Requesting chat logs

Is there a way to get chat logs from game? My account was silenced for 2 weeks over a month ago and I’ve since been trying to get any reasoning aside from the standard GM Copypasta about T.O.S being breached, but not giving any specifics as to what I said that broke the rules.

From other posts I’ve read and account actions I’ve seen from friends, in most other cases they are given specific quotes of what was said that lead to action being taken. I’ve submitted like 10 tickets asking for help from the so called customer support, and each one has been closed after a GM gives the same copy paste responses, and there is no way to reopen them.

Is there a way to get these chat logs? Or do I just have to accept that I won’t be given any assistance from the company, GMs, or anyone at Blizzard or OW?

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There is no way to request them. If they are not provided at the time of the account action, they won’t be provided in the future.

Blizzard does not have to give you evidence when carrying out an account action, that’s why I suggested reviewing the EULA again in your last thread. They can revoke access to the license at any point if they deem your actions in violation with their terms.

So you opened 10 tickets for the same concern? And people wonder why the ticket queue is so long and why Blizzard needs to use template responses for the simple issues (suggesting troubleshooting, etc.).

So the absolute BEST and ONLY thing GMS and tech can do is give a copy and paste quote? Them with the same response to every ticket ever submitted, and tech with checking EULA. Glad to know where not to go for support anymore. [quote=“Nicole-1893, post:2, topic:886711”]
So you opened 10 tickets for the same concern? And people wonder why the ticket queue is so long and why Blizzard needs to use template responses for the simple issues (suggesting troubleshooting, etc.).

When it’s THAT SIMPLE and EASY of a request? And it’s a company as notoriously terrible at customer service as blizzard?

Yes. A hundred times yes I will submit multiple tickets when they keep getting closed, tell me I can re open them, and then don’t let me reopen them.

and by this logic I can just sit here and spam report you til action is taken.

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This is a hyperbolic assessment of what I said. GMs can assist with some technical, account, and purchase issues. However, there are disclosure limits when it comes to account actions.

You can open tickets until they absolutely tell you stop, but duplicate ones will be closed automatically.

Superfluous reporting wastes your time and the time of people answering forum flags/reports, and is considered abuse of the system. I advise against doing something so nonsensical.

If the punishment is already over, isn’t it time to move on?

That’s the only advice you or anyone has given through multiple tickets and, as you stated, threads.

Yes. I did open NEW tickets after previous ones were closed, I was told I could reopen them, and was unable to.

And I would love to move on from this. But please answer this. How is ANYTHING supposed to change if you aren’t told what was done wrong? Because if you just tell someone “change your behavior” but not what you want them to change, nothing will be done and you’ll be right back in the same spot later.

And thank you for confirming that the account action taken was “nonsensical”. Because that is what happened. And if blizzard can not and will not provide any form of evidence as to why action was taken, it will stand as being nonsensical actions taken against players who haven’t done anything.

So back to the original question. Is there any way to get chat logs or do I just have to accept the 0 customer service and support being given?

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You can get ONLY YOUR chat logs by requesting your data. I have done it occasionally and it is all there.

Which is what I have been asking for, and either denied by a repeated response of “you breached behavior agreements” and “read the EULA”. So there isn’t anything I can do is what I am being told.

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Not sure how I was unclear, but let me clarify: I said you reporting me for funsies was nonsensical. I have no idea why Blizzard took action on your account, other than you broke their rules and they enforced the penalties for doing so.

Exactly. You agreed that that line of action would be nonsensical. Yet you refuse to acknowledge that nonsensical action was taken on MY account when the exact same thing happened?

And thank you for finally bringing it back to the original question. What rules did I break! That’s the same as a cop pulling you over and arresting you saying you broke the law. You’d want to know what you did right? And then, imagine that the people that are supposed to help you with it can only repeat over and over “read the EULA” and THAT is the full extent of the help you’re given. So, is that the extend of how you can assist? Or is there any legitimate or meaningful action I can take?

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This is an apples to oranges comparison. Blizzard doesn’t have to provide the evidence against you—they can suspend or terminate a game license if you violate their terms (this is why I said read the EULA). For instance, when someone is banned for hacking/exploit programs, they do not state how they were caught, just that they have evidence of the violation.

I have no opinion on whether it was nonsense or not; I did not personally experience you breaking the rules and I did not review their evidence against you. What I know are these things:

  • The penalty already ended but you want chat logs.
  • Blizzard GMs are not fulfilling the chat log request and closing tickets.
  • Auto-close on tickets generally means the GMs won’t discuss the matter any further.
  • Feedback about the penalties/tickets/GMs doesn’t belong in the technical support forum. (see below)

Forum Code of Conduct

Discussing Disciplinary Actions
This category includes:

  • Creating posts or threads to discuss disciplinary actions taken against a player, including chat logs and email correspondence between a player and a Game Master (GM)
  • Creating posts or threads to discuss disciplinary actions taken against a character or account on the forums

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be given a temporary ban from the forums, depending upon severity

Arguing about the situation or the specific language of my replies won’t change any of the processes Blizzard has in place. I’m off to focus on troubleshooting technical issues.

just turn your chat off completely, not worth it.

So to sum it all up, there is 0 support that any one can give on this situation and just accept that it is a bad company with bad policies and no support to be given. Okay I’ll accept that after all I have seen and been told here.

So even asking for help on why something happened is toxic at this company. That’s amazing.

So glad asking for help leads to nothing and no explanation other than “you don’t need one” when you actually do.


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Blizzard Support - Contact Support obtain a copy of my data - there you will find a section with chat logs. but you won’t find there what you are silenced for…
btw. I don’t understand why this person is doing support if he doesn’t know that you can get chat logs yourself. it says a lot about the state of blizzard


Because that’s just a copy of your data and not specifically what the OP was asking for. And as stated, I don’t work for Blizzard.

As a bystander you seem extremely persistent in your arguments.

Do you do this kinda typing in game too? Might be why you accrued enough reports to be silenced.


And if that was the reason for the action being taken, wouldn’t you want to be told what was done wrong so you can make changes? Or are you also a fan of perpetuating problems and doing absolutely nothing to provide a positive nontoxic environment where the only support is telling you to read an unhelpful document over and over?

And is this in game or the forums? Were the literal use for the platform is to talk.

And we are well aware of that as you keep saying. BUT you are the one here who is designated on THEIR forums as “Tech Support”. And the fact that the absolute only assistance you can give is to repeat the same thing that hasn’t helped over and over is telling of the companies customer support or rather the lack of.

Looking for solutions in a tech support forum when the issue you have is with company policy probably isn’t going to get you what you’re looking for. Getting mad at volunteer help is just misdirecting your anger. Sir, this is a Wendy’s.

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The label is because I earned MVP status through troubleshooting in this forum, named Tech Support. It’s not a title for my position. As for the rest, see the reply above.

Who’s angry? I asked a simple question and was given unhelpful advice. I stated it was not helpful and asked for any other support. Recieved none other than the volunteer repeating the same thing over again. If asking for help to you is someone getting mad then look inwards lol.

And as has been previously said and pointed out, regardless of any form of employment status, as someone who is designated as Tech Support (or MVP for tech support) for the forums or game, only repeating the same message of what to read, is incredibly telling of the level of “support” this company has to offer. Especially if repeating the same unhelpful suggestion is all that’s given.

But as has also been stated in he past we aren’t allowed to make any complaints or express dissatisfaction on the forums without being threatened with being reported.

So we just have to accept that there will be no help, assistance, or progress made on the matter.

None of that is accurate. I am not the designated tech support person, or an MVP only for the tech support forum. I gained MVP access via participation in this forum, I’m not bound to it. I also post in lots of other categories.

Hyperbolic reframing of what has been said to you. No one is threatening you; I advised you of the rules.

This forum is for troubleshooting technical issues with installing, patching, or connecting to Overwatch. It is NOT for giving feedback about company policies or discussing disciplinary actions.