Solo que climb out of gold is near impossible

Someone with a large enough ego to claim that he only makes the same mistake once and never makes it again while his teammates constantly repeat theirs over and over in every single game doesn’t get to lecture others about their attitude.

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Actually, yes I do. Especially when you and others are using fallacies and backwards logic to try and prove your point. That may work on ignorant 12 year olds but it doesn;t work on a grown man who has a functioning brain.

Your experience may be different but it does NOT negate mine. If you play severely fewer hours and devote less time to the heros you play YOU have no cause to lecture me on how to climb when you do not deal with nearly as many toxic players that I do each day.

Private profiles are just a shroud to cover your shame. A private profile really doesn’t really protect you. It just makes it easier to identify who the real trolls are.

Yes, people will sit there and pick apart your stats. But their problem is that they look at one stat by itself and do not see a full picture. You can;t just cherry pick one stat like winrate. A hero winrate does not determine a players skill. That just determines whether they gain or lose SR. And the system the way it is, when you lose more matches than you win, of COURSE you will be stuck. And WHY do people lose matches??? You know exactly why. leavers, smurfs, throwers, griefers and trolls. Plain and simple. The game would be a lot more fun for everyone if they were perma-banned from the game.

And we all WONDER why threads get locked in the forum. Bunch of elitist and egotistical rank shamers who use backwards logic and fallacies to try and disprove peoples hard evidence and negate people who have a wealth of experience dealing with toxic players, throwers and leavers in game.

You can all have fun circle jerking each other. Muting the notifications on this thread.

You all have a wonderful evening.

Just noticed this guy is endorsement level 0 meaning he was recently (or currently) suspended. He’s stuck at his rank because he’s as toxic in game as he is on the forums I guess.

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No. You are the only one here that can’t understand that you are a low gold player and the system isn’t broken. My attitude isn’t the problem, you are the only common denominator, the x factor, the only thing that’s the same in all your delusional scenarios.

Play more, and you will improve.

It’s worked for the other millions of people who have played the game competitively. If you can’t deal, then may I suggest Fortnite for a more competitive experience?

Also, I found the ultimate flaw in your hideously flawed argument, we can see your profile. We can see your winrates, and your SR. You’re gold. Not plat. End of story.

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Dude, accept that you’re toxic and not that good. I played with you and you were nothing special beyond foul-mouthed and whiny; I will admit in those regards you were well above average. You don’t climb because your mentality is garbage as you always look outward for excuses. Btw “more agree with me than you” is an Appeal to Numbers ie a logical fallacy.


How could he possibly be Diamond if he says a Diamond or above could smurf and wreck his game? Wouldn’t that mean he was a smurf and wrecking games?

I tried to be his friend. He whines incessantly, is constantly muted, insults his teammates, won’t fill (he is the fourth DPS asking for a 2-2-2), and his skills are low gold/high silver at best. He’ll pop off once and tute his own horn for that moment but ignore his 10 deaths and the fact he missed most of his shots. Also, it’s NEVER in history been his fault he has lost. EVER. He has never made a single mistake even. He’s just that good.

Meanwhile while he cried I’m a trash, DPS Moira I’ve played other heroes more this season, have a 75% win rate on her (59% in general), oh and my damage % is very low while my healing is far above average. Hmmmmmm… just laugh at his expense and move on. Wasted breath.


I will say one big flaw with competitive is this. I got my friend to buy the game 2 weeks ago. He just finished his placement matches and got placed at 2150ish. He is a lucio main. He is ok. Not great yet but he literally just picked game up 2 weeks ago. Either way point im making is hes already dropped down to 2000 even. and he is gonna drop. He doesn’t do a lot of dps or elims with lucio and I usually have to instruct him where to go and who to heal. He is gonna keep dropping my guess is high bronze low silver.

He will get better, but point im making is people that have gotten him on their team so far, and who will the next 10-20 games are getting screwed because they are getting a player right now who isn’t a gold/high silver player. So they are going to be likely at a disadvantage. that’s a bad flaw in the system.


lfg and finding a good group us your ticket out

I used lfg (and playing with friends) and solo to get out of gold

best facts here

watch a pro player of your main

get seriously good with them

see how they play differently than you

go on overbuff and see where your stats are lacking

Dude lol, epic experience you had with him. You just showed us truth about him.


You might need to understand the game is way more than just performing good individually. Also you really AREN’T overperforming as you think you are, else you’d be carrying your team, which you simply aren’t.

The game also places other people 1-2 ranks below their skill level sometimes. It’s just for the first placement and since it goes both ways and is such a small percentage of accounts it has little effect in the long run. I placed 900 below my main account on this one and within 2 days was only like 200 below. So I only ruined like 20 games while I was way off. The initial placement matches are weighed WAY too much, when they should be factoring in your 25+ levels of QP and arcade stats.

In order to rank up beyond gold and keep going you have to devote more and more time to the game. Even when not playing the game by examining your recorded gameplay and watching high ranked players play / analyze the game. This is one reason why I have accepted the fact that I am ok staying in Silver / Gold. I can’t devote enough time and energy to get to higher ranks so there is no point.

actually you can climb out of gold just once u get to plat they don’t like your hero main oh wow will they throw u right back into gold

hidden MMR…

Probably not going to see this but I’ll post anyways because I like helping or at least trying to. Keep in mind, the people you play with are at their ranks, you can’t rely on them to do everything so if you want to climb, you gotta improve yourself. Medals aren’t a good measurement. I had gold healing back when I was solo healing as Mercy all the time so it doesn’t really say much. I realized though that I died way too much. Yes, my team could peel for me and protect their healer for a change but I couldn’t count on that every match. I knew what my problem was and I improved to the point where I almost never died. I get 3 gold medals all the time as Moira with at least 10k healing every game, doesn’t mean I’m carrying my team. If you want to get better, recognize your flaws and improve. One thing that held me back was I flexed too much. I could play tank, or on the rare occasion, dps at the sr I was at so I made it a point to instalock main healer instead of being the nice one that let everyone else pick first.

I usually don’t use LFG but if that’s your preference than be the group leader and kick those that don’t have mics and public profiles. The endorsement system is there for a reason. Look for shot callers. I’ve climbed through the ranks on both Xbox and Pc as a solo q support main. It’s possible if you want it

I wil replying to you as a 3200 Diamond player. Nowhere in the ranking from where your at to where I am at will change. People still do not use mics, people still do not want to win and I will NEVER EVER EVER Drop or game SR I have lost all 10 qualifying games on purpose ending the season at 2700 and starting it at 2900 for no reason at all. The game is broken and Blizzard has no intent on making the game fun or fair for gamers looking to get better or rank up. Overwatch is an extremely easy and casual game that is why it is on Xbox and anyone who says the game is hardcore or competitive is a dunce.

I like how you say that it’s not how it works. And then proceed to spout pure BS about how YOU think a ladder works. You’re dead wrong. I’ve seen plenty of plat and diamond vods and streams. You aim like potatoes. All of you.

Slyther is either dumb or a troll. the whole point of smurfing is to display your leet skills in a lower bracket on the ladder. None of these idiots can hard carry games, but they are very adept at griefing to prevent others from climbing.

There is no counterplay when your MMR is so freaking high that nobody else on your team is even CAPABLE of shooting a rip-tire. My teammates are literally ALL bots, and matchmaking expects me to just outright hard carry every single game because of it.

I watch diamond games where the DPS get to sit and free shoot. I have 3 or more people constantly looking for me, and I get solo ulted on a regular basis. None of this happens to anyone I’ve watched. When those players get focused they get peeled and immediately healed. That NEVER happens to me.

I’ve watched videos where Jayne is teaching master players trigger discipline, and their aim is hot garbage. So no little nublet, this ladder is broken.

Here is the thing, if you are getting solo ulted perhaps you need to change how you play - in another word, group up with your team so you won’t get solo ulted, or pick another character that can dodge out an ult when you predict it is coming. Sometimes you have to be upfront with your team and tell everyone to stop making certain mistakes, but you have to do it in a way that will make people likely to listen.

I’ve won games where I played super aggressive charging rein (trading my tank for space/pick) and I’ve won games with no tanks while the whole team bickering at each other telling each other they are trash.
In an elo like gold it is more important to adapt and figure out what can helps with the situation the best instead of forcing a set comp.

There are definitely unwinnable games (20% in my experience out of the 90 games I played), but if you are consistent you can climb, it is just a very slow process when you are hovering around 55-60% win rate.
Play at your absolute best capabilities (peak concentration, relaxed mental state so you can keep analyzing every fight you lose/why you win a game/why you lose).

I ran from 2245-2383 (peak 2407) in 94 games, so that’s about 16-17 hours of playing here and there. I regret playing on weekend prime time as most of my losses come from Saturday afternoon and Sunday afternoon.

I still hate the MMR system, it’s frustrating that you have to get a 65% win rate to climb at all if the game’s decided to give you a crappy MMR, while other players climb with a 50% winrate because the game gave them a high MMR. There’s no reason why the gains/losses can’t be strictly from the performance in that match, rather than a super secret sauce algorithm.

It’s like if a 4th liner on a hockey team gets a hat trick and you win the game 3-2 based on him… but he doesn’t score much normally, so instead of 2 points for a win, he gets 1.5, while the league-leading goal scorer on the team who scored nothing that game gets 2.5.