Mobas are slowly evolving as well.
Getting rid of autoattacks, using WASD for moving, making everything require aim, so yeah idk but best of luck.
Uggggggh. I want to hit my face against a wall. I don’t need you mothering me with brig advice.
Please stop.
Please listen.
I don’t think asking for the hp nerf to be reverted is unreasonable. She has plenty of counters. She has a very hard time with the heroes she was meant to counter for Christ’s sake.
I’d rather have her hp back and hell nerf something else. The way she plays now is so stale. Makes me want to puke.
Keep in mind this is me saying this with 150 hours post goats rework brig.
I’ve adapted. I’d eaten all the peas blizzard served me. This is NOT alright.
I guess most people want off healer Brig.
IMO, 250 hp Brig with 200 barrier was cooler than this version. I understand Brig shouldn’t be this full time front-line character, as a support it’s cool to step back and distribute some packs as a healing manager.
Maybe they should revert it to that and tone down the packs only.
- 250 total hp (50 being armor)
- 200 barrier, with 100/s regen and 3s CD after broken
- Inspire back at 21,6 hps and self-heals half inspire
Change the Packs
- Now, for the packs, make it just 2 or 1 or something else.
Mix things up
- 250 total hp (50 being armor)
- 250 barrier, with 85/s regen and 5s CD after broken
- Inspire 20 hps, self-inspire half (10 hps)
- Packs made 2 or 1 or something else
I agree this playstyle is more boring but it is definitely more balanced, she’s just okay now, she’s getting decent playtime and pulling decent numbers. What is needed is a rework but that’s not in the ow1 timeframe
Yes lets balance the whole game around 1% of its player base. That makes total sense. ¬__¬
I don’t agree that she is balanced at all. She is a lot closer to that, but they chopped a little too much off the top.
I request a revert on hp base health. I think that’s part of her core design. It’s needed to allow her to inspire safely, to not allow her to die so much by burst damage that is still very much in this game, to keep her dynamic and fun. I think they listened too much for people who cried.
I honestly think that was a wrong nerf. It was unjustified, and it saddens me that people think that this is acceptable. Mostly I think people agree because they hate brig with a passion. A lot of hate is deep rooted from her release and the fact she counters popular dps heroes.
However if that’s out of the question then I’d at least suggest taking back the shield regen nerf. Her survivability is far too team reliant because she gets bursted down so fast. This in turn requires a highly coordinated team if she is even slightly focused. Meaning she is most times an unacceptable pick in lower elos or causal game modes.
You have to choose a 1% so which 1% is better to balance around?
The issue with brig isn’t her survivability, it’s that she does everything but nothing well, she needs to be taken in a direction which hasn’t been done, more so recently by moving her into a backline support but even then she still does it meh ish and other stuff a little worse
Balancing for the top 1% is dumb and balancing for the bottom 1% would be worse. Just balance for the 98% in the middle.
You can’t seriously think that that’s possible? People in the same ranks can’t even agree on things and you want to balance for silver-masters?
I think balancing for the 5% is right. The problem is when some of the 5% is corrupt or jaded in their decisions and opinions. Don’t balance for OWL.
(To reinforce your arguments)
Balancing Brig for the top 1% is kind of contradictory as well:
They despise her for the lack of mechanical skills. She doesn’t raise OWL and Streamers excitement.
Why make her only good for the top if they don’t want to play with her?
(Same can be said for Mercy and Moira)
They said at the beginning of the year that they’d balance around higher ranks, the balancing around the 1% is something made up by the forums and the balancing around owl stuff was because they said they wanted the meta to be more watchable for the finals. Nothing was actually said about specifically balancing around owl
Generalising all of GM is kind of weird
Well in the meantime I might sound selfish but revert it because there’s only 7 freakin support we’ve been stuck with for a while now.
A lot are less fun. It’s more stressful. They’ve also made the other supports we like to play minus mercy or zen more difficult.
I’m over it. I want to make it to overwatch 2. I’m so sick of feeling like I can only play mercy or heal bot Moira. I suck at Ana. I’m not very good at zen. Lucio is situational. Moira is a boring heal bot. Baptiste is a train wreck in a boat without a paddle.
Edit: a part of me wants to say screw it and transition fully to a dps main, but I’m a support main through and through. I’ve done it for so long, and it’s a passion. Game doesn’t hold as much fulfillment or pride. Now it lacks the joy it feels more frustrating.
I don’t even need to generalize GM, most of OWL and Streamers viewership despise her usage at this point.
Why make her harder and competitive for high ranks and OWL if they don’t wanna display the hero?
That’s literally what you’re doing there, just saying all GM’s hate brig, also like saying all bronze players hate bastion or reaper
I literally asked for brig buffs yesterday, but go off
Anyone can enjoy her if they practice & get better at her. Not my fault you’re so out of position you get blown up.
Adding 1 hero and removing mercy wouldn’t help that though, brig just replaces mercy when she’s good so you wouldn’t have more heroes to play
There are Main Brig GM, that’s sure, but they are so minority, should Devs cater to them and leave the rest of the GMs unsatisfied to play against Brigs? Should they gut Brig for >90% of players and tell them to get good to climb to GM to only then enjoy a hero most people just despise?
I assure you people hate widow a lot more, but do you see the same thing there?