Report Smurf option

If someone openly admits they are a Smurf that has another account in diamond, but they are playing in low silver. can we report them? it’s clearly a form of game play sabotage, even maybe cheating.


Theres no rule against being too good at the game. Its not even against the rules to be severely out of your rank playing too well. Its just not.

Nothing keeps you from reporting anyone. If you are reporting them for smurfing though its you that is in the wrong.


It is cheating.

Playing on a smurf account affords the player an unfair advantage, and according to the reporting system anything that affords an unfair advantage is cheating.


No, they’re not in the wrong for reporting smurfs. See above.


You make up your own rules comixfan. Everyone knows all you do is post the same crap over and over. Literally reported for spam…again.


I’m not making up anything. It’s clearly laid out in the reporting system for all to see.

You’re the one that’s in the wrong if you’re reporting me for spam since I’m not doing anything of the sort.

Reported for abusing the reporting system and muted as well.

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then PROVE where anyone but YOU has said clearly what you are saying…

Blizzard said it in the reporting system.

If you don’t agree with it, take it up with them and stop falsely reporting others.

The thing here is i could quote as many others have quoted in the past that it specifically states playing “too well” isnt against the rules. You do know this because its been quoted to you dozens of times.

Do you honestly think when this has been specifically stated by blizzard playing too well isnt against the rules …that they would then NOT specifically state your version if that were the truth? honestly.

Do you fully believe that your made up version would not have been fully hashed out to include what you are saying specifically?


I don’t need to prove anything to you. Stop behaving like a child.

Blizzard have said anything that affords an unfair advantage is cheating.

A Master player on a Gold smurf most assuredly has an unfair advantage over players actually at Gold rank, ergo according to Blizzard’s own rules they consider that cheating.

Now I’ve wasted enough time with you. Mute it is.


So bascially you CANT prove anything you say in any way or back it up with one shred of fact other than a made up interpretation that looks like an outright lie. got it


If playing better is an unfair advantage, having a better pc is also an unfair advantage? Should we report people having gaming chairs? Even if you are a top 500 player, you could be placed in gold or perhaps even silver in an alt account. You are not gonna say that having an alt account is cheating, are you?


My god, you are so childish about this.

I don’t need to prove anything since it’s spelled out quite clearly by Blizzard in the reporting system.

No made up interpretations. No lie. It’s written right there in plain English.

You’re quite obviously just trying to excuse your own actions since you don’t want to admit that you’re a cheat.



So for some reason you think blizzard would specifically say its not cheating to play well but then not specify your made up version.

Stop trolling peoples threads with made up lies about your unique and incorrect view of the rules.


what for?

if you can prove they were throwing to get there you can already report them

and i bet half my right ear that most people bragging about having another account in rank diamond or higher are plats who are barely better than the silvers they “stomp”

If your doing it to give yourself an advantage over other people, than yes, yes i would.

It’s like a pro soccer player, putting on a school short and playing in the low ranks. everyone knows he should not be there. And unless he get a name change or face transplant there is no way for him to really do it.

This is where Competitive digital gaming needs to catch up.


so having a better computer or wearing your glasses is cheating too

it’s not like having a low level number under your portrait changes your skill or gives you ingame bonuses you wouldn’t have with 300 more levels

i even think that playing only against people of lower skill than yours denigrates your own skill and you get worse, your bad habits aren’t punished, your aim deteriorates and so on

It sounds irrelevant but if you want a soccer example, a top class soccer player can go play for a third league team if he wants to.

So yeah, if you are not throwing to maintain your low rank, you can smurf all you want. Oh BTW you can just play a hero that you are not very good at and that’s not throwing either, as the rules clearly state that hero choice is not a reportable of fence.

And that’s the guide for smurfing guys, go nuts.

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Why do so many people defend the practice of Smurfing? Its like killing animals for sport. We all know its wrong, but people still insist on doing it.


Some salty people call having an alt account smurfing. It’s only cheating if you are deliberately throwing to stay in lower rank. And I’m pretty sure that no one is defending the 2nd kind.

Edit auto correct.

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