Request for Mercy Pink Skin in Overwatch 2

What are those signs you talk about? Because as far as i can tell nothing has been pointing towards that direction whatsoever.

My only guess is that you think that OWL and the challenge week skins that are returning here and there are in the same category as Pink Mercy, which is just not.

As others have stated, Pink Mercy is an entirely different beast, Blizzard probably dosnt even have selling rights to it anymore due to its connection with BCRF.
The closest thing we have to Pink Mercy is probably Lego Bastion. Since it involves an entirely different company and blizzard did not see any money from neither of them.

As far as i know crossover stuff in any video game has to be licensed again if they want to sell/make them available again outside of the original timeframe. Epic games cannot just decide to sell Naruto skins any time they want, it has to be agreed by all party involved.

So anyway, what it comes down to is legality, we outsiders probably never gonna know what the contract was between BCRF and Blizzard excatly, but its probably different from normal crossover stuff because unlike the latter, Pink Mercy was made specifically for BCRF and all revenue from its sales go towards the charity.
Same with Lego, since the original availability of the skin was free, so the contract probably stated that they cannot make money from it.
Think about it, there is no way in hell they would not have sold them already if they could.

The harsh reality is that if those terms are unbreakable, which it likely is because its the whole skins identity, even if BCRF want the skin to return so they can collect funds again, Blizzard also has to agree on it, and since they wouldn’t make money from it, simply put its not in their interest to sell it.
They wouldnt make Pink Mercy, one of their most demanded skin available again if they cannot make money from it, because if they do sell it, less people will buy the other alternatives which they CAN make money from. This is just one of the reasons why they potentially wouldnt do it, the list goes on and on from PR because of the outrage, legal issues how they worded the promo material back then etc etc…it simply dosnt worth it to them. All they would be able to get is some brownie points from mainstream media…so yea, not worth it.


the inclusion of Pink Mercy in the Valentines special game is an excellent example

didnt have to be included, had to have been approved by several folks, and etc

I dont have any opinion on those

I am speaking solely of Pink Mercy

if we take it as assumed that BCRF controls this, then the skin would already be available, as BCRF has gone on record as wanting the offer to return

so I dont think this is the case

No. It’s a limited time skin.


I own pick mercy and i dont even wear it, its kinda ugly

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as long as it isnt available 24/7/365, it remains a limited time skin

I advocate for the skin to be available every October, as this is BC Awareness Month

although this is stated as if it were a fact, it isnt a fact, it is rather an opinion

The fact that almost 900 thousand of these were sold in the original offer speaks volumes to me of the quality others perceive in this skin

many players have stated that this is their very favorite skin of all skins, not just Mercy skins

Oh i was speaking purley opinion based.

I donnated becuase of personal reason and the skin was a nice addition.

Its not ugly i just like her other skins more.


not sure why one would say a skin is “kinda ugly” in one post and then say “not ugly” in another


I find it ugly for my taste so “kinda ugly”

But objectively its “not ugly”

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totally agreed, amen brother

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There’s been no begging, tho

If it hadn’t been for a charity I may not have bought it

oh who am I kidding it was limited, of course I bought it

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TBH I would genuinely trade my Pink Mercy skin for Atlanta Mercy.

Skin trading, unfortunately, isn’t in the game though. Imagine if it was.

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Those are the only two scenario.
Because the breast cancer foundation doesn’t need money anymore. They fixed cancer or something. yay.

I’m confused, what did they say here that was wrong?

and yet you missed the Pink Mercy skin that had raised $12.7 million. Clearly you are one of the people that post non stop asking for the skin to return but now on a different account.

Either that or a satire post.

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IT’S VALENTINES DAY! She has a pink skin that ties in with Valentines. They had the Pink Mercy asset already in their files, all they had to do was implement it into the Valentine’s game. It wasn’t some sort of hint or teaser, they needed a Valentines Day look for Mercy and you know what? Pink Mercy ties in pretty well. There’s no secret agenda for them having that look/skin in a VALENTINES themed game!

Forget about it buddy! :sunglasses:

a cure has not been found yet, actually, and as such, the research goes on, as does the need to fund said research

fact is that it was included at all, when it didnt have to be, and had to have been approved by a number of managers to be included

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