Reported for refusing to swap?

I’ve been only playing Reinhardt and this season I’ve been getting matches that everyone on my team seems to want to report me because I refuse to swap off Rein. They then complain in chat that what I’m doing in bannable because I’m throwing for playing Rein. I have been doing kinda bad as Rein recently and some matches I do go like 2 - 10 and I feel bad but I am trying. I just don’t want to swap because I want to get better with Reinhardt.

Is this bannable? I’m worried because I have been on a loss streak as playing Rein only the last few days before the season ends, I just get a lot of others in chat being toxic as of recent.


I love the hypocrisy from some players. They will berate you for not swapping if things don’t work out, but they are too full of themselves to swap off their favorite hero.


Unfortunately it is bannable because the report system is FUBAR


You’re going to get false reported for sure.

I feel for you wanting to play your favourite character, but your teammates want to win. If you’re losing every single fight because you’re on rein, then yeah sorry, you’re throwing.

As much as one tricks want to think this game revolves around them, the devs have let us down by allowing the game to become counterwatch.

Rein is arguably in the worse state he’s ever been in, it’s no surprise your teammates are pissed.


I’ve got 1200+ hours in the game.

I’ve never so much as seen a warning, ever.

Recently I started 1 tricking mauga just to learn him better. Get first hand experience where he’s strong, where he’s weak. What feels good to play into- see what players do that make his experience frustrating. So ya- for me that means playing him in good and bad situations to learn him.

Within 2 days I had received 2 warnings. By the end of the 2nd day my chat was banned due to reports.

Not to say I was an angel 100% of the time, but 99% of my communication is “Gg” At the end of the match, or praising someone for playing good (whether my team or not).

Take it with a grain of salt of course, but ya - players can and will false report your for anything they dislike.


anything’s bannable if you get enough reports


I mean, reporting soldier for playing into Sigma IS compulsory, specially when they have +10 deaths.

2-10 is not trying , at least you can try to switch , but you don’t
rein is bad choice in current meta

any OTP get the same situation like you, and the rest need to suffer if they refuse to change


The community is not your friend, and neither is Blizzard. Upsetting other players result in them reporting you which will get your account actioned. Enough suspensions result in account termination. Keep in mind for this to happen it will have to be consistent match reports.


If you find people being openly toxic towards you then imagine how many are silently reporting you. Do yourself a favor and find a group or at least attempt to get along with other players. Blizzard have stated OTP won’t get you banned but I highly doubt their CS investigates these incidents.


Just say that you haven’t unlocked any tanks apart from Reinhardt yet


Not swapping is not an offense, interesting how in ow1 in report screen that explained this, but now nothing is explained :clown_face:


Whilst report someone for not swapping is lame af… It isn’t a false report.

If they seem you to be sabotaging their game by refusing to swap, then they have the right to report.

Doesn’t help that you’re playing Rein honestly. If you one trick any other tank (apart from ball and doom) you’d probably get away with it.

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They’ll be soft throwing.

Which is throwing without intent.

if he’s only ever played rein and he keeps losing then it’s the matchmaker’s fault. eventually, he should plateau to a rank where he can win as rein and then keep learning the game and possibly climb.

ironically, the people who expect others to swap are the ones that think the game revolves around them: instead of focusing on what they could change themselves, they expect others to change for them.



That’s not what soft throwing is. Soft throwing is intentionally trying to lose in a way that’s not apparently obvious to most people. It’s a way to lose the game intentionally and have plausible deniability.

Throwing always requires intent. That’s what makes it throwing, as well as what makes it bannable.


While this is technically not bannable, I absolutely have been chat banned and fully suspended for my hero picks by group bullies.

These jerks just click report because they are in a group and know their teammates will back them up.

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If this is qp, do what you want. They can cry harder.

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I understand wanting to get better with a character but not swapping sucks for your team. And it’s a team game. At least if you swap your team knows you’re just not that good and you’re actually trying. But not swapping seems stubborn to me

If it’s competitive and I see my rein charges as far away from me as possible and attacked 1v5, or completely ignore any positioning tips, never tried to group, it looks like soft throwing to me, and I’ve reported it as feeding. Maybe that Rein was really trying, but from what I’m seeing it’s throwing.

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Here’s how I see it:

Your boss splits you and your coworkers into two teams of 5 and says “work together to make a graphic ad for our company, best design wins a $25 Chili’s gift card”.

“Awesome”, you think.

On your team is this lovely guy (you) that says “I’ve got just the software to design it in” and he boots up Microsoft Paint (Reinhardt). He’s working his butt off, he’s trying his heart out, and he’s having fun doing so! Woo!

But the other team has the full Adobe Creative Cloud Suite (Orisa).

Now, here’s where it comes down to human psychology. You WANT that $25 gift card (comp points and rating). But at the end of the day, the dude’s trying and its just a $25 gift card. But some teammates don’t look at it like that. They WANT that gift card, and they’re gonna pounce on the dude whose holding them back from getting it. “It’s not fair”, they cry. I stayed up all night with my partner designing the font (playing Sojourn and Baptiste with 40 kills and 13k healing).

My point is: is it reportable? In a competitive environment kinda, you’re throwing their game indirectly. But in a perfect world, people would have more chill.

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Eh it can be perceived as griefing if you’re intentionally going against teamplay.

Although I understand, you’re not really getting better with Reinhardt if you play him in situations where you shouldn’t be him. I think it’s way stronger to learn when to switch and moreover, who to switch to.