness towards the Support category. I play Moira and Ana the most, and I don’t really need to go into anymore detail about those two.
ok then, lets take away genjis animation cancels and see how he goes?
and how about doomfists too?
or briggites?
yea no, its not fair reins has his removed but others get to keep theirs.
Yeah, ok. Then let’s just put that on Reinhardt and no one else.
How about no. All or nothing.
Rein nerf? ok im glad i stoped playing this game…i feel you fellow rein mains
i hope it gets reverted
You main Rein? I’ll just add that to the pile of reasons I already like you so much!
Yeah, sorry, I meant for everyone. It’s my whole “animation cancels are cheap” argument. Make things look like they happen as fast as the engine says they happen.
Anyways I’m just saying they animations themselves should be changed, so stuff looks like it is as fast as it actually is.
Don’t give blizzard any ideas, they’ll skip your post and just read this part.
We don’t need them to nerf genji and brigitte too.
I do, actually. Between PS4 and PC he’s my most played hero by a considerably amount. And I legitimately enjoy his playstyle and just…being a main tank. I instalock Reinhardt, lol.
But right now, I’m just rather down about it, to be honest. But I know it’s a game so I’m just not going to pick it up for a bit until things simmer down some more.
It’s astounding how incompetent and out of touch Blizzard is.
It’s looking more and more like the Overwatch team has an aversion of Germans…
Ah, I gotcha, now. We’re only complaining because it’s just Reinhardt getting singled out. That on top of other bugs we’ve literally been dealing with for 2 years now. Collectively, we’re just starting to stew into an angry pile of molten salt.
Nah, I understand. I hope they fix Rein. I just learned to play him this meta.
I think what also starts to aggravate us is that some people are literally trying to justify his bugs by saying “well, he’s OP, and well his pickrates”. Like, can we just not…
He’s actually surprisingly difficult to master and understand. Every little fine detail matters. And part of those fine details are what the latest bugs are now attacking, so naturally, we’re getting triggered.
I don’t think it’s down to the team not being up to task perse.
I think there are so many people that have quit playing the game and so many complaints on these forums that the devs might be forced to listen more to the wishes of the playerbase instead of sticking to the science. I feel the game is slowly becoming less and less balanced and it might have to do with so many people complaining.
Every day I stray further from maining tanks
If they make Orisa any worse, then I think I’ll start instalocking dps
Rein shatter bug - YouTube lets add a new bug too.
Oh boy, another bug… lovely …
Cant even tell what exactly happend xD