Revert Mercy (20 characters)

Basically, the devs had a b**** fit about the use of profanity in the video calling it defamatory so Aria made a censored version that doesn’t have profanity.


Which was fixed before the rework.

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After lol…

No, it was fixed shortly before the rework.

That doesn’t really make my point any less valid. Fix a problem that resulted in a rework just before the rework gets put on live servers…

It shows that it wasn’t a problem, something else was.

Okay just did a little research. Performance based SR was removed just before the starting of season 8 which means the rework was put on live servers long before that. Also, change requires time. If the problem was fixed just before the rework and people still hide as Mercy, then obviously you haven’t given them enough time to determine whether the problem had been solved.

I’m not talking about that one. There was a separate fix specifically for Mercy before that.

When I say broken SR system, I’m referring to the performance-based SR which rewarded players for hiding as you’d get more players ressed by doing so which then lead to you earning more SR.

Then you expend an equal number of ultimates as them to counteract said ultimates… Or fewer. A team of five that is missing their main healer is cannon fodder.

Furthermore, because you have the overbearing advantage in the first fight, staggering deaths and making a 4+ rez impossible shouldn’t be that hard. The first step is to get a pick and count to five before engaging.


happy that mass rez is gone, happy that it’s never coming back, happy that devs are not listening to the whinings and falling under bullying of mercy brigade.


The devs don’t listen to anyone lol.


that’s true actually lmao.

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They added a separate fix before the rework because of the whole Mercy one trick problem. I don’t remember how it did exactly but one of it’s side effects was what causes Mercy to have low on fire rates.

What if the Mercy is on the attacking team? You can’t exactly choose when to engage and you can’t just let them kill you. It’s even harder considering that you respawn after 10 seconds, meaning you have to wait around that long before you can kill them.

Im just curious, you have the top 500 icon, what do YOU consider hiding? Because there is a difference between “oh they are about to ult and I really shouldn’t die with rez, let me take cover” (good game sense) and “oh I have ult, let me chill back here till I have a chance for a 5 man” (abusing the system to the detriment of the team) You climbed THAT high and never noticed the difference between the 2?

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It’s pretty hard to dispel the “Hide n Res” propaganda :joy:.

They did not get their abilities back, actually.

Then your team already has the positioning advantage of being on defense, and the enemy walking in 5v6 isn’t going to end well for them either.


Watch ANY bronze-GM stream and you’ll see that you’re wrong. I watched 3 different streams for 4+ hours each, ranging in lower levels to their final GM moments. I only ever saw 2 Mercy players hide. One being in Fitzy’s stream, that lost the enemy the team fight because she hid, and another was in Stevo’s stream where a Mercy hid on Illios Lighthouse (who stated he doesn’t play Mercy) and still lost because he hid, first off, and second, he messed up the Resurrect after doing so, ressing only one player to die again. That’s all.

On top of this, after watch many streams, I NEVER saw a single 4 OR 5-man res. I saw 3… THREE 3-man ressing (each still lost the fight), and AAAALLLL the rest being 1-2 man resses, which is basically what Mercy 2.0 does now, on top of having another ultimate on top of that.

This means Mercy is doing the EXACT same resses she almost always did, on top of having a new ult. Do you not see the problem?

Just because she had the POTENTIAL to big Res, does not mean it WOULD happen. And even if it did, that does not mean it was a good or useful Res.

Potential =/= execution.

This Mercy is obviously extremely unhealthy for the game, being a must-pick in all ranks at all times, whereas old Mercy was very popular in lower ranks and drastically fell off in higher ranks. I can provide pickrates if you want.

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True, but they have the element of surprise, which means it would be easy to realize their Mercy is hiding when you have 2 tanks in your face. There’s also the fact that even when only 5 members are present, they can still take down 2 to 3 enemies before they a rezzed and once they are, they have a much stronger advantage.