Reported for refusing to swap?

Even in your example, not necessarily.

One of my friends in high school was an insane artist. Mostly painting and drawing, but every once and a while she’d open paint before class started and make something insane before class even started.

The point is that it’s just a tool at the end of the day, as is your hero pick. Sometimes something simple that lets you utilize your abilities is better than something complex that wouldn’t allow the same thing since it would require you learning the tool before you can do anything.

Basically, it’s best to pick what works best with you. And sometimes what works best isn’t going to be good enough, but switching to something that doesn’t work as well with you won’t help either.

Hopefully that made sense. There’s nothing wrong with suggesting swaps, but sometimes people are using who they’re most effective on in that particular situation, and then going someone else wouldn’t help.


if you get reported over that appeal it as that isnt a bannable at all…and stuff liek this is the reason i think the automated system needs to be taken offline and actual humans handle reports as they said themselves playing your character of choice isnt punishable at all

Not bannable and not wrong, but you can practice in better ways. Here’s what I always say when it comes to practice:

TLDR: Just give yourself a reasonable time slot. If that window of time runs out and things look bleak, then swap to something you know better and try again next point/game.

This season is so tank heavy that picking the worst tank and sticking with it should be reported.

I understand U want to have fun and u want to have fun on Rein, but sadly OW is a multiplayer and Teamplay/heropick is extremely impactful on the tank role atm so you are sacrificing the potential fun of your team member for your own.

But in all fairness I blame blizzard because this has been going on since the beginning.

All depends on the situation really if youre still getting value its ok, if youre getting 0 value and contributing nothing then yes its reportable.

We’re a lame community who reports for everything so yea rip

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Theres a big difference between mistake and purposely putting your team at a disadvantage.

Putting your team at a disadvantage, bloxking the teams progress is though.

right now im about diamond 3 and have a 70% winrate just one tricking rein. I might plateau soon but its 100% possible and no losing games isn’t “bannable” but you might get reported alot and might get silenced.

dude will you shutup no simply playing the game “unoptimally” isnt a bannable/reportable offense come off it its a video game. Like even I hate saying that since its so pedantic but really you need to shut off the monitor if you’re really thinking this and maybe take a stroll outside for a change of pace.


So if that’s the case I should report every single DPS player in the game that isn’t on Genji, Tracer, Soldier, or Sojourn?

I mean any other pick is putting me at a disadvantage right?


Hey buddy got any replay codes you could share?


If you are feeding constantly by playing into counters 24/7 and refusing to swap to help, yeah you’re going to get reported for feeding and griefing. It’s like playing Genji into Moira, Mei/Sym, Brig, and Zarya, you’ll probably get reported.

Sadly, the ban system is automated, so when you hit the threshold…

No because ive had enough otps/people refusing to swap and making games 100x harder.

People can choose a hero but if it gets to the situation where youre not getting any value, not helping the team and generally making things harder for the rest of your team yes its reportable.

Always fun in a team game where 4 people need to play around 1 player thays making the game worse for them.

What an AWFUL job that would be

Dear God nothing would get done with the amount of players+reports that come in. Would just back up and nothing ever get done.

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Isn’t it good to have a one trick on your team with a high win rate though like if they have 60% win rate or higher wouldn’t you rather have them on there one trick hero instead of playing some other hero that they might not be good at?


Sure but if it gets to the point theyre being an active hinderance to the team they should be attempting to swap, all players need is 3 heroes they can play and they can handle most situations


false reported: yes

but the thing to understand is that it is not in your teams interest to force things either…so from their perspected you are throwing the game if it isnt working out

so while you should not be banned for that, it is understandable that people are going to not like what youre doing

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No, because countering exists. Those 40% of losses most likely sat right on the one trick’s shoulders, and from my experience with one tricks, probably screaming at the rest of the team to swap around them.


So you’re saying that it’s reasonable to expect that they would win 100% of the time if they swap?


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Yup and on how many of those 60% did they have to get carried by their team? Whilst they had to try 10x harder

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