Report leavers in a new catogory

This post in not to rant about leavers, rather a way for blizzard to improve their system.

Blizzard is trying hard to balance and improving their game.
We might not agree on some fronts (if you check forums or youtube vids) but
Blizzard is clearly doing something

The thing that is hard to manage is the human factor.
You might have the best system in the world but due to people influencing the system it could simply break and people will regard it as the worst system ever.

A big problem I see and hear from other people is that there are too many leavers ruining the competive ranking.
It’s a team game and having a person less could make a huge impact on your team performance.

My feeling says to season ban leavers in competitive…but that is perhaps not the correct way to proceed.
1st of all, Blizzard need to analyze these “incidents” before they can flag it as a “problem” (these is servicedesk jargon…that’s why i put the “”)

Game sabotage can imply alot of thing so I would suggest a new catagory
"leaver"which is only available when you do competitive.

This would give Blizzard more insight with all the data they can get and verify.
If it realy is a problem …then they can take steps to resolve this.

If you like the suggestion to implement this new catogory for improvement, please support this post.


You don’t need to report leavers for leaving. The system knows someone left, and they can use that data however they want without manual reporting.

If the leaver also committed other violations, certainly send a report though.


If anybody leaves, I report them for gameplay sabotage.


Nothing will happen, and this is because there is already an algorithm in place to combat the leavers fairly, for anyone who gets disconnected.


leavers are automatically punished, you don’t need to report them


Thanks Thorny, BPanzero, XxYLGxX and Bioshyn for your responds,

I also report people for gameplay sabotage and yes there is a systen that automatically punish

But I think leavers are a problem instead of small incidents that happen.
In case they are incidents that don’t happen that often why should Blizzard take actions and the sytem they have now would suffice
But if they are numerous and become a problem instead of an incident…this automatic system fails and bigger steps need to be done.

A “report leaver” catogory would filter the automatic system they have now.

In my eyes and this is my personal opinion, leavers are a plague to the ranked system and ruin alot of games.
(they are also in other modes, check how many leavers there are in arcade mode if there is a free skin for the grabs if you win 9 matches)

Leavers already get punished with their own special leaver penalty (-50sr and an increasing time ban).

You already get banned from comp if you leave more than 6 games in a season. If you get banned 3 seasons for leaving you get perma banned from comp.

All of that is harsh enough. Theres no reason to report players leaving they are already getting punished and banned.


Firt leaver is not reason for report unless you have lead that he did it on purpose. I often report second leavers who leave as their choice which is game sabotage for me. Its not that rare to see first leaver to come back.

Its really about if i know the reasons for leaving, If I dont I dont report, if I know reason and its technical issues, I do report.

I always lie. If I have to leave a game early, I say that I’m having connection problems and I’ll brb. Then I don’t.

same, I just assumed it comes under that since it is literally sabotaging the game for everyone else

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Fortunately the game punishes you the same either way

Unfortunately this is a superfluous report and a large part of the reason the report system is so ineffective.

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I hadn’t noticed any punishment either way.

Probably similar to why people think there are 8 minute/1 hour/6 hour bans.

You can entirely miss the shorter ones if you just log out

Blizzard should remove the entire in-game reporting feature and move it to the website. There, it should be dealt with a bit more seriously, so that incorrect reports can be punished immediately.

Players would not report another player so recklessly if this would involve more effort and responsibility on their part.

TBH, if you’re having a really bad game you should be able to leave. 50 SR is enough of a penalty.

where did you get that info?

…if that that is true, it would be awesome…finally some justice :slight_smile:

It costs your team SR too, which is why it would only be ok if there was backfill.

That’s been the official punishment for quite awhile

50 SR per leave, escalating suspensions until a season ban, 3 season bans for a perm ban (this last one was introduced more recently)

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The leaver gets 50SR lost but the rest of the team still receives like 25SR loss unless they’re really lucky.

Still doesn’t seem fair enough.