Remove Valkyrie Infinite Ammo, Role Que makes Battle Mercy irrelevant and bannable

You’re right, the only reason someone should want to play Mercy is to be a walking health pack :roll_eyes: And you wonder why the DPS queue times are so long.

Instead of removing it replace it with something else more suitable I say. They can start by making Resurrection both earned (as opposed to being on a fixed 30 second timer) and instant to cast.

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I have already indicated several times that I am defending the rules, and that I am in turn not defending rule breaking. I really have nothing further to add on this point

Despite your claims that you are not doing so, you have done nothing to show that this is the case except to continue to bleat that you do not defend rule-breaking.

As I have clearly stated several times now, the developers have made it unambiguous that the behavior that I, ToxicGambler, and CrazyDiamond have described is against the rules and actionable–thus, defending this behavior is plainly defending rule-breaking, despite what fictions you may like to invent to justify it. That is, again, unless you feel that your interpretation of the rules supersedes the dev’s right to define them.

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I understand your position

I ask that the personal attacks cease

You can say this all you want but it still doesn’t make it true. Was Mercy’s pistol removed from the game? No? Then your entire post is completely irrelevant.

Please highlight the instance in which I personally attacked you. If it helps you, I haven’t. I have, as I have consistently done, criticized your positions and behaviors. This is not a personal attack, and if you feel personally attacked by those criticisms, then I would suggest re-evaluating your positions and behavior and whether or not you feel comfortable being in a forum where your behavior and positions will come under scrutiny.

I ask that you cease defending rule-breaking.

Given that I have not defended rule breaking, there is nothing for me to cease in this regard

I have thoroughly explained how you are, indeed, defending rule-breaking. There is no requirement that you acknowledge this, just as there is no requirement that you acknowledge that not playing your role is indeed actionable (as stated by the devs), that the earth is round, or that pineapple does indeed go well on pizza (the last one is a joke, in case that is unclear to you). That does not change the reality of the situation, though, that these statements are all true, no matter how much you may like to deny them (except the pineapple one, as it’s a matter of personal opinion).

If you defend a behavior, and that behavior has been defined as rule-breaking by those who determine the rules, then you are defending rule-breaking. End of story. If you would like to not be accused of defending rule-breaking, there is a very simple solution:

Don’t do it.

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again - I haven’t defended rule breaking…I have defended the rules

You’re welcome to believe that is the case, even though you have in fact defending rule-breaking as I have outlined :man_shrugging: As I stated, there is no requirement that you acknowledge reality.

Given that it seems you are content to persist in promoting your fiction, and I have made the reality of the situation abundantly clear, I think I’ll be done here… just like you supposedly were multiple posts ago :relaxed:

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Ye but you kinda missed the point. We were talking about full battle mercy and refusing to heal ever. Literally running mercy as a dps all game

It’s perfectly fine to use her pistol lol if you make the judgement that you can get a kill (or 6), or as long as you do some healing too
As someone with 300hrs on mercy, i battle mercy all the time and not once has someone complained because I still do my job of playing support first

do people ever actually go full out battle mercy…

like when i train the gun specifically vs AI and stuff typically i tend to do almost as much damage as i do healing…

But i mean who ever actually only uses the gun other then as a purposfull test to see how much damage you can make at most…

Incidentally i once did an experiment like that with torb lol

I was playing uprising first by only tending to the turret doing nothing else (which was kinda mental agony and a bit of a pain for the rest of the team but it was for science!) did 150+ kills

then full on use everything mode i got like 240kills something… so lol the turret does most the kills at least when you have that many enemies…

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Translation: “If you don’t play how I want you to play, you’re throwing.”

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her infinite ammo isn’t even a problem, though.

sadly, this appears to be what some folks want to see as the rule for reporting gameplay sabotage

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OP must be one of those people who got pistol whipped by mercy in valk and want it removed.

I don’t need a valkyrie to teach a hanzo a lesson who thinks lonely mercy is easy prey.


Um okay…
10 charact

I’m a pretty blood-thirsty Mercy tbh (average of 3-5 blaster kills per game, I think my record is 36 in some non-FFA arcade mode… but I don’t usually get to even 10 in “real” modes), but even in my most manic games I still put the gun away and rush to a teammate’s side whenever they need healing, and will always damage boost a teammate who is ulting or trying to burst down a shield, and if you saw the kinds of Rezzes I go for you would never have any doubt that I take my healer duties seriously.

So as ridiculously aggressive as my Mercy play is, I can’t conceive of anyone actually using only the pistol and refusing to heal.

I wonder if it was me… the only thing I love more than doing surprising amounts of damage with the pew pew gun is pistol-whipping someone in the back of the head. And I don’t even need Valk to do it, I’m happy to whack an enemy Pharah out of the sky purely on Guardian Angel and Angelic Descent.

But yeah, it’s a phase not a lifestyle. I don’t think the mythical Battle Mercy as described by OP actually exists. And even if it did, it is completely false that 222 somehow prohibits such a playstyle. Report it if you wish, although I think it’s a bigger indicator of your own toxicity rather than their breaking the rules.

And leave infinite ammo alone. If your serial killer Mercy does exist, I promise you she doesn’t need infinite ammo to wreck you, so don’t waste our time with another unnecessary nerf.


I’d love a battle mercy like animetic on my team who can kill the enemy backline supports and snipers when nobody else can.

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