Blizzard has already stated that playing on another account isnt against the rules. Get over it
Their in game reporting system says otherwise.
Was there really a need to be so childish?
Good thing we have a mute list.
Anything can be considered an unfair advantage my dude, not playing on the same hardware puts both people at a disadvantage, playing with a broken keyboard is an unfair advantage, playing on a 144hz is an advantage. Me sitting on a new account climbing up isn’t an unfair advantage for anyone, your playing on a ladder system. You are bound to play against people better than you in order to find your true rating. When you queue up for a game in bronze what happens if one person in that rank was bottle necked because of his fps for so long and now that he got a new PC hes 1v6ing because he had it in him. Does that make him a smurf? Well god knows people will call him one.
He literally said its not an issue for them.
considering he is a self admitted (many times over) smurf, that would probably be why he seems a bit annoyed by all this, lol.
Yet Jeff Kaplan, the game director have stated it’s not. I was too lazy to dig up proof in my original post however someone was kind enough to do it for me I see now.
In case you don’t actually click links or such,
Smurfing – and I know this isn’t what you want to hear – isn’t really that big of an issue. For example, a few weeks ago one of the Pro Overwatch players created a smurf account and was streaming from it. We were able to watch his MMR internally and compare it against his “main” account. Within 15 games, the MMR’s were equal. I know there is a very bad perception of Smurfing. But the reality is, skilled players are moved rapidly out of lower skill situations.
Also to clarify, the game is matchmaking you based on your MMR which is hidden, not SR. The SR is more of an indication of where you probably at in terms of skill.
He said he doesn’t see it as an issue because the smurf/alt/whatever player will soon get to the same rank as their main.
However, what he fails to address is the impact said player has in matches that are lower than their SR.
A Diamond player on a Gold smurf/alt/whatever will have a massive impact in those games because they have higher experience/game sense/skill/etc than those players actually in Gold. They have an unfair advantage because they shouldn’t even be in those matches.
And, according to the reporting system, anything that affords an unfair advantage is cheating.
So either Blizzard need to change the wording of their reporting system, or just come out and admit that they won’t ever do anything about smurfs because it makes them money.
No it doesnt i know you hate smurfs because its annoying to be smashed but how can you prove the player is really diamond??? People lie all the time
But by all means report any under lvl 100 good player and be banned for false reports because BLIZZARD themselves have said many times smurfs are not reportable and i think they know more about what they consider reportable and what they dont
When my team is 6 DPS and the other team has a tank or healer, report the entire enemy team for having unfair advantage.
When I run off solo and I get killed by anything other than another solo player, report them all for having unfair advantage.
When I’m on Reaper and enemy Widow kills me from across the map where my guns can’t damage her, reported for unfair advantage.
When my team has a leaver/disconnect and no one on the other team immediately leaves to even the numbers, report them all for unfair advantage.
My profile is public so anyone on the enemy team with private profile gets reported for unfair advantage.
Anyone who is 1 SR or more higher than me gets reported for unfair advantage.
Every cart map that I’m on defense, any attacker standing in their spawn and looking out the window to see my team’s composition gets reported for unfair advantage.
At beginning of the round I ask what resolution people are using; anyone higher than 1024 x 768 gets reported for unfair advantage.
When my mouse batteries die and they shoot me before I plug in a replacement, report them for having unfair advantage.
Mob rules. Report all you want for whatever you want. If enough people agree and report the same people, they must be doing something to deserve it.
The unfair advantage is having the same access to the same roster and settings as everyone else.
Exactly and any sort of playing well is not cheating as it says so in the rules
Sry but the game places us not us
Link to where Blizzard have specifically said smurfing is not reportable, please.
As for what they consider reportable and what they don’t, their in game reporting system is pretty clear in that regard.
If they are now saying things that contradict that then they need to change the wording in game.
Wow. You couldn’t be any more ridiculous and childish if you tried.
The last one really made me laugh, though. If your mouse batteries die, then that’s on you. It’s not unfair at all! Thanks for the good laugh!
There is a vast difference between playing well and playing with skill that far exceeds the others that are the same SR as the account you’re playing on.
Keep trying to excuse that, though.
It’s playing well, isn’t it? I’d say smurfs are playing well. Would you say they aren’t playing well?
No, not at all.
To say smurfing is playing well is fallacious.
A Diamond player could be on their Gold smurf account and have an average or poor game and still perform better than the actual Gold players in game.
Oh, so you don’t think they are playing well?
I see your point but… this is my third account. I don’t intend to make it a smurf but I do get called a smurf for playing well and being low level. I highly doubt people will ask questions before reporting my account for playing well.