Return to DPS Doom?

Anyone want him back? I feel like into the Sojourn meta he’d actually have a decent chance.

That and he’s a decent counter to Soldier, who’s 2nd in the meta (alongside Tracer, although generally Tracer is favoured in the 1v1).


I would definitely at least enjoy aspects of him returning. Techs (even if theyre the numerous ones removed since beta 1 :smiling_face_with_tear: ) and Uppercut are the things I miss the most.


I don’t know why people have nostalgia around uppercut.

We used to call it a “self-stun” and it always left you open for the headshot.

I don’t miss being so easily countered…

N.O!!! For god sake NO!! He is good where he is. In skilled hand he is a good distracter tank. When was he dps - every noob could charge a bit his punch and get free kills! NO again

He’d need damage nerfs overall if he was to come back into ow2 due to less cc in the game.
This wouldn’t be hard to balance though since it’s literally just a numbers change on his abilities.

“Every noob could charge his fist and get free kills” yeh in gold mate…
There’s a reason why he wasn’t regarded as a good hero in higher ranks.


Uppercut was infinitely more fun than power block.
We called it self stun because the uppercut recovery time nerf really hurt him in higher ranks.

If they refuse to make Doom decently playable as a tank, they should revert him to DPS

Also I read somewhere a suggestion to change Wreaking Ball to DPS. Same stance here.

And just in case people accuse me of a Doom or Ball main, I’m a Support main who get killed by Doom, Ball or Hog countless times. Yet I want them all to be playable and fun, not neutered into unfun damage sponges.


Honestly this.

At the moment he just feels too… not tank. No team protection, the crowd control is limited due to him literally being frontline with only powerblock (which doesn’t negate CC still), and he just feels like a worse Ram rn.

Honestly I wouldn’t mind seeing his entire kit get shifted to the DPS role, with some tuning to damage and reduction of health. Current Doom still feels somewhat nice, but slurping up a tank role is a little… off.

I couldn’t agree more, especially with how 5v5 is I don’t think the devs will ever let doom ball hog etc be good strong tanks like other heroes.
I wish they never reworked doom, his dps form was so easy to balance with number changes especially when it comes to his damage.

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Rollouts were viable as well. Due to him being a DPS, he had the ability to go off and do his own thing without having to co-ordinate a team.

Current one feels like they’ve taken a Rottweiler, called it Pixie and put it in a damn fairy dress for all to see. Just nothing but a funny sight that doesn’t do anything.

However, let your 6 year old Genji main anywhere near him and he’ll go all dangerous dog on his annoying rear

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I don’t have a strong opinion on his balance state, but he was infinitely more fun as a DPS.

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Yes, it was awful.

I think power block is necessary as we stay in the fight more now.

They just need to add a parry mechanic to make it more engaging - more charge occurs for first 0.2 secs of block and potential CC immunity for that time (accompanied by an excellent animation)

It would make for some great plays that are entirely skill-based and the window can be narrowed so it isn’t OP.


Sadly we’ll never get to see how dps doom would fair in the current meta. I don’t think he’d be able to stop sojourn, but he’d be a bigger thorn than tracer is. Unless you manage to get on top of her without slamming, she’d probably just slide away every time and near 1-tap the doom. His 250 hp would help tremendously tho. He would need to be tuned down quite a bit. I feel the devs already tried it and couldn’t get an iteration of dps doom to work and that’s why they made him a tank.

His move to tank wasn’t for balance, it was for consistency with the rework of everything else.

The devs definitely didn’t try it :joy:
They moved him to tank to stick to their “no cc” rule then immediately went back on it.
I reckon they stuck him on tank cause the role was lacking in hero selection.

i have a pretty strong feeling they tried many iterations of DPS doom but couldnt get it to work. Either that or they got really excited over the idea of tank doom and ran with it. 1. I’d say 50/50 either way

I think the latter.
There’s no way Geoff goodman tested dps doom in ow2.

They just need to add a parry mechanic to make it more engaging

This is a cool idea. It would make playing into Orisa or Hog less painful.

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Why would anyone want a hero that one shots you back in the dps slot? One that doesn’t even have to aim the one shot in the first place? One that constantly stuns you on every hit? Is sojourn not bad enough with her one shots and constant mobility? I swear a lot of you seriously lack common sense. Dps doom doesn’t belong in OW2. with the lack of CC now, he would break the game as a dps. Doom needs to stay a tank and I personally think he’s not as bad as you all make him sound. Hes in the same spot as zarya, sigma, ball. They are all really well balanced tanks but we have obvious broken ones like orisa and Ramatra. Hog is finally gone from the meta so all we need is orisa and ram to get nerfed because they are just so dominant right now.

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