Reported for playing poorly due to worse computer

If you are getting reported, it’s reportable.

You will when the suspension hits. Look. You care SO MUCH about decay, yet you’ve lost 450SR already playing on a bad PC. You are hurting yourself anyway lol. You have an addict mentality bad.

So it’s reportable for not liking someone else’s hero choice? Despite it not being reportable? That is false. It’s the same case here. Many false reports go through, the cause not being reportable (ie: false reporting)

You’re level 1174, what does that make you? I play 30 minutes to 2 hours a day depending on university load. How is that addicted?
Edit: to be your level you’d have top probably play 4+ hours a day.

70-80 fps is very playable as long as it’s coupled with decent latency.

I wouldn’t play comp with anything less than 60. Becomes very noticeable then.


easy for you to say as someone who has no idea what decay is like.

This sounds like an excuse to throw games then stomp when you are on your “good computer”.
Why don’t you get an alt to play on your other pc?

Decay think before you post not everyone has ill intentions.

Where does it says in tnc that poor hardware can’t play?

He literally said he lost almost 500 sr, that’s not decay.

What i’m saying is he’s playing on his bad hardware because he will decay otherwise anyways

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It’s better to decay than to lose all the way down to 3000.

yes and no he shouldn’t be forced to not play overwatch for extended periods of time just because his set up isn’t consistent.

Just let yourself decay, you’ll still be matchmaked with your old mmr despite the rank drop

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my fps drops in the 50s and some times even 40s on certain maps with heavy fights…
making your profile private is a step in the right direction

i can easily get out of plat by playing Mccree even with my 60hz monitor and my 45-70fps but a simple Winston makes me useless so i need pocket to do so and playing Genji with that framerate is ridiculous cause i have to set my sens higher to do quickturns without my mouse flicking around the screen.

Get an alt that you only play on on your bad computer, only play on your main on your good computer. Problem solved for everyone involved and you won’t need to feel like you’re switching between throwing and smurfing?

Irrelevant, the problem is the automated ban system, not actually his hardware. His hardware is just the main contributing factor.

If enough people report you for a thing, regardless of if youre actually doing that thing, youre gonna get banned.

Play poorly, get reported, get banned. Doesnt matter why you were playing poorly, whether it be intentional or hardware based.

heck, people get banned just for playing Torb lmao

Well you said it… lol

You may risk getting suspended by playing on the same account, but it is hard to know how strict Blizzard is when suspending people. Mainly it is just toxic behavior.

You should play on a different account when you are on your potato computer.

You are better off letting your high SR account decay than playing when you expect to lose. Then, when you return you will be placed in high MMR games (as normal) but have a large SR buff until your SR is back where it was when you left.

If you lose games instead, when you return you will be placed in low MMR games, and will have to play (and ruin) many more games getting back to your old SR.

My brother used to play ow, I’ve tried to convince him to give me his account but he wants full price for some reason. The game is expensive.

Competitive is always matched using sr, not mmr.

That’s what I did, otherwise people would think I’m deranking.

But I don’t think I’m supposed to get banned if I do. I’m pretty sure when trying my best I’m not breaking any rules, even with hardware limitations making me worse.

I just don’t think I can get another account :confused:

I lose either way :stuck_out_tongue:
I just want to hear blizzard’s input on this.
And @filhadiireth (customer support person) edited my original post, so I’m positive blizzard has seen this post. I’m not sure why they haven’t commented on this.

Are you twelve? Maybe you can offer to do some chores for your parent to get you a new account. They aren’t expensive.

If you are of legal age, get a job.

You won’t hear from them until and if you are banned.

This is what Blizzard (Jeff Kaplan) has said, to people in general: