Remove Valkyrie Infinite Ammo, Role Que makes Battle Mercy irrelevant and bannable

OP must be one of those people who got pistol whipped by mercy in valk and want it removed.

I don’t need a valkyrie to teach a hanzo a lesson who thinks lonely mercy is easy prey.


Um okay…
10 charact

I’m a pretty blood-thirsty Mercy tbh (average of 3-5 blaster kills per game, I think my record is 36 in some non-FFA arcade mode… but I don’t usually get to even 10 in “real” modes), but even in my most manic games I still put the gun away and rush to a teammate’s side whenever they need healing, and will always damage boost a teammate who is ulting or trying to burst down a shield, and if you saw the kinds of Rezzes I go for you would never have any doubt that I take my healer duties seriously.

So as ridiculously aggressive as my Mercy play is, I can’t conceive of anyone actually using only the pistol and refusing to heal.

I wonder if it was me… the only thing I love more than doing surprising amounts of damage with the pew pew gun is pistol-whipping someone in the back of the head. And I don’t even need Valk to do it, I’m happy to whack an enemy Pharah out of the sky purely on Guardian Angel and Angelic Descent.

But yeah, it’s a phase not a lifestyle. I don’t think the mythical Battle Mercy as described by OP actually exists. And even if it did, it is completely false that 222 somehow prohibits such a playstyle. Report it if you wish, although I think it’s a bigger indicator of your own toxicity rather than their breaking the rules.

And leave infinite ammo alone. If your serial killer Mercy does exist, I promise you she doesn’t need infinite ammo to wreck you, so don’t waste our time with another unnecessary nerf.


I’d love a battle mercy like animetic on my team who can kill the enemy backline supports and snipers when nobody else can.

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me as well

sometimes, that player is me, despite my relatively poor aim…the unlimited ammo really helps in this respect

Right, but that isnt the point. The point is removing something which is irrelevant. It would be the equivalent of leaving Reaper’s soul orbs after its heal got moved to his passive. Battle Mercy is no longer supported so a feature designed and implemented for Battle Mercy’s is irrelevant and not necessary.

On another note, its also not necessary that it gives Mercy the ability to see all healthbars of the enemy team just like Widowmaker, but that was not stated to be implemented for Battle Mercy’s or catered for them so it can stay.

Because people dont get it the first time. Look at every other post I made on this thread so you can see just how many times I have been forced to repeat myself.

In Overwatch, it does. There is no non-healing support and I argue that there never was.

Under 222 rules it certainly is, as if you pick support you are expected to heal.

I did, in the overwatch league in fact and, its boring enough playing her, and now I wasted time watching it as well. Theres a reason even in Moth meta days you do not see the game from the Mercy’s perspective and even less so today, when she does nothing but pocket and works as an off healer with Ana run to do the job of healing everyone else.

Sure you can. I guess I wasnt repetitive enough in my OP but Ill say it again. This applies to battle mercy only. If you go to kill a widow once but do your job as a healer, you do not need infinite ammo.

Good. Hes not playing Battle Mercy. I define battle mercy as using Mercy’s pistol exclusively.

Her ultimate is quite powerful, being very fast to charge and giving a huge team wide damage amp as well as group heal that she should not have since she is meant to be single target imo, her old ult worked better imo.

But saying her ult does nothing is just wrong, its one of the strongest ultimates.

Exactly this.

I leave because I find Mercy to be a bad healer to play with. They constantly want to heal everyone and rez like its 2017. Her lower heals solidifies her as a pocket. The only people playing her properly are the OWL pros, who run her beside an Ana so Ana can heal and Mercy can serve as a pocket.

ANd they have not been convincing.

And it clearly says healing is the primary characteristic. All the other things can be done by other non-healers and they are not supports because they cannot do one thing: heal.

Then you should watch the developer update on it. Under role lock, you have to preselect a role to perform. If you select support, you are expected to heal and if you do not, then you are not performing your role and thus a report is justified.

Under role lock rules, selecting support and not healing at all means you are not playing support, you are playing Damage and not fulfilling your role and thus can be reported.


Wrong, it should not be nerfed, but rather removed as its intended design and reason for implementation was to appeal to an audience which is no longer supported

No, because Ana’s damage bullets were not stated to be implemented with the intention to appeal to “battle Ana’s” or anas that only dps. Even then, it would do more damage than a battle mercy.

No, because his healing is not stated to be done to appeal to a group of soldier 76 players who exclusively heal.

No, because him being able to attack was not stated to be implemented to appeal to damage only reinhardts.

Hope this clears it up; im not saying to remove Mercy’s pistol. I am saying to remove infinite ammo in valkyrie because the only reason it was there was to appeal to battle mercy’s as in mercy’s that only do damage and withint the rules of 222, this is not allowed.

If they only use their pistol and do not perform their role as a support, it violates the rules of 222.

I was never an advocate of 222 to begin with but at that token, no one is forcing dps players to learn anything. If they want to continue playing dps, you have to suffer the long queue times.

Battle Mercy is not poor play, it is gameplay sabotage, as it is playing a hero in the support role without healing. Doing so is making it so no one else can cover the lack of a support since a role lock would prevent dps from switching to a support. It is reportable.

Fixed that for you

No, because his heal was not stated to be implemented to specifically appeal to soldiers who only heal.

I dont believe resurrect is able to be balanced as an ability and would rather it be removed, but if it must stay, I would recommend something like this:

No, because Mercy’s pistol was not added nor implemented to appeal to battle MErcy’s. Infinite ammo however was and now that it is bannable by way of role que’s ruleset, there is no reason that infinite ammo in valkyrie should be a thing.

You should see the back and forth he carried out here:

It isnt, Its just a remnant of something that isnt supported anymore, its the equivalent of leaving in reaper’s soul orbs even after they were made obsolete by their heal removed and added into his passive.

Probably because you play on console.

Well, what if a situation arises where you need to pick but dps are down? Idk, it should be an option, but obviously not the playstyle.

Sym says hello. she was a mobility support who provided both transport or shields for their team.

You are also expected to be able to defend yourself. Also blaster moth mercy is not a reportable offence under any rule 2-2-2 or otherwise.

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you misunderstood what I meant. valk outside of pistoling and res both are more dependent on allies doing something or the enemies not doing something for them to get value.

e.g. Give team 60hps aoe or damage amp aoe and it won’t mean anything if the enemy throws a dps or cc ult at them and they don’t deal with it.

or e.g. you can res but what determines you pulling it off is more about where the corpse is or whether the enemy team is going it ignore you while you res if it’s not obviously safe or whether your team is going to pocket you for that. i.e. not based on the mercy player’s input or skill.

Yet you want to take the 1 moment during valk when you can actually feel directly that you’re doing something, that you actually shined and not your teammates in facilitating you to do something.
Note I’m speaking from a user experience/gameplay perspective and not a balance one.

What even is this complaint? Killing a Widow/Pharah or whatever during Valk is not at all bannable and it can be very useful if your team isn’t doing enough to take care of them.

I also don’t get why you think nerfing Mercy would “fix” your problem. Mercy players would likely still do it, but be a bit worse at doing it because they’ll have to reload after using 20 bullets.


This. The thing that is bannable is griefing a team by specificially going out of your way ALL MATCH LONG to not preform your role, either by afk, griefing (teleport off a cliff), or trying to preform as a fulltime dps as a non-dps class. A mercy that literally only tries to kill people is bannable. A mercy that got a pick because they won the teamfight, healing isn’t neccessary, but there’s still clean up is not a bannable offense.

That is why I would argue there never was. This is the reason she has been relegated to a damage hero, the devs admitted having a support who does not heal would not work in overwatch, and under 222 even less so.

SHe can still transport her team and provides a massive shield for them.

And thats fine. However, only “defending” yourself is reportable.

GOing only “blaster moth” is.

Right, but i have to reiterate this once again:

Key word right here, Mercy should always be defending other people too–yes, it is neccessary to defend yourself, but if your not defending yourself but acting like a genji main prick, you deserver at least a temp ban, sorry


That’s still nerfing the potential of Mercy players who only use pistol during valk when they think it’s needed… also a nerf to Mercy if she has popped valk but her team dies and there are like 1-2 people left who she can kill if she hits enough shots… there’s just no reason to nerf Mercy due some people not being good at judging if they should use pistol or not.

It’s not bannable by any stretch of the imagination just because of role queue. Go ahead and report every Mercy (and, I’m sure, every other player) not playing the way you like. You can get banned for abusing the report system, LOL.

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Infinite ammo is redundant and not necessary.

  • If you’re taking more than 20 bullets to kill a target you should just give up and start helping your team
  • Infinite ammo encourages a behaviour that has long been known to be the least effective method of playing Mercy. If Battle Mercy is more viable than actually supporting your team, then she has a DPS ult, not a support ult.
  • If you could spend the entire 15 seconds shooting non-stop, the ult was likely not needed anyway if your team can fight without a main healer

You can add that to the rest of the nonsensical buffs she receives during Valk.

You don’t really need to be a battle mercy to use pistol tbh.

Often times when I have utilized the infinite ammo in Valc it was when I could not heal my team through an ult, like a grav-dragon, but I was the only one who remained alive so I used it to at least try and defend myself as I retreated.

Other scenarios it has been useful in are when my teammate got someone low but died in the process and then I could finish them off so they weren’t guarding the “body” and rez said teammate before getting back to heals.
A Pharah my team can’t seem to handle flanking is something I’m usually thanked for killing, though granted I wouldn’t chase her or hard-commit if it didn’t seem to be working out.

what in the world is with the hyperbole and false equivalencies today

Sooo you didnt? You went and watched OWL when I told you to go watch GM-top 500 Mercy players on ladder.
I honestly give no fs about what heroes in OWL are doing and I dont see how this affects anyone when OWL and competitive play have basically almost nothing in common. Hell, when Sombra was one of the most played in OWL not so long ago she couldnt reach 50% win rate even in GM.

I will say it again, give me one solid reason why do you want to nerf Mercy? And it not being BeCaUse HeAleRs shOuL JuST HEaL, or they should be reported. Cause again, if thats ok, then im sure as hell reporting every dps that causes us to lose the game cause they cant kill.