Reports of Mercy's death are greatly exaggerated

To be fair, Mercy’s original Mass Res iteration was only buffed (she never received a nerf throughout the lifespan except at the end. 1 nerf) and this was due to her not being able to remotely compete with the other supports, even with such a potent ultimate. The only nerf Mass Res Mercy got was she couldn’t ult from spawn (wow, such a nerf), and this was just done to patch an immediate annoyance before the rework would be released.

Her being reworked overtuned and bloated the hell out of her kit that never used to be a problem.

You claim that people are complaining about Mercy being so boring and to get over it when you yourself say about 3 times in your one message how she is so boring. Do you not see the problem? It’s a VIDEO GAME. EVERY hero should be fun. If nobody is having fun with her, including Mercy players and non-Mercy players alike dislike her, there is a problem. It needs to be fixed. THAT is what people are complaining about. Not about the nerfs their selves, but because they HAVE to nerf anything that made her vaguely enjoyable just to keep a terrible rework going.

One of the big problems with Blizzard changing Resurrect to not bring a target back at full health is that it punishing the player who died. And opposed to popular controversy that “it was the player’s fault for dying in a bad position” isn’t always or mostly the case. So to punish them just for being killed is a bad design and will most likely make people hate Mercy even more for trying to do her job. Especially if they die again immediately without being able to put a real fight back (especially when CDs aren’t reset upon being ressed). It would only make the Mercy hatred worse, tbh.

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haha that couldn’t be farther from the truth lol. Moira is so easy to heal with and to keep a team alive with. Moira is fun but to me she’s easier than Mercy.

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Wonder if blizz realises that having the core kit of a hero be super weak but then reliant on one strong ability to actually work when half the time you can’t even use it is very, very bad design?

Overreliance on one ability to balance the power of a hero makes mercy nothing more than a ressbot if she can’t efficiently do anything else anymore. Main healer is easily Ana with her high pocket heals of 80hps she can muster when needed at all ranges and the utility and spot damage she brings and both zen and lucio have better utilities, damage and defensive ulti to take the offhealer spot. Mercy with 50hps certainly won’t heal enough compared to Moira and Ana’s 80hps+, she has no damage, no defensive ulti and damage boosting is not doable anymore and resurrection is unreliable.

Ress does not justify the fact that your whole team can now die due to your lack of healing as a main healer. You cannot ress everybody. Your job was to keep everybody up. Not being able to do the most important job of a healer due to idiotic nerfs is a disgrace. And being forced to heal far more forces you to foregone the other utilities mercy has due that lack of healing and her gameplay suffers. Mercy has truly become nothing more than a M1 and Ressbot, forget damage boost, you don’t have time to damage boost anyone cuz you need to be healing that Dva for 12 seconds and Rein for 10 seconds and start all over again when Hanzo uses one cooldown.

Mercy is an offhealer now, too bad for an offhealer she has no defensive ultimate. So your team can get mauled by enemy Genji time and time again and he won’t even need a nano to do it.


I understand that, then let the rez-meter be the health of Mercy after she rezzed as a contribution of her to the rez. Rez-meter is 50% so she will lose 50% of her hp when rezzing with a 3 seconds debuff where she can’t selfheal.

Bias the devs for all of this.