They increased movement speed of shooting DVa before. I don’t see why Reinhardt’s speed can’t be changed.
I think that more heroes creates a more flexible meta and more room to experiment, but I guess that’s getting a little off-topic.
I agree with you - they need to fix the broken heroes. I get excited every time I see new Doomfist bug fixes, and then am disappointed to play him and find a brand new set of bugs. Same thing with Rein. This is the kind of thing that will cause people to leave Overwatch.
well, good luck getting through to blizzard and asking for so
Why can’t we just let rein use his abilities without lowering his shield…I’ll happily accept that as compensation for removing animation cancels
Does anyone have a clip from that change? I’m not at home at the moment so I can’t load up OW
Can you imagine if our developers above patched out all animation cancels?
It would be like that time they screwed up the servers with a vulcanic ash bug and most of the playerbase quit, imao what was that about?
I think this would actually give him a needed buff, but I’m having a hard time imagining what fire strike would look like while one hand is holding up his shield
For some reason bliz thinks that doesn’t make sense, so I’m adding some filler text in the hopes it works…
I have no idea. All I know is animation cancellations have been a thing in games like this since forever. Even in WoW you can cancel stuff.
I used to defend them too but i’m not blind and i can see how bad things have been lately.
Moira can’t heal through barriers,
Mercy can’t damage boost dragon strike or self destruct,
junkrat’s projectile size nerf (a area denial hero that as bad at area denial now, only they could do something like that)
Sombra’s changes (made her easier to use with less management at the cost of making her even weaker and even then they didn’t improve her in anyway)
Bastion being ignored for almost 2 years.
Symmetra’s half baked rework (it has the potential to be good but they rushed it, they didn’t look at any of it’s problems and then they released it live like that)
The mercy meta that has lasted months and months and it’s still going strong.
And these are just from recent memory, I can see why everyone is getting sick of everything lately and i am too.
yup true, most of their balance changes are without reason
-suddenly moira cant heal through barriers despite no one complaining of it??
-nerf mercys healing output when its rez that upsets people
-nerf tracers pulse bomb despite that being the only part of her kit people didnt complain about
and now remove reinhardts animation cancels, the only mechanical differences that set apart good reins from mediocre ones and allow him to have counterplay and mind games with the enemy. gone…
There is now no different between bronze and grandmaster Reinhardts besides positioning and common sense, this is a sad day when they’ve messed with the crusader and the go to main tank that has been balanced since launch.
And now Earthshatter has more bugs than before, lol. WHAT FUN
Yay! it just keeps getting better and better! (sarcasm)
oh my god… they removed the ability to shatter if your hammer was past barriers…
dudde that is such a huge nerf… i dont know how many games ive won because I was just about able to jump through an orisa shield or reinhardt barrier and shatter them…
why blizzard, why are you already nerfing the most pathetically exploitable and unfun hero to play, its like they want main tanks to be unenjoyable??
I think the Rein thing is probably a literal bug that will be fixed.
I don’t like animation cancels in general, but silently removing them from one hero while others keep them, even if they’re ridiculous and excessive (Genji), is not fair. And Rein doesn’t need any nerfs, he’s just meta because he synergize with heroes who are overpowered (Hanzo).
Well, logically it makes sense for those physics to happen. If people are TOO close to you, they aren’t affected by ES because of where the hammer falls down at. I’ve had it happen to me before several times. So the barrier thing just seems borderline retarded.
I don’t know what’s happening anymore.
I’m just trying to imagine playing Doomfist without cancels…t’would be busted af.
Genji would be terrible without cancels too, actually any character would, even brigitte.
They all would be terrible. Animation cancels are a normal part of games like this. I’m just going to stand by my belief it’s a bug since it seems stupidly unfair to target only Reinhardt with this, and no one else.
I also find it weird that somehow he ended up with these bugs…like what. Maybe Hammond mechanics somehow screwed him up?
i get that its logical, but blizzard doesnt balance around logic. none of the characters do so why does rein suddenly have to get “it wasnt logical so despite reins ult already not working most the time and him already being severly unfun to play were going to nerf it”