Remove Valkyrie Infinite Ammo, Role Que makes Battle Mercy irrelevant and bannable

i didn’t know your OP statement reflected what Mercy does outside of Valk as well? Confusing. So why nerf Valk again? So she doesn’t use her pistol in Valk? Even though she can heal the entirety of the game not only during Valk, but outside of those 15 seconds?


I mean, then I guess, we should take away the option that Ana’s shots can do dmg and her bionade only heals. Moira Coalesence? No dmg anymore, only heals.
Baptistes Ultimate can amplify DAMAGE? BLIIZARD WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!???!11!


If you valk and everyone has good health levels you might aswell go after an enemy or 2


Yeah and the Melee should be disabled as well


Oh yeah true, can’t wait for the next Brig rework too. She now has to hit allies with her flail to heal


And her shift pulls her at the target if used on an ally.


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No cuz like if she misses it goes on cd and that was it.

I still think she should heal enemies if she hits them. Cause she is a support, you know?


If your team doesn’t need healing or needs damage boost, Mercy should be going Battle Mercy.


This seems like a thread made by someone that got focused by a Valking Mercy while playing Widow. :thinking:


Honestly I really don’t think you can ban people for going battle mercy. Is it an optimal choice? Perhaps not but it’s a pretty slippery slope. It can easily apply to almost all supports. Moira can go DPS crazy and never throw health orbs, Lucio can stay on speed boost the whole time and just go for environmental elims.

Then you have DPS. A Widow could never use her scope and just burst fire the whole match, Rein swing his hammer and never touch his shield etc. Is merely not playing the most optimal route ban able? Not to mention it’s just what players percieve to be “bad” and often other bad choices are ignored.

But honestly I think role que is going to fail hard. SImply put not every hero in every catagory full fills the same role. Even now so many people “play tank” but won’t pick a main one. The Roadhog/Hammond combo does next to nothing to protect your team but it’s strangely common in lower ranks and QP.

Same with Healing or even DPS. Be prepared for the Doomfist/Sombra pairing as just because people pick DPS doesn’t mean it’s going to be ones that work together or actually able to kill the enemies against you.

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i’m wondering if it looks that way because it takes Mercy FOREVER to heal a tank to full health so naturally she’s going to be healing them longer than someone with 200hp. Mercy is not a pocket bot or you’re playing her wrong, tanks are more important to keep alive than the genji trying to 1v6.


So true, mercy doesn’t AoE heal, nor is it instant. 50hps does mean it takes 12 seconds to fully heal a tank from low/no HP. That is also assuming they aren’t taking more dmg during that time. Even a 200 hp DpS is 4 seconds, and lets face it most DPS can get back into critical health in a blink of an Eye.

It’s why I have always felt Mercy works best with an AoE healer to help cover up the “little boo boos” people get and can instead focus on the important targets taking a lot of dmg, like tanks.


Leave Mercy alone, she’s already had 10 nerfs.


Sometimes it’s the best course of action.

Sometimes it’s better to pop Valk for the chain 60hps or damage boost to win a fight.

Sometimes it’s better to use your infinite ammo.

Sometimes it would be better if it just made her Rez instant but we can still dream.


By this logic we should just ban any and all damaging abilities from all tanks and supports just because in theory the damage should be covered by the DPS and no one else.


I know of no new rules for rolequeue

That aside, Mercy works fine in unForced 222 teams already, and as such needs no changes


a mercy should be allowed to go battle mercy its a perfectly acceptable tactic if used appropriately like as a counter to widowmakers or to target pharahs or ocassionally flanking a reinardt.

reporting people for going battle mercy is just wrongheaded unless she absolutely does not heal anyone.

just because your not getting any attention at some point does not mean she is not healing btw… different healers are good for different situations and it is a dual healer comp so the other healer can take up the slack usually…

But there are a lot of childish immature idiots in this game who thinks mercy is their personal slave had has to constantly pocket them and only them.

Mercy does not need another stupid nerf! and going battle mercy every now and then when appropriate is not some massive crime!

The game should be fun for everyone not just you!


Uh. This is a long, long leap in logic. Lucio might be jealous with how far this leap was. If a Mercy wants to Valk and pull out her pistol for 5 seconds, she’s not throwing. It’s 5 seconds the team isn’t being healed because the Mercy is trying to kill the enemy Widow or something. You’re being silly.

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