Reports of Mercy's death are greatly exaggerated

You could argue that the lump sum of her nerfs gutted her if you want, but that’s very clearly not what this topic is about. I was addressing people saying that this nerf in particular has put her in the basement, and showing that that’s not true.

…? Her GA bounce was nerfed and then re added when it was intended from the beginning of her rework, her rez has been nerfed over and over again just for it to be a chore to use while also leaving her a must pick, her ultimate was nerfed by her speed while flying and also her HPS which affects ult as well, her HPS nerf that just came out.

1: SR system for personal based SR performance was removed and it only helped you if you got a 5 man rez, something I got rarely since it was more detrimental.

2: you’re claiming every since mercy ever did the hide and rez when you don’t know this and you’re generalizing everyone together to justify your own stupid mentality that all mercys are boosted.

3: “stupid low skill hero” nice wording.

If I already didn’t stop taking your opinion seriously from the first line I do now.

Also her rework only happened to stop Mercy’s from hiding yet the nerfs only encourage her to do that more.


Childish insults.

More insults.

Insults ……

God thanks we are done with the insults now.


mercy is far from dead

but that’s also not the main complaint i’m seeing.

The complaint is that its the WRONG nerf and they are not addressing the actual issue

The issue is the failed rework that made rez MUCH stronger and more important

which is why they are now reducing power in her base kit that was untouched for the longest time.

The rework made her OP by having an ult as an ability for free every 30 seconds.
Mercy is still stronger then ever. But she still feels weaker then ever. Her fun has been drained. She will still help win matches,but its more and more miserable to do so. You never feel like a hero.


Absolutely agree with you. :expressionless:

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If you want to have an actual discussion on the mercy issue, don’t use ad hominems.
Otherwise, don’t act surprised when your opinion is invalidated because you cannot express it without generalizing a group of people and hurling insults at them.
You’re being the stereotypical mercy hater.


I do hate mercy.
By far, the most controversial hero in the game, the only hero to be nerfed, buffed, reworked so much. For over a calendar year was the ONLY hero that had to always be picked.
A hero which if you didn’t play, it was basically a loss.
A hero which has a cult following by people who are super aggressive towards any changes of said hero.

A group which selectively forgot the past.
A group which believes she’s boring.

Passive aggressive crap.

We’re bored of mercy, we want to play other hero’s.

Stop crying about her, if she’s so bad, stop playing the game, at least that will kill two birds with one stone.

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No? It was removed because it was a bug, and re-added thanks to popular demand.

Which, incidentally, is pretty much the only time I’ve ever seen Blizzard keep a bug in OW just because players wanted it, so consider yourself blessed.

I was expecting lots of both, where’s my prize?

you could offset that by a FK load by giving her the damage she gives to people when buffing them, but let’s just cry about a healer not being able to keep someone alive through everything right?

For 2 years Mercy was able to damage boost hanzo ult.

As much as I agree that Mercy isn’t ‘dead,’ healing per game is not a useful stat to determine what healer does the most actual healing. You need to weigh in that certain maps favor certain team compositions, which leads to either longer or shorter engagements and the expected amount of time to complete a map itself is also variable.

MasterOverwatch’s healing per minute is more accurate for this purpose.

It shows that Mercy is still on top (at 1,062/min), but actually Lucio who is much closer to her than you’d think from Overbuff (at 784/min). This is likely in part to Lucio being a popular pick on King of the Hill maps, and they tend to end a lot more quickly than other map types. But he still heals quite a bit.

The rest of the list there is as follows:
Moira - 1,019/min
Ana - 779/min
Brigitte - 669/min
Zenyatta - 664/min

EDIT: Sorry, fixed numbers because I had it set to quickplay lul.

Still Ana does need a healing buff if we’re looking at ‘main healers’.

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That’s not my point.
I don’t care if you hate mercy.
I don’t care if you’re bored of mercy.
That’s not my issue.
But if you use words like “a cult following” and try to get her and the people who do like her ejected from the game because you don’t like her, no one will take you seriously at all, and your opinion will be dismissed as incoherent rambling.
If you have a reason as to why you believe mercy needs further changes, I’m open to your suggestions.
But if you just want to generalize all mercy mains, be prepared to automatically lose the argument.

How do you know all mercy players (not even mains, just people who play mercy huh?) are liars?

How do you know this?
Any further reasoning?
Or is it just hyperbolic claims for no real purpose?

That wasn’t the mercy players’ fault. Don’t get developer faults mixed in with the people who play their character.

No evidence to back this up. A passionate group of people obviously like this hero. Calling them a “cult” definitely does not help your case, if you can still call it that.

If you were referring to me, I never said I liked or disliked the current mercy state, so you don’t have any evidence of this applying to me.
If you were referring to mercy mains in general, then you are acting in a very toxic manner, and ironically deserve to get banned from the game if you keep it up.
Tldr: this whole argument is way to subjective for anyone to take seriously. At least have the common sense to add an “in my opinion” first.


Get outta here with your numbers and logic. This is a place for emotional ranting. /s

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It’s only been 2 days, but her win rate has dropped a lot. She’s not dead, of course, but the nerf has definitely been quite impactful.

Yes, because that’s clearly what all of the megathreads are about. /s

I would return to old Mercy, but that was not your question.
I would give her 60 HPS back again and a rez-meter that is charged by damage boosting allies (when they do damage of course). That damage meter should reach its 100% by about 15 secs of cumulated time of damage done in damage boost mode. The rez-meter results in the percent of HP that a rezed hero has got.
Rez should be the default 30sec [e] ability.

e.g. I could only charge 30% of rez-meter and rez a hero, he will have 30% of his life at this point.

Variant 2: Rez meter enables rez at 100%

Valkrie: I would not change that much, I would give her the ability to overheal everybody by 50 HP as long Valk is active and the beam is attached.

Yes, buff her healing and nerf her damage.

Sounds good to me.

I don’t like playing with or against players who focus on her killing potential more than her healing to begin with.

As a tank player I have a really hard time making an estimate just how much an Ana is going to do to keep me in the fight. Some do their best with healing in a team fight but others just try to gun down some Mccree on the other side of the map.

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To be fair, people are claiming she is gutted because she was reworked. They’re staying she was gutted because after the rework, she received 11 nerfs. She was massively overtuned because of the rework. She was “gutted” because every single thing that made the rework remotely enjoyable has been removed or needed to be as much of a chore or as extremely dull and boring as possible with no adrenalizing feeling or excitement to her anymore because everything is given to her or if she is in any form of danger, she can just press Q and go away (and we all know every single nerf was warranted, but when you had a Mercy that was so bad that she needed 6 buffs over and over to be any good is much different and feels off). No sense of danger or skill. Everything is given to her. That is a very large design flaw as every hero should be fun in a video game. They’re not complaining because they can’t be given SR. They want a sense of adrenaline or pressure to stay alive that she used to have. Escaping with an inch of your life to be rewarded with her Mass Resurrect ultimate (which could’ve been for even 1 target) was a lot of fun. It isn’t that everybody wants Mass Res back. It’s just that they want the fun in Mercy back.