It’s that time of the year where blizzcon and Overwatch 2 news are around the corner
But in the mean time let’s suggest a forbidden word, not found on the blizzard dictionary, let alone the papa Jeff dictionary
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You can look it up there’s nothing, anyway let’s buff sombra and symmetra by doing these good and healthy changes, reverts of a change noone asked for, wasn’t needed, and was overall unhealthy
- How is limited better than infinite?
It’s not about the duration, rather the consequences of having an unrealistic duration, have to be balanced and kept down significantly for a potential that it’s not quite real let alone useful
- Why a full revert when it sucked?
Most of the playerbase (not necessarily from the hero) prefers it like that because of the dynamic gameplay, it also didn’t suck, it just had a higher skill floor and ceiling
- Why a full revert?
It doesn’t necessarily have to be a full revert, rather bring back the limited version with the most impactful thing it did when it was limited
~~Proof that infinite is worse, and limited is better~~ ignore this no longer relevant
~~Best prove we can provide is dva’s matrix, at the very begging lifespan of the game, dva had an infinite matrix in a 10s cooldown, she sucked
Sure there are more factors of why she sucked, such as bomb damaging her or shooting slowing her down significantly, but one thing that is true is that having it changed to a resource meter made her
Here’s proof that infinite is bad, you can’t be effective with matrix only dva, but you may want matrix at a very specific moment and you no longer have it, this fluidity is why resource meter is better, and why OG stealth and Teleporter were better~~ turns out it was never infinite and I got bamboozled by me, thanks to comments I was able to fix this mess
Starting with my girl sombra here are the proposed changes
Stealth with contesting points
Duration is now 5s (reverted)
Speedboost Increased from +50% to +75%
Can contest objectives while cloaked
Stealth with longer time but no contest objectives
This is the semi revert that removes the most annoying cheese thing and instead highlights what made it Powerful and increases on it
Duration is now 10s
Speedboost Increased from +50% to +75%
Cast time to enter stealth reduced from .8s to .65s
Sombra FAQ
- Why is being forced out of stealth better?
You aren’t forced out of stealth, they are telling you when you’ll run out
Or do you get forced out of dva boosters? Does rein charge get forced out? No!
There’s clear information of when you’re getting out of stealth
- What are the advantages of this?
Some people want to underrate it and not appreciate it, but the parkour let you to nearly every position of the map
It’s niche? Maybe, but it’s a possibility, and a good one, if you want it to compare it to something similar, imagine that pharah no longer boops herself with the blast, soldier can no longer rocket jump, junkrat can’t jump with the mines, see where I’m getting at?
Losing these massive advantages for these heroes would mean a lot to those who main them, which is why me and many others miss the glory days of stealth
Is not that current is bad and unplayable, it’s just that old one was better, at least for a not-afk-scout
- How is it healthier? Sombra will suffer
It’s healthier because mastering it leaves more reward, you can get creative with it, and you basically have the possibility of being more effective
It’s also healthier for the enemy because they don’t have to worry about you 24/7, and it doesn’t lead to the current cheese strats of today, farm EMP, stay in backline 15 years, EMP
Instead it brings a much more dynamic and harder to use sombra, sombra was one of the hardest heroes and I think it should remain that way, making the only part of relative “low skill” her hack, while normal players who don’t invest time in her won’t get as much value
- I didn’t like finite stealth! Too short! Why would I want this?
This is where you’re covered, with the no contesting points but longer time you should be able to get a middle ground of the best of OG while not being under much pressure
- I saw sombra players having to hide and then go back just like mass Rez mercy, therefore isn’t healthy, why would you want this?
Although it is true that you’d sometimes need to hide, there are 2 things to consider
- Did anyone complain? I don’t think so
- You only hid for 6s until it was back on cooldown, and it was usually once per point, after you were set up you wouldn’t do that, also thanks to the longer duration this might not happen much at all
Going with our favorite portal character, here's what the TP reverts look likeTeleporter
Duration reduced to 8s
Cooldown is still 10s (turns out it had more downtime)
- Now I think sym could use much more, I don’t see why in 2021 a normal ability has
400hp(turns out it’s 300), IMO it should be reduced to 200 and lower the cast time to compensate
Symmetra FAQ
- Why is it better?
It makes her more dynamic, and one major thing that was lost is that you can no longer use TP to save teammates, and symmetra has become taximetra, to either from spawn to point or from save point A to save point B, perhaps a highground, however this limits the team’s position to 1 spot and symmetra can’t flank often
- Why would this be healthier?
It significantly improves symmetra’s capabilities by being creative and fluid, although she can still be an out of spawn taxi to immediately switch off, a good symmetra will be much better and show much more with her, her total potential raises because her ceiling raises
I want to sincerely apologize to tornado because shield generator isn't mentioned, however, it would be a much better ability than trash can turrets... AnywayMost sym players if not the majority of the playerbase agrees that finite teleporter was better, however with Sombra is more splitted, between which one is easier and which one is less stressful, making it more/less fun
But none of them mention that sombra infinite is better, just easier
So after this if you still don’t believe old stealth was better but kinda understand why old tp was better, you can compare them both side by side and find the exact same functionality flaws in both of them
Hope you enjoyed reading an essay
Edits: Number fixes
Edit: Sym number fixes to match her old tp with a better state