Reporting a battle Mercy isn’t a false report

I want to make one thing clear here. I am NOT talking about a Mercy who brings out her pistol every once in awhile, whether it be to defend herself or secure a kill.

I am talking Mercy players who ONLY use their pistol and forego any type of healing outside of her own regeneration. They don’t rez, they don’t heal, and all they do is hunt for kills in Valkyrie.

There are some allowances to this point, and that would be the Healers who HAVE to do damage to heal, Brigitte and Moira, and Zenyatta, who can multitask with the healing and the damage, and doesn’t have much healing output outside of Transcendence

That’s actively playing a hero against their intended role and working against your team, something that has already been clarified as reportable.

Just wanted to share that little tidbit after dealing with a Mercy who decided she was going to be a flanker all game


Is there any place that says that tho? Can you please quote me where it says that?

Edit - Still waiting.
It’s funny, whenever I ask for proof that this is a rule, I either don’t get an answer or they tell me to look (because they couldn’t find anything), lol.


What do you expect when DPS queue times are 20 minutes?

Some people just want to actually get into a game.

I can’t say I blame them.


I’m a mercy main and i support this thread.


There was a time, so long ago that there was a “Poor Teamwork” category for Reporting, it was eventually removed alongside “Griefing” as it was decided they were too broad as far as terminology goes, and eventually became Gameplay Sabotage.

Selecting a specific hero role and then actively playing against the intended use of said hero is Poor Teamwork, simple and clean


But they can still be working as a team…


I’m a Mercy main and I don’t.


#battly mercy , f que times :rofl:

If you select Mercy. A Healer and then proceed to not heal anyone that’s not working as a team.

And I KNOW she wasn’t healing anyone because a Moira had Gold healing and a Roadhog had silver

It’s people like you who give Mercy mains a bad rep by encouraging bad teamplay


Hey now, Moira is pretty capable of gold healing.

But I do understand the point being made.


The examples given when you’re reporting someone for “gameplay sabotage” are placing a Sym teleporter at a cliff edge and intentionally feeding.

It then says gameplay sabotage is not, “simply making a mistake, playing poorly, or an unwillingness to switch heroes”.

This is kind of a silly thread in my opinion though, because I think I’ve seen one legitimate battle Mercy in my ~800 hours of gameplay, and they were very clearly trolling and being obnoxious right from the start.

People talking about this like it’s an issue they encounter frequently make me pretty skeptical, and people saying that DPS players are going to queue as support and play battle Mercy is even more absurd.


Teamwork is the combined actions of a team.
Someone not playing how you want them to doesn’t mean it’s not teamwork.
Unless they are out emoting and just jumping off cliffs or something like that, they most likely are working as a team.
Just not the way you want them to.

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That’s what I’m getting at, A Moira had gold, totally understandable, but a ROADHOG was beating Mercy for Silver

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I’ve been called a battle Mercy before, lol.
Got tired of dying because my team wouldn’t protect me, and so I decided to go in and kill them myself.
If it takes a Battle Mercy to kill the team, then so be it.
You made your bed now go the heck to sleep.


And I understand that, but a Mercy who NEVER heals is an active detriment to the team.

Like I said, a Mercy who pulls her pistol for defense or to finish off someone is fine, it’s when a Mercy actively foregoes healing that it becomes a problem

…I’ve gotten silver healing as Roadhog before…
Mercy having lower stats doesn’t automatically mean anything bad.
It could mean:

  1. Mercy isn’t quite so good
  2. Mercy is unable to get to the Roadhog, so he has to heal himself.
  3. Roadhog wants to run headfirst into the enemy team so he needs to heal himself because a smart Mercy will make sure she won’t die
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There’s a time and place for whipping out the pistol.

I’ve seen Mercy players pull off some amazing plays, especially while ulting.

But if you’re dying on Mercy and your first instinct is to put the staff away and go full pistol, you’re doing yourself and your team a disservice.

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Roadhog’s Heal is on a CD, if he’s beating out a Mercy for Silver something is seriously wrong there, I’m sorry, but there’s no excuse for that

Even more so if Hog has Gold when you’ve got two Healers


A big reason I’m dying as Mercy is because my team is doing me a disservice by not protecting me.

That’s a fault going both ways

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