Return to DPS Doom?

Tankfist is much better. He is now more than “go in, get a kill, escape if you can”. He is more fun to play and play against. They just need to fix him because they constantly kill or giga buff him.

He really isn’t much more fun to play.
500 hours on doomfist and I hate this new version even though he’s stronger.

Dear Blizzard,

I am writing to you today to express my concerns about the current state of Doomfist in Overwatch 2. I am a long-time Doomfist player, and I have been very disappointed with the changes that have been made to him in the sequel.

I understand that you wanted to make Doomfist a more viable tank hero in Overwatch 2. However, I believe that you have gone too far in nerfing his damage output. As a result, he is now very difficult to play effectively, and he is not a very good tank choice.

I would like to propose a few changes that I believe would make Doomfist a more balanced and viable hero in Overwatch 2.

  • First, I would like to see his damage output increased slightly. This would make him more threatening to enemy heroes, and it would make him a more effective tank.
  • Second, I would like to see his abilities made more consistent. Currently, there is a lot of randomness to his abilities, which makes it difficult to play him effectively. I would like to see his abilities made more reliable, so that players can be more confident in using them.
  • Finally, I would like to see his survivability increased. Currently, Doomfist is very squishy, and he is easy to kill. I would like to see his health pool increased, or I would like to see him given some new abilities that would allow him to survive longer in battle.

I believe that these changes would make Doomfist a more balanced and viable hero in Overwatch 2. I hope that you will consider my suggestions.

Simple solution: change RP damage to 125 total

Keep slam mobility and base damage as is, but increase damage by 25 if Doom lands right on them, like Rein’s hammer with Earthshatter.

Either keep Block, but allow damage mitigated by overhealth to add to ERP charge (which will do 160-175) or switch it out for 1-2 short directional dashes with weak impact damage.

Problem solved. He keeps his mobility, he no longer OHKs, and his overall damage is adjusted to something manageable.