Remove Widowmaker or give her hard nerfs (Serious)

No you want widow to be killed off because she sniped you. Embarrassing.


There’s nothing a Widowmaker can do to you behind shields or walls.

Thankfully, I don’t mind that taking down Widowmaker requires the whole team’s attention.

Have you guys ran out of things to complain about?


The people here won’t be happy until all the skill is sucked out of this game.

No, I rarely get picked off by widow because I understand proper positioning. I understand what she takes to get countered and know what it’s like to play against Widow at the top of the curve. I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t able to play around a widowmaker.

A shield is not an option in the slightest. An Ana sitting behind a rein shield in high Elo is not only going to be out of position, but also dead in a matter of seconds. But you wouldn’t know this because you don’t understand high Elo play.

No, I just understand you will never know what it’s like to play against this type of widow and your opinion is literally invalid because you have 0 experience in this part of overwatch


so If u hate widowmaker and hanzo gods, just become junkrat god- pvpx have no problems killing samito or dafran, kerphii and others- u just need to become a better player and that’s it. This is the best part of the games- they not easy, they can be challenging) In all blizzard games things like that- wile all play meta in wow- there are people proving that arms or fury warrior is not garbage like Pilav, bajeera… And there are people in overwatch that proving that even garbage pick like bastion can be good)

This is a thread saying widow is trash and should be deleted (which will never happed it would be a PR nightmare and an embarrassment to the game) but you know how to play around a GM widow yet you’re still here defending the OP?

I’m a mccree main and I think shes broken

Great, quote the worst situation you could and promote it as the usual gameplay.

I play in low GM, I know it ain’t much but there are some pretty good Widowmakers too.

Also I love how petty you are.


I think the only broken hero of late has been Brigitte but she was brought into line and will further be balanced when/if they enforce 2-2-2 however WIDOWMAKER the only sniper with glaring weaknesses is definitely not a balance issue.

Here we go again with this nice little paradox…


Oneshots or oneshot combos, the result is the same nonetheless.

lol, I hope they won’t complain about doom after forced 2-2-2 :smiley:

If it’s a combo than by definition it literally isn’t a one shot.


Also can you guys actually decide what youre gonna complain for lol

Pointing this to people saying shes no skill hero, or not fun to play against a god widow then theres those whos complaining about widow not getting picks/throwing…

Im just gonna enjoy reading forums how people are complaining the most stupidest things for a while : )

true his punch one shots everyone regardless of his other mobility options so the combo means nothing.

That’s why I said “oneshot combo,” not “combo.”

That literally doesn’t make sense.


I literally already explained it… But let me do it again. I can play around a widow because I am a support. I can function as an Ana out of the enemies line of sight. Not all roles can do this. If my team gets destroyed because of one enemy heros kit, and there’s nothing they can do about it, I’m going to have an issue.

If you don’t want me to quote the worst scenarios, don’t use them as a solution

Then why are you not posting from your main account? And why are you talking like a gold?


the skillz to frag out as Widow (mocking)

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The OP is a self proclaimed GM Ana main and is complaining about WIdowmaker.

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