Revert hero balance back to where it was before Goats

Rein was meta in triple tank where there was a ton of damage mitigation happening. He had Zarya, D.Va, and Brigitte all providing him good damage mitigation.

Granted if they were to nerf Orisa, I’d just make it so halt doesn’t go through barriers. That alone would be pretty good honestly.

In my Balance Almanac thread, I discussed how each new meta is the result of the previous, since Blizzard buffs more than nerfs.

So Bunker is awful because of the Bunker Paradox.

Break Orisa barrier > break Sigma barrier > counter Lamp > counter healing made.

If you don’t live and counter all of those steps, then you have to start again.

So those Ana buffs back in the sweeping support buffs is a contributing factor to why this meta sucks.

For the average player they’ll just over exaggerate, but I put thought into that thread.

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IMO Dive needs major buffs and lucio speedboost should be reverted to enable zarya/rein comps more.

Either that or we need a lot of nerfs to bring every1 back in line.


Yes please


Halt isn’t supposed to go though barriers. A few times latency, the king of all scapegoats, made it so halt looks like it is going through my shield. You have to make sure the shield is pointed in the direction of where the halt is going to pull you.

No it goes through barriers, I play Orisa time to time.
The projectile, not the pull.

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I just hit 690 hours on the premier barrier tank in Overwatch, but okay.

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Play tanks myself all the time but okay.
Feel free to test it yourself. You can shoot halt through a barrier and slow down a push gaining your team 1-3 seconds easily. Especially important when you have a hero like Bastion.

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You’re forgetting that her biotic grenade also increases the healing her alies get, no matter the source.
And her aim-dependent heal… the ally hitboxes for her shots are far larger than usually, not saying that she doesn’t need to aim at all.
Biotic grenade is too strong eitherway. Cutting off 100% of enemies is a death sentence during any team fight especially on tanks.

GOATs-lite lmfao, that’s a good one. I can see myself calling it that.

Zen is still a good pick, however. He has never been in a bad situation, not even during dive if i remember correctly.

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Not every change is because of the meta.

The only reason Sym and Zayar got nerfs was because of their accuracy buff. Which clealry made them do a bit too much damage.

Also before goats it was a double sniper bunker comp anyway. And reverting back to that patch would mean tanks we just re dominate the game to counter widow like it did previously.

Every time I play Illios Well I test it. When Orisa throws out Halt, I point my shield in the direction of the pull and it doesn’t hit me. I play all the tanks and Illios Well is hardest on Reinhardt, or would be if I wasn’t so damn proficient.

What they were talking about is that it shouldn’t go through shields while it’s still travelling.

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That would be a giant nerf to Orisa. Frankly it is unnecessary. As Reinhardt I will intentionally get pulled so I can block the other people who get pulled as well.

I can see what you mean, but there is zero reason to change Halt.

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The bugfix didn’t make Zarya’s damage as relevant as Symmetra’s.

I’d gladly take grav dragon.

I specifically remember people saying goats was the worst meta of all time and now they denying it saying it’s better than shield watch. Don’t lie, you guys complain about every meta please just shut up. Just accept that the balance team is clueless and we have to deal with this game.


Good. He also had longer cooldowns and less shields. I liked him that way.

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Watch blizzard ignore this while working on the next sombra nerf :joy:


Zarya melted everyone just like sym’s beam. Both of them were deserved. (not the width change)

I vouch for putting Sigma back on the development bench and having his kit looked at again. It has been every Orisa players’ wet dream to have another tank hero with consistent damage, close range CC and a deployable shield but now that the game has degenerated into barrierwatch starring Doomfist it feels like nobody is enjoying the game anymore. I should feel good about the game now that most of my flex heroes are top tier, but instead I feel like in a lot of games I’m not even having fun because all I’m doing is slowly taking down the enemy barriers with actual elimination potential times being a few seconds