Remove role que already

this is actually unbelievable, I dont care if I have 6 dps on my team all the time BUT PLEASE LET ME PLAY! I barely have time to play video games and 60% of this time is me staying in the lobby waiting for a game ?! this system is only good when u have at least million active players but you barley have 10,000 at the moment? why dont you wanna admit this system is killing the game, you listened to the community and everyone was hyped about it but sadly its not working the way everyone wanted, no shame in swapping back to the old system.


Or you can go to QP Classic. Having 6 DPS makes the game even more unstable balance wise and was the reason we ended up with GOATS that has 0 DPS. Fine, it sucks to have a long queue because you want to play the most popular and diverse role but so does everyone else. Have you even considered the opinion of the person who wants to be the nice guy and flex just to make sure the comp is at least somewhat function. Yes, 6 DPS in theory still has the potential to win but don’t come crying to me when you all need healing and someone took all the health packs. There is more to this game than just the DPS slot. Hopefully, Blizzard will find some way to assist the DPS queue to make it less of a hassle especially in the higher ranks but until then if you just want to have fun with your 6 man DPS comp there is QP Classic. Sure, you aren’t going to get SR but do you want SR or play how you want to play. . . sadly as of now you can’t have both.


Its like you guys don’t have a brain.
You have long queue times? Its because most players are trying to DPS too. Without role queue the game is just a wild unbalanced mess.


a baby step I’d like to see.

Add a seasonal No Limits Comp mode. Just like Comp CTF or Copa LucioBall.

but it still wouldn’t be the best, because the game is not balanced for no limits, or maybe it is idk

Role Queue is literally killing the game for me - Overwatch Comp used to be fun, you could get into a game in under a minute; were able to change from DPS to Tank to Support depending on the mix and what map you’re playing; you could have fun.

Now we have a system where we’re waiting up to 10 minutes for a game; sometimes 15 minutes and its uttlerly depressing. Really poor experience and likely to turn so many players off.

The game wasn’t broken the way it was - I was hoping the Beta would revert but it hasnt. Please, please fix this issue or you’ll continue to see this game die a slow death which is sad.


Play tank? Is this that hard for people to get?


I don’t care about match quality, just don’t make me wait.



Obviously if you want to play DPS you have to wait in line because everybody else wants to play DPS too. Given you are short on time, you have 2 solutions:

1: Queue for tank. You will get instant queues.
2: QP Classic. You will get your 6 DPS team you claim not to mind but it will be a fast queue.


Myself and others do care if there are 6 DPS on the team all the time.

That’s part of the reason why Role Queue was added - to stop terrible team comps like that from happening.

The game is much better off for it, in my opinion.

You don’t speak for everyone. You certainly don’t speak for me.

Role Queue is absolutely working the way I wanted.


If queue times were up to 5 mins I could handle it but all too often I have 15 min queue, leaver or troll game, and another 15 min queue and in 35+ minutes I’ve had zero minutes of actual competitive gameplay as a DPS. I can queue for tank or support and I have been a LOT but it’s just not as engaging or fun. Most seasons up until this have been ~80% DPS and 20% zarya/ana and now it’s like 20% dps, 80% zarya/hog/ana.

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I think most people get that tank is literally the worst role in gaming 2019. I would rather gouge my eyes out then play tank ‘properly’. Its so bad, they have to literally bribe every. single. match. in that dreaded queue. Ah yep, gimme my lootbox.

Its a video game. Games should be fun, until they’re not. 222 made it not. Is that hard for people to get?


But they don’t like it when I play DPS tank.

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I mustn’t be “most people” then. I enjoy playing Tank far more than playing Damage. I don’t think it’s bad at all.

222 made it fun again for me.


Of course people don’t like it when you do that, because what you’re doing is Gameplay Sabotage

You’re queuing for a specific role and then not playing that role as Blizzard intended.

Enjoy the numerous reports for Gameplay Sabotage that have and will continue to come your way until such time as you stop doing it or get suspended, whichever comes first.


I mean thats a great place to be. Power to you. I’m done with comp now because of the false reports, trash meta, bans, griefers, leavers, throwers, and queues.

But I’m still enjoying QPC (even though I was once suspended for false sabotage reports - 100% because of stacks in QPC).

I quit very start of s15 before Baptiste went live. I grew too tired of the toxicity and constant 4+ DPS at the start of almost every match. I know a lot of people gave up on OW who played tank or healer before I did for the same reason.

I’ve also seen top 500 DPS players on Twitch feel forced to play tank/healer because master players on their team would only play dps and failed to swap even if they didn’t get kills.

2-2-2 brought me back to the game.

Pick tank then. It’s not Blizzard’s fault you’re stubborn

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I’m not denying those are still issues, especially on Xbox where smurf accounts are everywhere because they’re free to make, but the game is still better with 222 than without.

Sure…for 60-65% of the people. But the other 40ish %?
Is the game better with a greatly reduced playerbase? We have no real data/polls showing player numbers, satisfaction rates, etc…since role queue implementation.

Just curious if there is anything that became better ‘objectively’ for you. Not subjective, as in - not your own enjoyment (e.g. you like tank and now you’re not solo tank in dps instalock games), but I mean objectively better across the board, for all.

I don’t think theres one universal, global improvement.
I’d be curious to see metrics otherwise.