Reporting streamer mode users

Saw someone who got banned for saying “gg”
“yippeee” and “Good sh*t” (cant even say the word in here LMAO blizzard dystopia) and got perma banned, genuinely saddening.

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First two depends on context…

But third one is explicitly against CoC.

So they broke CoC and got banned for that. What is so bizarre here?

When in the past swearing has never even been punished this way? And again, in the “why” they said that both gg and yippee were reasons they also got banned. I get its an E for everyone game but you can get banned for saying “damn” something several heros in game also say. Theres restrictions for text chat. (You cant even say “lol its” without getting it censored automatically) that can be implemented, and its not blizzards fault if a bad parent doesnt put said restrictions on for their kids. (Or have it set to default censor/fully turned off and requires manual turning on) :woman_shrugging:

I saw this earlier and was confused; as far as I was aware, streamer mode just made a generic name (I’ve seen literally ‘streamer’) but for this person it was two very different and unique names as if they’d changed right at the end of the match. Typing under one name while the leaderboard showed another. It was so odd.

not true…

It shows their real name after the match I believe? That’s how it’s supposed to work anyway.

It is cause otherwise people start griefing the streamer in their match.

People will start throwing arrge’s match if they see him in their lobby.

He even tried changing names often buying btag with money often but once they find the new name they start doing it.

At those ranks players are limited and many of them are kinda jobless and enjoy trolling someone.


??? Quite literally for years language has never been an issue, let alone a bannable one. This is again over ppl saying basic swears when people will type slurs, send death threats, threaten to sexually assault people. and all get nothing but a slap on the wrist. “Great hanzo mirror” shouldnt be bannable. “Damn” is now bannavke despite heros saying it IN GAME. “Gg” is bannable. Its never been this bad before. Thousands of CCs are talking on the topic…

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Here is a topic from 2020 talking about people being banned for abusive chat:

here is another topic. A person asking for clarification after getting warning for abusive chat in 2020…

it’s not news, come on…

Look at any discussion with Trickster and realize it isnt worth your time Bonecrusher. Not a single person I played with in OW1 ever had an action on their account for swearing. OW2 is a whole other story.


Dunno, but can you report them through the replay section? Like from game stats/game history or something like that? Could check easily the player on that regard if their name kept the same or also changed.

Streamer mode, as far I know, would simply hide their btag not exactly give annonimity towards reports, at least is what they stated.

If you really want to report somebody and can’t figure out their name, then just go back and watch the replay to find out who it was.

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Only way that would work is if only one player on your team was using the feature. The person who shows up as a name that wasn’t on your team is the culprit. But if two or more are randomizing their names? You’ve no way of knowing who is who. The hero it lists that they played may not be accurate either. Report them while in game to be sure.

Also I have used the feature and ended up in a game with a guy on the other team using it, with the same randomized name it gave me. There is potential for abuse there too, as one of us could say some nasty things in match chat and no one would know which of us said it.

As everything Blizz adds to the game, it’s good on paper but executed horribly. What it should do, is after the match when you look at the “last match” list of players, it should show the battletag they used in that game, with their “real” name listed alongside it.

if you remember which hero that player started on, you can watch it from there and/or figure out who the one afk’ing was and spectate that player 'til the end and report it.

I’ve never, ever, in ANY game

seen “reports” and “banning players” as much as Overwatch in general.

Back in the day, you’d report aimbotters if you saw them more than once. Maybe. And Thats it. You’d actually deal with them and out play them.

Now players report people for literal squigglies on a screen…

Reporting is a CORE FUNCTION of gameplay…
Some people report more than playing the actual game!

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'cause people ‘vote’ with their emotions and report anything that upsets them in any way and Blizzard allows it.

They are doing nothing about false reports either, which only further encourages it. At least FFXIV handles that correctly.

I read the other day some guy on here admitting to having 40 reports on other players in the span of only 2 hours THAT DAY.


Two posts. One person asking if a phrase is “abusive” and another one being confused on why they were silenced. I think youre missing the message here.

Once again most of the problems could be fixed if chat with the enemy was removed.

Doesn’t fix the report system at all though. Although they could probably ease up on it if they did remove chat. I see what you mean. :bowing_man:

That’s exactly what I’m getting at. It would permanently reduce it by half or even more and nobody would have to resort to anonymous generic names to avoid harassment or trash talking from others.

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