Remove Valkyrie Infinite Ammo, Role Que makes Battle Mercy irrelevant and bannable

bannable is not the same as reportable

bans occur automatically due to large numbers of reports over a given unit of time

as such, false reports are counted same as legitimate reports, as it is generally true at the moment that no attempt is made to discern which are legit and which are false

some players are getting (auto-)banned over false reports, without ever violating the rules of the game


Play Mercy as pistol only without healing and you will be banned. I’m okay with you not being able to accept that.

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Except that Jeff has, on video, stated that this is actionable and that they will be investigating and punishing behavior like this. End of story, regardless of whatever other fictions you’d like to believe. There’s really no more to it than that. Defending this behavior is defending rulebreaking.

The very action of refusing to use healing elements in the kit of a character who is plainly designed to first and foremost heal is a very strong indicator of intent, as would be queuing for a support or tank then not fulfilling the expectations and obligations of that role and simply DPSing.

As I have stated many times, I dont play Mercy as pistol only without healing…

that said, a player who is banned over reports submitted specifically for this reason will have been banned due to false reports, and the players who submitted said reports will have broken the rules of the game and are in turn eligible to be actioned for doing so

Just had a chuckle to myself. Imagine we get 2-2-2 and you have Superdodo like players saying I only DPS on Baptiste/Mercy/Ana, Lucio players who say I only speedboost ever. And then those are both your supports and they actually expect it’s not bannable.

People can’t use simple logic or maybe for some folks with difficulties need things clearly spelled out for them. It’s quite clear what type of play that video was talking about.


Given that it is e x p l i c i t l y stated in Blizzards written rules that playing poorly is not reportable, reporting a player for what one deems to be poor play (and for that reason alone) is false reporting, which is breaking the rules of the game

as such

  1. I am defending the rules of the game

  2. I am not defending rulebreaking

As stated, poor play does not cover instances of gameplay sabotage as being described. Equivocating the two is defending rulebreaking, and reporting someone for gameplay sabotage as has been described (from the mouth of the developers themselves) is not against the rules, as they themselves will action players for this behavior.

You are misconstruing the rules of the game to defend rulebreaking, and ignoring official statements selectively to suit your position. This is not ambiguous. You are supporting behaviors that the developers have clearly stated are actionable.

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What are you on about? You´re just straight up wrong here mi dude…

Poor play will never be a Mercy/Ana/Baptiste specifically refusing to heal. That is not poor play, that is a choice. Ana/Bap missing their shots? Poor play. Mercy taking out their pistol at the wrong time, that’s poor play.

Telling your team you refuse to heal is a blatant and specific choice. Picking a support with the express definition of playing them as a DPS and ignoring abilities is a choice.

Under this blatantly foolish logic we’ll be seeing DPS Reinhardts and Orisas who claim that they never use their shield and support Soldier’s who only drop heal station but never shoot. Torbjorn players who don’t ever use their turret because they’re sniper Torb. If you believe this falls under poor play then I’ll have another chuckle at the mental gymnastics behind that.

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In the cases I have heard described thus far as gameplay sabotage, i see poor play, but no demonstration of the intent of the player deemed to be playing poorly to lose the game

In the absence of the ascertainment of intent to lose, such behavior remains poor play, which is explicitly defined by Blizzards rules as being not reportable

As such, I am defending the rules of the game; and in turn am not defending reportable behavior

There are no mental gymnastics involved here

Personal preferences are not the same as rules

If a report is submitted for an actual infraction of actual defined rules, it is legitimate

If a report is submitted for a player playing in a way that doesn’t match how the reporting player prefers them to play, such a report is a false report, and the player submitting it is breaking the rules of the game

As I stated, the very choice to play in this manner is a clear demonstration of intent. Given that Blizzard has stated that this behavior is actionable, then I think it’s reasonable to assume that they feel similarly.

You have not defended the rules, but rather misconstrued the rules by attempting to push a literalist reading of the rules that ignores additional context provided by the developers to clarify the rules, such as Jeff clarifying that refusing to play your role is indeed actionable and that reports against this behavior would be justified. Given that Jeff has outright stated this, then it is curious that one who claims to defend the rules would continue to try to defend that behavior despite it being against the rules. It’s almost as if the claimant doesn’t actually care to defend the rules and simply has an agenda that they wish to push.

Perhaps you would like to contest the developer’s right to define their own rules?

It actually isn’t, given that there are many players who wish to win who play their characters in away that some would see as suboptimal, and ergo judge them guilty of “poor play”, which is explicitly defined by Blizzards rules as not being reportable

Look at the gymnast guys!

If any player of any class informs you that they are intentionally not ever going to use any particular abilities that is gameplay sabotage. A bastion player who refuses to ever shoot because he can be “tank Bastion” and heal himself while running around isn’t getting his ban overturned.

That is exactly what the video linked is talking about. “We have lots of ways of knowing if you’re doing what you shouldn’t be doing”. This isn’t talking about poor play, this isn’t talking about overt actions like throwing yourself off the map. If you’re a Platinum support that averages 6k healing per match and then you start averaging ZERO healing per match because you’re playing Battle Mercy then guess who’s getting a ban?

The conversation is dumb because we’re not even talking about an actual bad player who doesn’t realize that Mercy isn’t a DPS. This is a player outright stating or replying after being asked “Listen guys I know you expect me to heal but I’m playing battle Mercy”. A stated and willful intention is not poor play.

Nail on the head. This backwards logic has always been pushed by two groups. Back in the day it was used to defend one trick characters, which being fair to them a reasonable argument could be made that it was unfair to be banned for simply picking a character. Further down the line it was used for salty Mercy mains who claimed they would not heal due to Mercy’s rework and subsequent nerfs and DPS Moira players. I’ll let you guess how many of those umbrellas they fall under.

Completely refusing to ever use an ability on a character isn’t poor play, that’s throwing. It’s fun to lie to yourself isn’t it?

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So then what you’re saying is remove Soldier’s heal? Cause then all of a sudden he’s a support for a few seconds whenever he wants to be…


It actually is, and you’re once again conflating poor play and gameplay sabotage by refusing to play your role.

If a hero is designed to principally heal and has a damaging weapon provided to use strategically, and this is plainly advertised (as it is on the hero select screen), then playing that hero without healing and only with the damaging weapon is a conscious decision to play a hero in a manner that is counter-productive to your team’s chance of winning. Similarly, queuing for a hero under the tank or support role, then playing them only as a DPS hero, is a very clearly indicator of conscious decisionmaking, which is to say, intent.

This is not the same as a Mercy pulling out her pistol to finish off an enemy Reinhardt and accidentally missing some much-needed heals on a nearby ally, despite your attempts to equivocate the two.

The developers have clearly stated that the former behavior is actionable. End of story. If you continue to defend this behavior, then you are defending rule-breaking. That is, again, unless you would like to contest the developer’s right to define their rules and assert that your own opinion supersedes theirs?

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Somebody call the wahmbulance

I ask that the personal attacks cease

I have already stated multiple times that I personally do not play in this way

the rules clearly and explicitly state that poor play is not reportable

I have no desire to contest the rules

Nor have I claimed that you do. Considering reviewing the usage of the generic “you” in the English language, and you might find you understand my statement a little better.

And the developers have clearly stated that refusing to play your role, such as Battle Mercy (and ostensibly DPS Moira and Reddit Lucio), is covered as a violation under these rules and that they are thus reportable and actionable. That is to say, the rule-writers have stated that the rules do in fact cover the situations described.

If you have no desire to contest the rules, then why do you insist on contesting those who define the rules and insist on defending rule-breaking?

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