Report system flaw

Yes. it was. That is my other account that I am playing on right now.I just haven’t uploaded any foiotage lately cause OBS has been broken for a while for me, and Nvidia shadowplay for some reason is tanking my framerates.

That guy is ME!!

Here is your proof.


Recored this for you. I will delete it after you confirm you saw it.

Any other day I would not have cared so much about them using the slurrs. Once I saw them ask the other team in chat to report me for something I did NOT DO I started the recording.

Hello again.

I see from your post that you have probably been reported, warned or banned from Overwatch.

How do you propose a company like blizzard deals with hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of reports per hour? Hire a team of five thousand people to individually read and inspect every single report?

That’s just not realistic.

They accept that the system isn’t perfect but it operates on the understanding that a few of the reports you receive will be true. If the amount of reports adds up to a certain threshold, that’s enough to show a recurring problem and an action is taken.

However, to put your complaint into full hypocrisy mode, here’s a little excerpt from a previous person you interacted with:

But wait, there’s more:

Moving on from that, I would like to take issue with a few of the things you have said in your thread.


When you agree to their Terms of Service upon purchase, you waive any and all rights you have over anything. Period.

Their game, their content, their rules, their prerogative.

According to your profile, you are a 1 star bronze border, meaning you have played less than 200 hours in total.

Just passing through. Enjoy your day.


Oh look. You are making assumptions based on limited information.

I have had other Battlenet accounts that I have shifted towards other games like WoW and BlackOps 4 because of the friends I have on that account who no longer play Overwatch bu they do play Wow. I have that account logged in full time on a second launcher. Feel free to go look at the video I posted in the YouTube link and see that I have 3 differnt names. One is DerpMaster#11653 (feel free to add that account and see for yourself (that is the main account that is now for WoW and BlackOps 4 only), DerpyPants#11934 as featured in that videos above which I shifted to the UK servers to play Overwatch QP matches with because they do not play Comp (but I do occasionally play US servers when I need to avoid all the false reports that lead to warnings and avoid getting silenced/suspended yet again when trying to educate the people of Overwatch, and finally QueueQMoar#1490 which is my most recent one that I have now for exclusively playing Competitive. I created it originally because I did the recruit a friend for WoW or some other in game “friend” thing and then bought Overwatch on the account.

Between these 3 accounts I now have 1759 hours invested into Overwatch. I actually went and added myself as a friend and did the math. Lot lower than I expected. I didn’t put quite as many hours into Seasons 6-11 on DerpMaster because of those false silences which ended up escalating to hundreds of days at a time ONLY because people were literally reporting me for stuff I never said or did. Scroll down and see examples of hat I was silenced for. Feel free to add me and you can look at the profiles.

The proof is also on that YouTube channel as you can probably read English and can find the upload dates.

The ToS and CoC also say that Blizzard has a duty to protect its community from abusive people, which it clearly does not when they allow false reporting to happen and have conveniently and so often reworked the ToS and CoC over the years that it so vaguely defines abuse. Might want to go read exactly how absurd it is for yourself and in point of fact when you sign a contract, digital or otherwise, if that contract is altered or has its wording changed in any way it is not VALID without an ADDITIONAL acceptance from the parties involved so a lot of that is completely up for interpretation. You might want to brush up on your knowledge of the law dude.

“They accept that the system isn’t perfect but it operates on the understanding that a few of the reports you receive will be true.”

It operates under the ASSUMPTION that some of them MAY be true, and then they use any the tiniest scrap of NONSESNE like the term “garbage” and or “useless” OUT OF CONTEXT to justify a suspension/silence for abusive chat.
Go read the CoC. That is LITERALLY what it says. So if I were Brittish and I used the Brittish idiome for cigarette which also HAPPENS to be a derogatory term for a gay man do i GET BANNED OR DON’T I??? See the problem there??? An arbitrary word means NOTHING without context.

I was silenced for saying the phrase “I was talking out the garbage the other night and I saw a groundhog” because the AUTOMATED system is horrible. So tell me…in what UNIVERSE do you think that deserves a ban/silence??? OH OH>>here is an another one!!! Classic lack of context!!
“I was going through some boxes in my room the other day. I was sorting out some of the 'useless junk”…" CONTEXT CONTEXT CONTEXT!!!

That was a conversation in a SKIRMISH with other players waiting for a match!! And because i was REPORTED LATER THAT DAY…that is filed under A for ABUSE because the automated system is a complete wreck.

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When you agree to the terms of service, it includes any amendments and addendums.

This is a quote from the Wikipedia about Terms of Service:

The Terms of Service Agreement is mainly used for legal purposes by companies which provide software or services, such as browsers, e-commerce, search engines, social media, and transport services.

A legitimate terms-of-service agreement is legally binding and may be subject to change. Companies can enforce the terms by refusing service. Customers can enforce by filing a suit or arbitration case if they can show they were actually harmed by a breach of the terms.

So it is exactly as I said it before. Their game, their content, their rules, their prerogative.

Sorry, based on your other posts, I assumed you were just stunningly and staggeringly full of it, and talking out of your butt again. My mistake.

If enough people say you are being a nuisance, you are being a nuisance.

Your old friend said verbatim that you are toxic and foul-mouthed. Both of those things are reportable under Abusive Chat.

You can’t expect me to believe your tall tale about the reports being about a “groundhog sighting”, or saying the phrase “useless junk”, when the only reliable source of information we have seen so far calls you out on being a poor sport, with a foul mouth, and a temper. Maybe you got the notification for previous toxicity after those choice events, but correlation does not equal causation.

If you soil the sheets, and are not willing to clean them, you eventually have to lay in them.


If enough people believe the Earth is flat, then the Earth is flat.

See where that goes wrong? Being “a nuisance” is subjective based on who you are speaking to. Any adult understands that.

My “old friend” was my “friend” for about 3 days. Tip of the iceberg. You can disregard his commentary.

After he added me and we grouped, we had 1 win and then I believe we had 3 losses. After which he left the match and broke the group without warning and logged off. Kind of ticks me off when people do that. The part that really made me genuinely angry was that he was doing the very things I was complaining about (DPS Moira) after long discussions where he claimed he was a good Moira. So upon closer observation during our matches when I spectated him and during team fights where I was involved, I immediately knew he was completely full of crap. He then complained I wasn’t online after I gave him advanced warning about what I was doing. I went to make food or go to the bathroom and I messaged him that I was not at my computer. He completely ignored those messages, logged in and immediately invited me to group, only to complain an hour later after I came back when I finished my meal and cleaned up a mess I made in the kitchen.

So after that I just made up excuses to not play with him or I ignored him completely. I eventually said “screw it” and removed him as a friend.

Your “source of info” knew me for all of 4 matches from a vocal standpoint. And seeing as how we LOST 3 matches because of his crap Moira DPS you can understand why I was angry. being angry and being toxic are VERY differnt things. He is a liar. Plain and simple.

Soil the sheets??? You realize that you don’t have to wash your sheets every day right??? I mean as long as you aren’t a filthy piece of human waste that doesn’t shower or eat in your bed. Like really. I change my sheets often and wash them once a week. I have 4 sets of queen size sheets and I change them at MOST once a week and cycle them out so they don’t get ruined from frequent washing.

Feel free not to believe me about my “tall tale”. There is literally a groundhog in my back yard. His burrow is on the fence side. Not my fault you like to make assumptions and call people liars based on one persons VERY limited experience with me in VC. But sure go ahead, listen to a trollish and immature DPS Moira who is making just as many false accusations about me as those who report me in game.

P.S.: Oh and the ToS “Terms of Service” encompasses a LOT of other agreements which are different from the CoC (Code of Conduct)…smart guy. The Terms of Service only has to do with the legal issues concerning the program, registering accounts, dispute resolution, terms of sale, copyright infringement etc etc, how you solve disputes, privacy policy and other stuff. Mostly the actual legal stuff where you agree not to duplicate or alter files, reproduce them, sell them etc etc etc. CoC involves a players in game actions. There are a couple dozen other documents that are also on the website that I wont even go into.

I think I might have an idea about why you get repeatedly muted/suspended/banned, and it’s not because of a bit of automation in escalating reports from other players. It seems to me like they are having some level of success at protecting the community from abusive people.

It’s easy to not be rude. Maybe you’ve heard the saying “if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all?” Well, you’re getting muted/suspended/banned because you are choosing to say a great deal of things that you should not say at all. At very least, tone down the hyperbole and ALL CAPS TO EMPHASIZE HOW ANGRY YOU ARE and you’ll probably get reported less.

From this thread alone, you have given me the impression that I wouldn’t enjoy playing with you, and if this thread is an indication of how you behave in-game I’d definitely mute and report you were I to ever wind up in a match with you, on either team.

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Oh. Great job bud. Oh…wait a moment. you are missing literally 99.99% of all that text. Cherry picking stuff from lengthy paragraphs and pages of text that NOBODY is going to sit there and read through on this troll reply. Hmm. Yet another issue of context!! The only abuse going on here is YOU…making posts like THE ONE ABOVE in a defamatory nature.

Great job making yourself look like a complete fool.

You don’t seem to understand that the personal attacks you use liberally don’t require further context to qualify as inappropriate. You are abusive, toxic, and I am very happy that you are getting muted/suspended/banned. It’s an example of Blizzard doing something correctly.


You say I made personal attack when clearly you and at least 10 other people both from today AND yesterday have a LAUNDRY LIST of personal attacks which include trolling, rank shaming and a host of other forum violations???

And you called ME the hypocrite!!

And no. Its Blizzard pandering to the lowest common denominator of internet scum so they can pick every penny from your pocket when you make 7 accounts and buy their game over and over and over.

No, I called you abusive and toxic.

Quoting you is not a personal attack. For examples of personal attacks, please see the post I made above.

When you go through DOZEN of replys and cherry pick/highlight phrases and words effectively taking them OUT OF CONTEXT…YES…I’d call that a personal attack.

And also according to Blizzard calling someone abusive and toxic in also abusive and toxic. So…you are just as guilty.

Oh and lets not forget that you are probably on an alt account so you wont get your main account a forum suspension.

A few harsh words here and there is anything but toxic. Drop a few F-bombs is nothing compared to people who are racist, bigots and all sort of other crazies out there. Some of us are old enough to understand that there are only a few things worth getting TRULY triggered about and that’s racists, bigots and sexist schmucks who degrade women from accross the internet. So YEAH…It makes me angry, and it should. As do leavers, throwers, trolls and the plethora of other childish problems associated with online gaming.

Yes, I did indeed take the time to carefully read this thread, thank you for noticing.

You don’t seem to understand that the personal attacks you use liberally don’t require further context to qualify as inappropriate.

Perhaps, and if I get muted/suspended/banned for it I’ll accept it. I won’t switch to an alternate account and blame people on the forums for my own behavior.


Actually…they DO require context. because when you look at who I replied to and look at THEIR personal attacks and RANK SHAMING, various other account shamings like level, winrate etc and other such toxic behavior, the things I have said are completely warranted and FAR from abusive.

But then again it’s not my fault that Blizzard has lowered its standards to allow these abuses to go unpunished while punishing people like me who want a cleaner gaming environment that isn’t full of blatantly immature children who cant take the slightest bit of “aggressive banter” and they have paper thin skin and can’t deal with the fact that you can’t call someone toxic AND be toxic at the same time. Eye for an Eye DOESNT work.

So if you are QUITE finished with your senseless tirade, I am going to bed because its 2:30 in the morning and I have wasted far too much mental energy explianing basic logic to too many people today.


Can you give me any example where calling someone an

isn’t abusive and toxic? No? Well, good night then.

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I have been giving the ban hammer 2 times this season. Disruptive Game Play was the first. Then Abusive chat 5 games after first ban.
I’m 100% confident I could leave voice chat and message chat and still get banned in this game. Going to try it next week :slight_smile:

if you look uop the definition of the term, there are multiple synomyms. Pick one that doesn;t ACCURATELY describe the people we talk about here on the forums.

fool, halfwit, nincompoop, dunce, dolt, ignoramus, cretin, imbecile, dullard, simpleton, clod. All terms that mean someone of lesser intelligence. That intelligence IN CONTEXT pertaining to someones lack of game sense, lack of hero ability.

Questioning someones intelligence during an intelligent conversation is not abusive. Questioning your logic and using witty retorts is not abusive. I was on a debate team in high school.

Mind you, far more abusive words exist. Turning your nose up at simple terms that do not even straddle the fence between banter and abuse and are not directly abusive unless used in such a fashion that is clearly an attack on someone directly rather than it pertaining to the conversation you are having about the game. I harshly disagree with Blizzards stance on what “abusive chat” is because they have left it ENTIRELY up to the community at large to decide what that is and if enough people report someone for something they and few others assume is abusive then Blizzard, fearing they will lose customers when that is ALREADY the case, will only be agreeing with the majority of nincompoops with silly beliefs because they don’t want to lighten their pockets for banning everyone who has ever used racist langauge, bigotry and other forms of REAL abusive language.

This AGAIN is what Blizzard refuses to openly define in the CoC.

If people don’t have the ability to “sweat the small stuff” and don’t care about the big stuff then what we have is anarchy, not peace.

Stop making MOUNTAINS out of Molehills bub.

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Well, keep getting muted/suspended/banned until you understand the correlation between you calling people names and you getting muted/suspended/banned. Have fun!


Well, keep making spam posts and making personal attacks that ammount to what is considered mini modding and telling people that what they are doing is against the rules because that is also a conduct issue dude. it is not your place to tell anyone who will get suspended or banned regardless of what the CoC actually says, or what I believe is or isn’t abuse (even if I, as an adult, know that I am right regardless of what Blizzard panders to)

So you take THAT into consideration.


He doesn’t stop. I have taken a look at all of his threads and posts and its comparable to a shopping list where ever single item is “claiming he is right and everyone else in the thread is wrong” (even picking fault with people who are trying to agree with him). He’s just a troll. I suggest either continuing to bait him (like I do), or just ignoring the constant droning of a profoundly ignorant, selfish, and toxic human being.

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So you admit you are baiting/flaming? You realize that is also trolling and a a forum offense??

GG for that Hypocrisy.