Report Smurf option

That’s not what Blizzard says.

That’s what blizzard says. It’s just not what ‘you’ say.


Blizzard have not said what you claim at all.

Blizzard DO say what’s in the reporting system, and that says unfair advantage = cheating.

It’s very telling how those who claim it isn’t are all posting on what are clearly smurf/alt/non-main accounts…

It’s like talking to a brick wall. Yeah you are right and I’m wrong. By your description, I’m a smurf and cheating. Please do report me.

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It’s not my description at all. It’s Blizzard’s.

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Here’s the cliff’s notes version of the smurfing situation in OW.

  1. Playing in an ELO below what you “belong in” is not against the TOS. A player cannot be sanctioned for doing this.

  2. Intentionally de-ranking by throwing matches is against the TOS, and a player can be sanctioned for this.

  3. Playing in an ELO that is dramatically below your skill level should be considered griefing, which is against the TOS, as it ruins games and engenders toxicity.

  4. Smurfing without intentionally de-levelling will never be against the TOS because Activision cares more about money from new accounts than it does about player experience.



I get called a “smurf” all the time on my alt accounts(Which have all plateaued in plat) if I’m performing well that day.

Even though I’m not a smurf otherwise those accounts wouldn’t still be plat after seasons of me trying my hardest.

Yet even after I state that, salty players like ComixFan, who have made up their own iteration of what’s reportable, still try to say I’m doing something reportable since my main is in diamond(Where I can only play junkrat and anyone else I’m essentially throwing with).

If they are openly admit it, then it immediately becomes reportable.

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Smurfs abuse the system to stay low and stomp people to feel good about themselves at the expense of others. Other people abuse the reporting system against said smurfs for the same reason.

Sorry, but unless Blizz makes adjustments if one side can abuse the system, so can the other. Want to end report abuse? Stop giving people a reason.

you can report players for what ever you want. However it takes hundreds of reports from different accounts before the bot in charge of suspensions wakes up and gives the offender a slap on the wrist. Which are then usually reversed with a support ticket. So if you want to waste 30 seconds of your life feel free to do so. But remember it’s POINTLESS.

Have you EVER tried sending Blizzard a ticket? It won’t get reversed. You won’t even get a human response.


The people defending smurf accounts are hilarious :rofl: by definition a smurf is a person who manipulates their SR in order to play against people less skilled than them.

An alt account played without SR manipulation will always rise to the correct SR level, thus not staying in low ranks and roflstomping for their own ego. You cannot call yourself a smurf without SR manipulation and the people defending these actions are ludicrous and unintelligent.


the actual reach on some of you guys trying to defend smurfing is hilarious.


I believe smurfing should be reportable. Clearly you are in a lower rank than you belong in, stopping people from climbing and getting to the one that they belong in, if this was fine then why have ranks at all? Ranks whose purpose is to separate highly skilled players from not so skilled ones. Have an alt account for practicing new heros? Thats fine, totally ok but the thing is theres quick play to practice new heros. Why practice new heros in comp? For that matter if you’re really good then your placements will put you where you need to be unless you are intentionally losing to drop into lower ranks to “test” new heros. In which case, its throwing at that point.

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In my experience, 90% of players that claim to be smurfs are lying to make themselves look better than their teammates. I can tell a smurf when I see one and most of the time, the player claiming to be a smurf actually sucks.


I agree , we need a “Smurfing” category

Smurfing should be bannable.
I mean, even if it says “playing extremely well” everyone with a brain knows a Top 500 playing in plat gives an unfair advantage to the other team, unless he is trying new heroes like Kabaji’s Genji streams.
A clear example of smurfing being bannable is when some streamers got banned for making “bronze to GM” streams, 1 clear example is Stevoo.

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Yeah its really easy to spot a smurf, had a hanzo spawn camping me and my team on gibralter literally getting his ult every 15 seconds and when I peeked into his stats he had 12 heros with 100% winrate, another 8 between 50-60% winrate, 5 no lower than 42% and the rest unplayed, just stomping me and my team practically by himself in silver.

We already have a category for reporting smurfs/alts/other accounts.

It’s called Cheating.

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I report smurfs for cheating too :slight_smile:

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