Remove Valkyrie Infinite Ammo, Role Que makes Battle Mercy irrelevant and bannable


There’s nothing wrong with Valking Mercy pulling out her pistol and killing Widow or Pharah or other DPS in certain situations.

Zero reason to nerf the infinite ammo.


Jeff, on stream with Seagull, specifically said this behavior is in fact reportable (as I and several others informed you previously) and that they have even set aside a team to investigate and punish players engaging in this behavior under the new RoleQ system. It is not a false report.

I watched said stream

I know of no rule changes associated with Role Queue

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That’s because there were no rule changes. It was already against the rules, as I and several others have stated–Jeff simply clarified that they will be more aggressive in punishing players for breaching this rule than in the past.

The fact remains that Jeff very clearly stated that playing in the manner described by ToxicGambler is reportable, that it is against the rules, and that they will be seeking out and punishing people flagged for it. Even if it were not against the rules beforehand, it is certainly now, and defending this behavior moving forward is defending rulebreaking.

It has never been against the rules, as defined in writing by Blizzard.

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I mean, the only going battle mercy is reportable, utilizing her kit in a way you find optimal isnt, and using her pistol while ulting isnt suboptimal for you or your team as long as you can secure a kill or presure the enemy team


As previously explained, the rules are written open-ended, only using examples of prohibited behaviors rather than writing comprehensive lists. If a behavior is gameplay sabotage, then it is against the rules regardless of whether or not it is explicitly spelled out.

However, this conversation is also academic, because Jeff has unambiguously clarified that this behavior is against the rules, to such an extent that they have a team that will be specifically investigating players engaging in this behavior. If the developers have stated that it is against the rules and are willing to take action on it, then regardless of whatever fiction you would like to conjure, it is against the rules and reporting players for said behavior is not a false report.

Correct, and in my first post on the thread (fourth post after OP), I did point out that there is a difference between chasing down a sniper during Valk and just running Battle Mercy. In this instance, MegaDodo was responding to someone who was talking about true Battle Mercy, in which healing is neglected and the Mercy player is just DPSing.

How 'bout no. I like to be able to have the option of defending myself if I need to, and instilling fear into the Widow that dares trifle with me. But in all seriousness, infinite ammo has saved my life and a couple of fights more times than I can count.

If someone’s going to battle Mercy in Competitive, report them and let them fall to their desired sr. Otherwise, buzz off and mind your own business. Mercy doesn’t need to be without options to defend herself.

How about no you’re idea sounds terrible.

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It is not against the current rules to make use of Mercy’s pistol, as it is part of her kit and ergo intended that it be used

I know that a lot of players would prefer she not use it at all, but preferences are not the same as rules

By that logic:

Ana should have her damage bullets removed, she’s a support so if she isn’t healing she’s throwing

If Soldier 76 heals a teammate, it’s bannable because he’s not doing his job, he should be dealing damage.

If Reinhardt attacks someone it’s bannable because he is not shielding or tanking he’s filling a DPS slot and therefore it’s 3/2/1 not 2/2/2

No entiendo

Reporting a player for pistol use when pistol is part of the character’s kit is false reporting, and a violation of the rules of the game

by role queue rules u cant, since a dps cant swap to a support to heal for the battle mercy.

That’s what you get when you force dps to learn a new role. We tried to warn you, you didn’t listen. So get yourself comfortable, dps players are coming to “learn” how to play supports (by becoming “healing dps” like Zen).


As I have stated, there’s is a difference between opportunistically using Mercy’s pistol to kill an enemy, and simply running Mercy as DPS. ToxicGambler described the latter behavior, which was the behavior being discussed as I pointed out to Sainpa.

Equivocating the two behaviors is an obfuscation that distracts from the point being made–a mistake that the OP also made in assuming that Jeff’s commentary meant that using Mercy’s pistol was altogether disallowed, which is not the case, as I pointed out shortly after the OP.

I have at no point claimed that using Mercy’s pistol is against the rules. I have claimed, as supported by the rules and developers, that running Mercy as a DPS is against the rules. Attempting to construe my position as the former is a poor strawman, considering I have taken effort to delineate the two behaviors on multiple instances.

The rules as written at this time do not make using a character in a suboptimal fashion a reportable offense

In fact, it is specifically called out in the rules - in writing - that “poor play” is not reportable

I fully understand that it is preferable to most folks that a healer heals. I get that. I too want my healers to heal, and when I am playing a support healing always comes first


there is a difference between that which is preferred and that which is spelled out in Blizzards written rules

To reiterate: the rules do not list a comprehensive encyclopedia of behaviors which breach a given rule, but rather provide examples of what do and do not constitute breaking that rule. As Jeff (a game developer) has explicitly stated, intentionally using a character in a suboptimal fashion that diverges from their intended role is reportable and that they are going to be investigating and actioning it.

“Poor play,” as described by the devs in a few instances in the past, covers instances where someone is just truly bad at a hero–a McCree who can’t aim well, or a Mercy who has poor triage prioritization. Particularly with RoleQ and role-based SRs upcoming, even if reports were for some reason allowed, they would be gratuitous as SR natively discriminates based on poor play over the long-term. But, it’s not allowed, rightfully, as some people truly are just bad at the game, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

That’s not the same as someone knowingly and willfully neglecting large parts of a hero’s kit to play them in an unintended fashion. This is and always has been reportable, and players have been actioned for this behavior in the past. A comparable example might be a Soldier player only ever using Heal Station and trying to run Soldier as a support. It’s not his intended role, and using him in this way will likely result in you receiving multiple rightful reports for gameplay sabotage. The same is true for pure Battle Mercy, and pleading the literal interpretation argument with regards to the rules is a very flimsy defense, particularly in light of a developer outright saying that playing heroes in this way is actionable and that they are specifically paying attention to it with RoleQ upcoming.

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Just ignore them. They’ve been harping on this particular point for quite some time. Even as people have come forward and admitted they’ve been banned by it.

Using pistol only Mercy has always and still is bannable.

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Poor play is poor play

If player A prefers that player B use a power/ability that they are not using, player A would deem that player B is playing poorly – and playing poorly is explicitly defined in Blizzards written rules as not being reportable

That said, the exception occurs when said poor play is with the intention of losing the game. As such, when player A is able to ascertain that player B’s intention is to lose the game, such benhavior becomes reportable.

In the absence of such certainty - for example, a pistol only mercy being played by a DPS who is trying to win the game by helping her team outdamage/outkill the red team - said player is not reportable by the rules

again - I prefer supports to heal, and I myself prioritize healing as a support…and as a support main, I am usually playing a support.

but personal preferences <> rules

I don’t think I agree with that. There are plenty of times in valk where pistoling that widowmaker is optimal.