- Nobody likes triple shield meta.
- Streamers and other personalities who are supposed to represent your game at its best call this game “dead” and unplayable due to how stupid this meta is.
- Everything was much better before goats.
- There is literally no reason to not do it.
Just revert the hero balance and start over from there.
Huge balance changes were supposed to come with role queue, all we got is a Brigitte overnerf and some random changes.
The changes on PTR are really confusing. Symmetra nerf is definitely deserved, but why does Zarya need a nerf? She doesn’t even have her own place in the meta. Another one of your Random™ changes. In what world does Sigma need more explosion damage on accretion? So less effort is rewarded more?
I’d really like to see how balance changes are decided, because you seem so disconnected with your playerbase, especially the people that represent you and your game.
I don’t think it would make a difference. We’d still end up in a double shield meta because Orisa and Sigma are busted af.
Why is every meta the worst one?
It’s not. That’s a really ignorant comment.
Wasnt that grav dragon meta? Dont you wanna go back a little more?
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Because the devs become more clueless and disconnected with their playerbase with each meta shift.
That wasn’t even a bad meta. I’d gladly take it over our current “shoot the shield” meta.
I want to play a first person shooter and fight other players… Not a shield breaking simulator.
That would mean that Doomfist gets his old CC, Slam range and more importantly Ultimate back!
Yeah, let’s not do that.
I love him the way he is now
okay… 20 meter slam is tempting
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The game was closer to being balanced at the end of the mercy meta, only her and the new hanzo were OP.
But then came Brig and you know what happened.
You can be sure, with hero balance pre goats and role queue on top of it, we would be in so much better place.
Brigitte would recieve very different balancing, especially.
I just want this powercreep gone, damage and healing output has gone over the roof.
On which heroes is healing output too much? Maybe Moira and Ana? The others seem fine to me, tbh. Zen, Lucio, and Mercy all seem to have pretty balanced healing.
Rein and Winston can’t make proper space due to the current damage powercreep. Nerfing damage of the top DPS is likely the best option as in current balance a hero Like Rein is getting melted in the firestrike cast. The way we counter barriers is by breaking past them more so than breaking them.
Moira, Ana, Baptiste.
Mercy is balanced, she might be the only balanced healer with Lucio.
Zen is more of a problem with his discord.
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I honestly think it’s more due to Orisa/Sigma being too strong than Rein being weak. Rein was just meta not long ago.
Also the Lucio speed nerf really, really hurt Rein and needs a revert.
According to these forums it is.
Every time something is strong they want it deleted.
Every meta that comes is called the worst ever until the next one. After a few months of it being gone people want it back.
No feature is ever an improvement. People constantly request something, but once they get it they say it ruined the game.
To be honest, i’d put Baptiste in with Mercy and Lucio.
He seems pretty balanced to me.
Moira, well… she dishes out heals like crazy but offers no utility at all.
Ana is ahh, too strong in my opinion. Her healing is through the roof and her utility is second to none.
Zen on the other hand has been constantly meta since the game got out. That’s proof enough to me that he’s too strong bUt He HaS nO mObIlItY sO iT’s OkAy
Idk why you’re so negative towards the community, but that’s definitely not true. There are plenty of changes people love. People care about the game or they wouldn’t bother giving feedback. Opinions vary by person, so your blanket statements on what the community wants / doesn’t want are really silly.
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I agree on Baptiste and Moira.
Ana -might- be slightly OP, but it is not because of her healing. She has only one opportunity to burst or AOE heal, at the expense of her borderline OP antinade capability and her ability to self heal. Otherwise she has strong, but aim-dependant single target healing. Antinade is the only reason she is borderline OP, her healing is fine.
Zen is B tier right now, so it’s funny that you bring that up in this meta of all metas. Bunker or GOATs-lite is all about the double main healers.
The problem is that if you nerf Ana / Moira in terms of healing (They certainly heal too much) you have to put Bap on par with them, he already competes with both if you don’t he’ll be too strong.