I’m getting really sick of getting blown up over and over again. Even just a slight focus from the enemy team, and you usually get blown up like the Fourth of July. (I don’t need advice on brig guys.)
What the hell is this blizzard?! This is a sick joke. I really thought you’d guys wake up by now and revert it. I’ve taken every nerf you’ve given to her in stride because she did too much, but this is ridiculous. This goes against the core of her hero design.
Stop pandering to whoever convinced you to do this shady act. Freakin play for a few games for the love of god.
I know there’s brig haters out there, but guys this is far too much.
And while your at it fix Baptiste damn it. The support role already has the least heroes and most are aren’t even that fun anymore.
My love for support is at an all time low from playing this game since season 6.
Give Brig back her hp. Fix Baptiste and try doing experimentals for him. Give Moria a utility. Nerf Ana’s nade and revert her other stupid wrong nerfs. Thank you. 
Edit: Thanks for the support guys. Means a lot.
Welcome to being literally any other non-tank character in the game.
She has a 250hp shield, she’s still the most likely squishy character to survive focus fire.
You have 450 hp if you get blown up you’re out of position
Oh hello 2 known brig haters on the forums. I’m sure you guys are loving brig’s state right now. 
She has a 250 hp shield that regenerates slower now and if it does break it takes longer to come back that is tied to her only form of movement which is shield bash. She is a close range melee hero. She was meant to be anti-dive, and she has a hard time pulling that off unless if you have a fully coordinated team that is prob diamond plus.
New flash most people don’t play at that level or ever will.
Making a hero so crappy that only a small percentage of people can enjoy playing is bs, and you know it.
I’m not letting this one go. Brig’s health nerf was unnecessary. It was a sin, and it has destroyed what she was meant to be.
I’ll take all the other nerfs. This is not okay.
Please keep in mind she has no mobility, big hitbox and she can only do stuff at close range unlike other supports
Me: Engaging alone in the frontlines hoping my team would follow me to provide them healing * dies *
My team: Brig you’re trash
reddit lucio: Ults out of panic
Why can’t you improve to the level of that small percentage?
What’s holding you back?
If you make brig good for lower ranks she’s op in higher ranks and removes Lucio and mercy from the game completely
And I don’t hate brig, I actually enjoy playing her and the style she brings to double shield, but she can’t be balanced for all ranks just because of her design
According to some people on the forums she was busted pre-nerfs her pick-rate in the lower ranks is the lowest wanna clarify that?
They really need to make her either a main healer or an off support, not both.
If they make her a main healer, partially revert inspire, nerf barrier, take 1s from repair packs cooldown and give her 1 more and let them apply armor, and reduce whipsot knockback and damage and remove the stun from shield bash
If they make her an off support then increase her shield hp and decrease movement penalty, make the shield wider, her healthpool back to 250, 1 repair pack which does 200HP heal, increase her base damage to 40-45
Yeah because if you picked her consistently you wouldn’t be low rank anymore XD
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She was busted before her nerfs because she did everything too well when used close to correctly, when people were climbing from diamond to GM only with brig there’s a clear issue
My god I’ve given up on comp 2 seasons ago for one.
Being a girl on mic is another. The fact she requires team coordination, but if I try to communicate I get so much toxicity I’d be better off not trying.
“Get off brig”. People don’t even give me a chance.
People immediately shut you down on brig.
Ps4 comp is a freakin joke.
I’ll switch off brig if needed. But if I’m getting dove over and over again trying to play brig to survive against the divers or help peel for the team, doesn’t work as well anymore.
Huh nice joke! playing brig promotes you to gm directly
Don’t you see the problem here though?
If they buff Brig to the point that she’s good without coordination, she’s going to be OP in ranks where people are automatically coordinated and know what to do.
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You really are going to be that low to say that as a melee hero she didn’t deserve the health nerf!?
Forget the rank bs.
She isn’t even close to fun anymore.
What is brig anymore? Ask yourself.
This is not fair. 
Yes but even with coordination she still requires a lot of butt wiping similar to bastion. That’s not how an anti- dive pealer should be.
Y’all are acting like I’m asking for the moon. The hp nerf damn it that’s it. Revert it.
If she doesn’t have this hp she is a health pack bot and rarely can you risk to go in to inspire. Boring boring boring.
I want my shield maiden back. Do I want raid boss brig no. But I do want to be able to inspire, shield up, regenerate health, inspire. The way she is now she loses hp to rapidly most times to keep that beat.
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I guess the moba side in overwatch is over it is time for me to leave this game for good tho I’m leaving to paladins
Brig still has her place, she’s okay in ranked in slower comps that you don’t have any heroes to pocket, so when some ranked comp like Sig zarya tracer genji ana comes out and the enemy have divey DPS brig is good there, she’s by no means a must pick but she still gets about the same heals as other supports and if you manage your cd’s correctly you can deny multiple angles and deny enemy value, aslong as you don’t walk in and try and 1v1 reins you’re fine
She needs +50 health back and half of her aoe heal nerf back.