Reported for playing Torb

ever thought about not playing torb?

So long as the reporting system remains automated and Blizzard’s Customer Service team remains woefully uninformed when it comes to false reporting, then situations like this will continue to happen.

The worst thing is that the reported player has no recourse and has to wear the silence or suspension while those that made the false reports get away with no reprimand.

I used to main Torb and I also had silences and suspensions as a result of my playing him to the point where it even affected my Xbox Live account reputation which had always been spotless prior to Overwatch.

I’ve since moved on to other heroes, but the fact remains that I should never have had to endure those suspensions nor the incompetency of Blizzard’s Customer Support team during the time I mained an off meta hero.


If he enjoys playing the hero and is good with him, why should it matter which hero it is?

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It doesnt do him any favors to be instantly tilting teams that know that torb is a throw pick, and not a very high skill pick at that. Hes also very easy to counter.

Rolling torb means the rest of the team needs to select heroes to support him, do you think everyone else should swap to support the torb just because hes selfish and wont change?

Yes but crimson… it’s only an issue if I play badly, no? If i am out playing the other dps etc then why is Torb always the one whos throwing? That is the issue… that even if I am the better player, I am accused of throwing purely because I am Torb, its backwards man… I am literally playing at 2650SR atm and am still picking the other team apart… Torb isn’t just about his turret… I play torb as a 1v1 character and set the turrent up in a sport that covers maybe like 60% of the area I want to fight in, his lava gun is amazing at firing into an narrow area inflicting mass damage in bottleneck scenarios


Except Torb isn’t a throw pick. That’s just your prejudice speaking.

No, it doesn’t. That’s just your uninformed opinion.


Your suggesting that torb can be slotted into any team comp and play perfectly?

we must be playing different games.

And before you go all out on me, i dont hate torb. What i dont like is when people onetrick any hero, especially torb. If the team comp works with torb, then play your heart out. However if your entire team is dive, and you see that the enemy team is rolling winston/dva/ham and you still pick torb your throwing or being carried. I would equate this to attempting to outplay a phara by playing the worlds most amazing symetra.

I’m not saying this is the case, but just because you are outplaying your other DPS doesn’t mean that you are playing well. I’ve been in plenty of games where DPS were loudmouths because they had gold damage and elimes, then the card shows and they have 4 elims.

Being reported for just playing a hero is stupid, but from my own experience 99% of the time there’s more to it. I’ve reported quite an amount of Torbs as well, but that was not because it was Torb. That was because some entitled kid thinks it’s okay to start cursing at his teammates and then pick torb as a throw pick. Or the Torb on attack that can’t get his turret up, can’t get anything done and when asked if we can change our composition decides to leave voice and be stubborn.

In most cases the people that report “throw” picks, don’t report them for the pick but for the way somebody is playing and behaving.

I’m not saying OP is doing that. But just keep it in mind that being reported when you’re on a hero, doesn’t mean that you get reported because you picked that hero.

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Please say you were on Defense.

Attack Torb is a Throw. I don’t care how great someone is with him. My friend plays Torb for his 2nd most, and even on Attack it hardly works.

Torbs who aren’t as good as him build turrets for the enemy team to shoot to keep them from dying of boredom. Otherwise, he does nothing but be a nuisance with his ridiculous character design and hopping feet on Attack.

He’s a niche hero. Someone who only plays Torb is a definite detriment to any team. Torb One-Tricks are arguably the worst in this game because of the hero’s limitations and specific uses.

Come play a game with me :slight_smile:

your opinion is a throw


Admins do, as well as accumulating a massive amount of reports in a short period of time.

Hope you kept a copy of your appeal letter. Then you can copy and paste that into your next appeal.

Won’t change anything, but good luck with that.

While I have no particular issue with a Torb on my team (attack or defense) I am a realist in looking at the situation. Yes, I know they will get a lot of reports for throwing, and they will get suspensions due to the automated report accumulation suspension system.

…and you have to live with that. No amount of raging, complaining, whining is going to change that until Blizzard decides to modify their procedures. This is not likely to change any time soon.

If you are playing torb, and a pharah is dominating you and your turret. Do you swap because you are getting no value out of torb? If your whole team wants to run goats, do you swap? Do you ever complain about heals? about lack of tanks? not saying you do or don’t do any of these, just saying different things i have seen various one tricks do that have resulted in me reporting them. The game is designed to constantly swap comps to what works if you have to. On my alt, i once swapped my hero 6 times to counter pick what the other team picked so my team could win. I have swapped the support I picked because I was being dove on. Or I was feeding or just always dead for some reason and a dead does nothing. If you aren’t being part of the team, it doesnt matter how well you are playing. You might be doing the most damage, but if that damage doesnt result in a kill most of the time, you are just ult charging their healers. You might be getting gold elims but gold elims just means you’ve contributed to the kill (which is why moira’s ALWAYS have gold elims lol). A scoreboard would be great and alleviate it, but 1.) people are always looking for something else to blame for their loss and one tricks (ESPECIALLY TORB AND SYMM) are the easiest to blame and 2.) if you are being hard countered or not playing as part of the team in a team based game, you too could be at fault. not saying it deserves to be reported but it does contribute to the negative image people have of others who play torb.

If the actual throwing problem (deranking) is solved, this will stop being an issue. It needs to be a lot more painful to purposefully throw the game. That’s the only way we’ll ever know who’s a good Sombra or an attack Torbjorn / Bastion, and who’s griefing / deranking.

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It’s also defined as “intentionally allowing yourself to be eliminated by the enemy team (i.e. feeding).”

So, yes, there’s a bit of a grey area when you look into a hero pick that is being countered so hard as to be completely ineffective, yet the player doesn’t swap.

I’d say one-tricking just isn’t the best idea regardless of the hero, but also acknowledge that not all one-tricks are equal. I guess it’s a bit unfair, but a Moira one-trick is more useful more often than a Torb. Just have a few backup heroes and swap when needed.

If you’re choosing to go against the grain, don’t be shocked a little friction.

Your teammates bought the game with their money and Torb is the easiest hero to counter.
You, very likely, get hard countered in games and refuse to switch. That’s what I think you’re banned.

You’re playing for yourself and not the team. It’s that simple.
Get out of competitive, learn some other characters, or get used to these bans. Your teammates shouldn’t have to deal with you being selfish and self-centered.

It’s probably easier if I just record a game and the comments to reduce all the speculation on here about how I play etc. Like yesterday a team insisted I play zarya after I told them I had played Zarya like once… They didn’t care… they would prefer I be poo with zarya than continue out dps’ing the genji and hanzo…

Didn’t help my case that I saved mercy twice with the bubble thing after being stuck by tracer

If all you are doing is play Torb in every match and on every map - then you are not a very good team mate.

Sure, the policy is that nobody is supposed to be reported for their hero choice. But when you insist on picking a hero that is not a very good pick on a lot of maps - demanding the rest of the team make up for your limited ability to contribute, they are going to false report you… and en masse. When left with no option to communicate to Blizz and you that they don’t want you on their teams, then they will continue to abuse the report feature.

Does it make it right? Nope. Do I understand your team mates frustration with somebody who insta locks their main with no consideration towards team comp or what might contribute more to a team win given the map? Yes - I understand it, and you should too.

You are playing in a team oriented game. Learn to be a better team mate. Yeah, go ahead and cloak yourself in the weak excuse ‘I paid money - I can play what I want!!!’ The flip side of that weak excuse is your 5 team mates paid money too.

Tell you what - since you think the team should revolve around you and your limited potential to contribute, just create your own team in LFG. Make sure you put ‘I only play Torb’ in the title.

I am sure people will scamper to join your team. If nobody joins, then what does that say about your attitude?

You don’t get it; sometimes a poop Zarya is more effective than a good Torb. Torb is very easy to counter.

At 2610SR atm, ill screenshot the next games results.

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