Remove Resurrect Please

So so so fed up of Mercywatch.

  • It’s been almost a year since her rework and she’s still in high demand, out-shining all other healers.
  • She’s boring to play and boring to play against.
  • I’m fed up of being asked to play the boring hero when I wanna play Moira or Ana.
  • High reward, Low Skill.
  • More mobility than any other healer and more survivability, once again allowing her to out-shine her peer healers
  • Resurrect is still an ability even though it’s clearly the cause of her pickrate and it’s broken and game ruining
  • Blizzard nerfed her healing for some reason? Is it because you don’t wanna revert a rework change?

inb4 someone says “you don’t know what you’re talking about”
I have 250 hours on Mercy, I used to enjoy her, now she is game breaking.
If they won’t revert the rework, the best path to take would be to just straight up remove res.


I think it would be really hard to replace ressurect with something else, since it’s Mercy’s core element. I mean, it’s what make her shine. However, the OW team just shows they don’t really care about our opinions to balance res, because as you said, it is the problem to why Mercy is so necessary every match. Res as a regular skill is just horrible and breaks the game.
I still play the game probably only because of Mercy. I can still enjoy her. But is becoming more and more hard. They are making her more boring each patch, and their changes are just pure hypocrisy. It was said that the changes would make Mercy’s kit to be focused on her heals and mobility, and yet, they nerfed that too. Plus, Res, even toned down, is the most powerful part of her kit, and better than her ultimate. Valkyrie is just horrible, it does almost nothing to her teammates.
I really hope they open their eyes. Because we had a tough year thanks to this messed up rework. I’m not even saying to revert her, just rework her again. Although I think Res works, but as an ultimate. Not like this.
I just want Mercy to be fun and balanced.


Then don’t replace it at all. She never used to have an E ability.
She’d still have tons of elements making her different to other healers, like huge mobility and damage boost.
Res just really needs to go imo.


There are ways to balance it even as an E ability such as making it require charge much like a mini ult. Removing res is just too much for the character. Reverting her and balancing from there is the best solution in my opinion.


Yes, please remove rez… In their attempt to balance rez they have taken away parts that made Mercy fun to play (and I’m not talking about mass-rez obviously, I’m taking about decision making and mobility).

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Why remove what is essentially the biggest part of Mercy’s character? You might as well remove her from the game if that’s the case.

Then again, at this point that’s probably what a noticeable majority would probably want.

Especially since what they did with Scatter Arrow, but this is a whole new level from what they’d be removing/rendering pointless if they decided to remove rez.


I am all for them getting rid of it and giving her something else. Either a new ablility or moving Valk to E and giving her a new ult. I never liked rez in any form. I never liked it in most games with consent respawn. A game like battlefield I get because your team has a lited amount of lives but in overwatch there is an unlimited amount of lives.

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They said is too complicated to add. EeveeA suggested that, making it like a Torb armor pack. But that won’t happen.

I just really miss her when she was considered the underdog. There was much more thought involved and decision making. I could use the meta heros… or go Mercy and have my team praise me afterwords as a god mercy.

Now its just like autopilot mercy. And because i have so much time on her i rarely get to stray away from her.


Then Mercy will be your no character healer. I mean, I think it would be pretty boring to only heal and fly. But that’s me.
I think she’s just a sidekick without a core thing.

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Again, the focus is on the wrong thing.
Yes, E res is not balanced and never will be, but Valkyrie is fundamentally the far bigger problem than Resurrect.
Resurrect can work, be balanced and fun. We know that.
But Valkyrie, even without res, will still remove weaknesses from her, will still be frustrating to play against and will still be boring as hell. No matter how much you change it.

Resurrect is not the issue, but Valkyrie.

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Res as an ability can’t be balanced. No matter how “weak” it can be, people will still ask for Mercy over any other healer just to have that extra life.

For literally all the reasons I said above, please open your eyes and proceed to read it.

This is so true. Mercy doesn’t even feel like playing the game sometimes. I’d rather spectate sometimes than play her tbh lol

So you’re saying without resurrect, Mercy has no character? In which case that’s a problem with her lack of lore and shouldn’t prevent balance changes.

Not at all. Resurrect as an ability is far too powerful to not have on your team. I seriously think that if it was gone Mercy would be in line with the other healers (as long as they didn’t bring in her current 50hps PTR nerf)

Alright and well we’re at it lets remove Tracer’s blinks and Hog’s hook- see where I am going with this? Resurrect is part of Mercy’s character. it was balanced for a year so it CAN be balanced again.

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just add more supports with res maybe? It’s strong and Mercy is the only one who can res so obviously she get picked a lot. Even with 50 HPS she will be still important but less fun to play. So this only hurts Mercy player and not improve the game. If res is really the only reason for the must pick then it should be on more heroes so there is variety.

Nah, but if they do she should get buffed immensely for compensation after the excessive set of nerfs she received

You can go on all day about your reasons, but in a game like Overwatch, disregarding the most important parts of a character for the sake of “balance” should never be the route taken.

I said that E res is the issue if you missed that. My point was that even without res Mercy would still be either very strong, because, as i said, Valkyrie removes all of her weaknesses or she would be overnerfed, the most boring and ununique hero in the entire game and just dead.
Valkyrie is fundamentally far more flawed than Resurrect and thats the important point.

So basically Mercy without res is still ok VS Ana who has insane utility and moira who heals for much higher numbers than mercy to begin with. Yeah no, theres no replacement for resurrect that will keep mercy a powerful character because anything her normal kit does the other supports can do better.

Nah she’s exciting to play and exciting to play against.

Nah Rez saves games.

I say more, both are the problem.
For me, Valk and Res are in the wrong places. Res was designed to be an ult, but is on a 30 sec cooldown ability. And even toned down with nerfs, it’s more powerful than Valk. Now, I’m not saying Valk is a completely useless ultimate. But I never thought it was a good idea for a support ultimate. Why? Sure, Mercy receives lots of benefits, such that (freaking annoying) infinite regen, infinite ammo (???), ability to fly. But what about her allies? She can only offer chained beams. And that’s it, since now Res is on an constant 30 sec cooldown.
So, what can we do? Switch them. Res was designed to be an ult and that’s where it should be. But we can make it act like prior her invulnerability buff, since that’s where problems started. Instead of making Mercy invulnerable with her allies, I thought about only restoring her HP to full, at the moment she completes a Res. If no cast time was so annoying, than add one, but not as long as the actual one. LOS requirement would be great as well.
Valkyrie, in the other hand, could be her E. But of course, less powerful. She could have independent fly ability for a small time, or just a sort of fly boost, like a ‘‘big jump’’, but nothing so high. And maybe, just maybe, be able to heal two allies at the same time, but with small HPS. Just remove all those buffs Mercy receive with Valk, because that’s what annoys most people, I suppose.
Anyway, just some ideas I gave dozens of times, but constantly ignored. Mercy is not fine. She is messed up.

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