Remove Valkyrie Infinite Ammo, Role Que makes Battle Mercy irrelevant and bannable

They may very well have had a chance to kill whoever was on them if they were getting healed. If you spend 3-4 seconds with the pistol and haven’t killed anyone, you’ve potentially wasted 200+ healing per teammate while getting 0 value out of the ult.
If you want to kill people, there are multiple supports vastly more suited to the task who also don’t need to waste a bunch of time switching weapons.

You can still go full Battle Mercy in Valk if the infinite ammo is removed and be almost as effective, so this change won’t stop anyone from using it.

One thing I don’t understand is why OP had to repeat the same thing like 6 times lol.

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And it’s just as possible that my damage input kept them alive where my healing had no chance.
It’s a nuanced choice, like when to drop healing and boost, or when to pick a risky Rez.

But this discussion isn’t about people incorrectly making a choice, it’s about people actively making a singular choice, to Battle Mercy, the wasted healing could be 1000hps on each target and it wouldn’t change it. They’re allowed to play that way, that probably won’t be taken back, and there may even be an increase in the true Battle Mercy ranks with 2/2/2. C’est la vie.

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If you killed the one shooting them extremely quickly, then it’s possible. It’s also far more likely that you will get more value out of the ult if you don’t do that and just heal/damage boost instead, which also happens to give your teammates more ult charge.
Luckily battle Mercys are far less common at higher ranks so not everyone is going to be stuck with them.

No, 3-4s is enough for at least one of your teammates to die while you’re off trying to shoot people. You don’t have to waste your entire ult on it to screw your team over.

The definition of support is not just “healer”, You can support with extra damage, You can support with rez. Blaster moth is actually quite lethal if its not focused down.

It’s certainly not a bannable offence.

Go watch some GM-top 500 Mercy players and then get back to me on this.
But nice to know we have a goldie telling Mercys how to play.
Even Jayne in his guess my SR series uses hesitation to pull out pistol and bad aim on Mercys in Valk as a sign of lower SR, but nananana Mercy using her pistol in Valk is throwing.

This whole thread is basically: Lets nerf Mercy more for no reason what so ever.

Not just that,but this idea of being able to ban a healer for not being a heal bot jammed up your a…, and expectation for supports to be heal bots because ‘‘role que’’ is just painfully annoying.

Sure mate Ill be a heal/dmg boost bot for you and never use my entire kit, but then I think its appropriate compensation for you to get hard banned when things dont die and we lose, deal?

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Why don’t you people stop wasting your time trying to find new things to gut from mercy’s kit (like some sick pastime) which is already way worse than before the rework and rather focus on areas that do need looking into.

Ana by far outstripps the other healers, go play with her.

Hanzo’s stupid spam arrow is still a thing, go play with that.

So if you dps suck at their job you can’t kill the widow who’s slautering your team? You realise valk isn’t active all the time you know, and given how people like you have already managed to kill most of the fun in her kit, why not let mercy have the odd momment.

I’ve seen Animetic slaugther countless widows AND STILL HEAL THE TEAM.

Has some mercy has beaten you and you are a little salty perhaps?

Roadhog, soldier, reaper, mei can heal themselves, shall we remove that too?

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Another person that would want all healers to just be heal bots.

Probably wants all tanks to just hold up a shield for them too

nerf the 1 thing about valk that actually feels like mercy’s valk is doing something in terms of having direct impact/value to the fight feedback based on user input? like are you going to comeback later and be like “mercy’s skill ceiling is low, she’s brain dead easy therefore don’t deserve buffs nor reworks” whilst simultaneously also wanting superjump to be removed too?

Battle Mercy =/= shooting the Widow in prime position to headshot me. Battle Mercy = I’m not healing, sort that out yourself.

There is a fundamental difference between trying to cover myself from a prime threat capable of nullifying my ult and denying all value from it while crippling my team by allowing the enemy to remove a huge source of healing vs one unconventional DPS going down.

I gotta say you seem really salty over something so worthless as “well I could die :(” when that’s the case with every support/support ult.
Ana unleashes Nano? Probably shifts focus to keeping the Nanoed ally up and nullifying direct threats to maximize her ults value.
Lucio drops the beat? Better be in range, or it doesn’t help you. Rally and Transc apply here too. You also have to hope Luci doesn’t get stunned or headshot during his hop cast animation.
Baps sets up his matrix in a hallway the enemy team abandons, or they unflinchingly stand their ground and retaliate.
Moira prioritizes damaging the shielded enemies, gets stunned, uses Coalescence v a DPS ult it can’t out heal.
Mercy does her old base healing and gains flight opening her up to sniper/hitscan retaliation.
Battle Mercy has no intention of healing so healing lost or you dying during Valk is irrelevant, maybe you’ll get rezed if they aren’t saving it for the other Support.

Finally, you don’t know an egg from a rock, a Mercy’s capability to neutralize high priority threats like enemy snipers is a huge part of successfully utilizing Valk. Literally every GM+ or M+ Mercy player I’ve met has said sticking to only healing or boosting in Valk is wasting some potential, and that Valk is really good for its flexibility. Killing the enemy sniper and harassing their healers can be more valuable than 60hps or multi-boost due to the positioning advantage a flying Mercy with extended GA has v her team.
If by flying through the choke and shooting their Rein I get him to reflexively turn around and my team shreds him I gained more value than the seconds of boosting to shield break (which assumes my team focuses on shield breaking and isn’t trying to punish some peeking enemy).


I’ve seen OWL players go battle mercy and kill enemies, and don’t dps always like to bring up the “but it’s an fps game” argument.

And shouldn’t Ana then get reworked? I mean their’s even more potential there to o postal even outside of her ult and neglect healing.

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What is this braindead post, OP?

Battle Mercy is completely situational. It is NOT a playstyle.


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:+1: If I’m on Rein and a Widow or Pharah is giving my team grief, I’m completely OK with my Mercy ulting to kill the problematic enemy carry. There’s a world of difference between healing for 95% of the game and only shooting when necessary, and playing Battle Mercy (shooting for more than 50% of the game).

Link, you do realize that the fact that no one agrees with you and that you constantly have to repeat the exact same thing (seriously, I hope youre literally copying and pasting, cause youre gonna get tired of typing it out) should give you a clue of why you are the one whose wrong in this debate.

Mercy’s infinite mag was added to cater to a certain audience, sure, but it does not mean it promotes people to just become the flying angel of death… besides, you have expressed your distate for Mercy as a character and the players when you said that every time theres a Mercy on your team you just leave.

You have been given every argument to change your mind, someone even cited overwatch’s official description of support, and still hit a brick wall, you should take the things people are saying into consideration and after 74 posts, most of them going against your ideas, the others who agree being your responses to the other ones, should rethink your initial statement.

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It may be suboptimal all day long - sometimes it’s still needed.

I know of no rule changes for role lock at this time

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I know of no new rules specific to role queue