"Render Device Lost" Fix for RTX

Cool that it worked for you. Personally, I don’t wanna overclock anything. And if others don’t like OC’ing, they can use my fix as stated above.

I suggested debug mode for GTX not RTX, I don’t have a RTX, suggest you contact nvidia if you haven’t already

Using the Nvidia profile inspector and the latest 436.15 drivers I have not had any crashes in over 2 weeks. Before the driver update the Overwatch profiles would come back every time my pc booted or woke up from sleep. After the update it’s just been a one and done removal and the Nvidia profiles for Overwatch haven’t come back and the crashing has stopped. I have an RTX 2070 Gigabyte.

Weird. It didn’t work for me, that.

since the new drivers I haven’t had a problem. I didn’t realize you said gtx.

I’ve been playing for weeks without any issues.
For the last couple of months I was playing succesfully with the renaming workaround. Since this patch and Nvidia update and your suggestion I’ve been playing via the launcher and haven’t received any crash. Usually it would have happened several times with the amount i’ve been playing lately.

So far so good with the new driver.
Also, if GeForce Experience isn’t working or updating properly when installing the new driver, make sure to update Windows 10 to version 1903.

Latest Nvidia Driver 436.30 - WHQL Overwatch is no longer listed. Not as an open issue, nor as fixed.

us.download.nvidia .com/Windows/436.30/436.30-win10-win8-win7-release-notes.pdf

I don’t have this issue anymore. Not sure what “fixed” it but I guess i’ll just hope it doesn’t come back. Still think the 1st round of RTX cards were/are the problem and NVIDIA wont admit it. If you want an RTX card get the Super series, I think they fixed something and are hiding behind a speed boost refresh. Just an opinion though.

I still use the workaround… because I rather just keep using what I know works than lose SR from dropping out of a Competitive match because of the issue.

Using i7 9700k, 16gb DDR4, RTX 2070

All components are running at stock speeds, NO OVERCLOCKING

“Rendering Device has been lost” keeps occurring whenever I enter a game. Everything is running at stock speed, and all of my other games (BF1, BF5, PUBG) run on max settings, no problemo

Any ideas here?

Man, I feel your pain. I did all the fixes for many months including fresh Win 10 installs and still nothing worked. But some how they stopped for me a few weeks ago. Super frustrating that the issue has not been pin pointed yet as I would like to know what the issue was. Update Windows and your NVIDIA drivers, I think its an issue with these RTX cards .

Use the workaround that I have been using since January to avoid this crash. Rename the Overwatch. exe in the Retail folder to OverwatchTest. exe and launch the game from that. Don’t hit the ‘Play’ button in the Battle. net launcher. You will have to sign in with your email and password, and 2-factor authentication code everytime but it prevents crashing.

You could also try what the above poster said. Some have said newest drivers fix the issue, but I rather not test it and lose SR in Comp trying.

September and I’m still having issues with this. This is the most frustrating thing I’ve had to deal with in Overwatch.

Edit. 3 crashes and counting tonight. :frowning:

One thing I do notice from the new driver. No crashing but I get random spikes (about once a day). Ping is fine but my in game delay value spikes to 120 (usually 20).

the rename (OverwatchTest.exe) work around has been working solidly for me for over a month, until today. 2 “render device lost” in back to back games, (banned in between briefly). Now I am stuffed. no work around any more QQ

(RTX 2080 Ti, 436.30 driver, 9900k, sadness)

Anyone on an RTX card should try afterburner or aorus. And under clock your cards some need -100 some -500 mhz but I was crashing in all games, losing d3d devices, artifacting etc. Rtx cards use nvidia boost 4 and run at a higher clock than advertised and they have little over head. So if you card says 1700/14000 etc it might be boosting to 2100 putting it in unstable ground.

I rma my card got one back same issue only fix i found was u der clocking the when it boosts it stays in the stable zone.

To reiterate, we’ve confirmed that the latest Nvidia drivers work around the specific bug we were investigating here. If you are still having the problem with the 436.02 or a more recent driver, you have a different problem that will need a separate resolution and should start your own thread. More information on how to get that help later in this post.

The latest driver doesn’t have a proper “Fix” but Nvidia has some coding in the driver to disable the profile which we suspected was causing the error. If you haven’t updated to the latest drivers, you can find them here. I recommend using the Custom Installation option and selecting the “Clean Install” toggle.

If you have already clean installed the latest driver and you’re still having problems, you’re having a different error. You’ll want to start your own thread or contact support for help.

Once we get word that a new driver has the full fix for the problem we’ll post again here.

A post was split to a new topic: Zass17 - Rendering Device Lost

This has fixed it for me…at least for now.