Why did the mercy changes happened?

Why did they change her ult, and make her literally bad compared to the older version? Who thought that changing her resurrect cast time and quantity of people was a good idea? The ult could still be Valkyrie, but like you can rez 5 people(each separately) or at least 2(like at the start of the changes), she isn’t that game changing anymore. She takes a long time to rez and normally dies before resurrecting them. Why did the changes happened? She was balanced, now she isn’t, because she gets changed every time and every time she changes it’s like blizzard doesn’t know what to do. I appreciate that you guys are trying, but she isn’t as good as before. Also the Halloween event doesn’t makes sense anymore, because she resurrects everyone, but in game she only can rez one…
(I don’t think that I’m the only one who doesn’t like the new mercy as the old one, but still plays as her, because spent most of the time playing her.)


She is the most played support by far for a reason. Rez is the single most powerful and game-changing ability in the game right now. Putting it on CD is the reason she’s almost a must pick and great in any situation. She’s far more powerful than she used to be (excluding the time of her double insta Valk rez, which was way too strong).

She was “balanced” before the rework, but I still prefer the 2.0 version because of how absolutely terrible and cancerous mass rez was to the game. It was unhealthy and it caused the whole hide-and-seek thing that discouraged a healer from healing their team. That’s why the changes happened.

If anything, rez needs to be removed. Giving her more rez charges in any capacity would make her way too overpowered.


Agreed… Remove statue-mode (rez), remove spectator-mode (valkyrie)…

Let me just keep guardian angel with the bunny-hop, and my healing-beam… then you can rework everything else to your hearts content… Make Mercy fun again (while keeping balance in mind this time). Increase her skill-ceiling while you’re at it, since you lowered the skill-ceiling with the Mercy 2.x rework (instead of target prioritization you got chain-beam, and with cast-time to rez you don’t even prioritize who to rez, you simply just rez whomever is convenient when you have the time to spare)

Mass Rez was frustrating and yeah, Hide and Seek was a problem. But It clearly was better than annuling picks each 30 sec. The problem is, they didn’t even tried to fix huge rez. Cast time, LOS, or other suggestions. Before invencibility buff, Mercy was F-Tier. People started complaining after that.
Mercy 1.0 is way less problematic. I’m not saying is perfect. Is just that 2.0 is a pure monster. It’s broken and I’m sure a lot of Mercy players think it is more boring each patch they add.
I think they should revert Res as an ultimate, but prior to her invencibility buff. And then, change by there. Adding the suggestions people have been posting. Or, just rework her entirely again. But this time, a proper rework. Because this one was clearly poor designed.


She was OP, now she still is, just less.

Mercy is by far the best Support in the game. Rezzing is powerful. Just stop trying to rez people in the middle of the whole enemy team.

Yeah, and The Summoner has a Shield Gen.

Your point is?

Yes, that’s good. And if you hadn’t heard, you can expect another nerf very soon

In January of 2017 she was not OP. She was popular in the lower skill-brackets due to her low skill requirements, but she had a 0% pickrate in several competitions and was generally considered a troll-pick in Diamond and above (possibly plat as well)

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Mercy’s Rework hit live servers like 8 months after that, so why are we turning the clocks back to the Bronze Age?

January 2017 is just prior to Mercy’s invulnerability during rez. That’s just before hide’n’rez became something people did for SR reasons (though I personally never cared about SR, and the hide’n’rez was a suboptimal way of playing Mercy compared to just keeping people alive and temporezzing).


No she wasn’t. She was easy to play and annoying and exploitable to gain sr. Now she is op and is easier to play.

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20% Ult charge reduction for all heroes across the board.


Less need for an “Undo Ult Spam” button.

I don’t understand the relevance? The thread is about Mercy getting reworked. The comparison between just prior to rework and just post rework. No other time is relevant

It’s relevant because one main reason the community was crying out for changes to Mercy was that they were mad Mercy mains could hide & rez to exploit the system and gain more sr than they did lose.

Yes, but that doesn’t mean that pre-Hide’n’Rez Mercy has any relevance to this discussion, because pre-Hide’n’Rez Mercy had nothing to do with the rework

The orignal poster was just trying to say that Mercy with Mass Rez without invulnerability was not op as they thought you were saying. They were pointing out that Mercy was not overpowered at some point of her lifetime with mass rez.

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Keep in mind even before the invincibility buff she was the top pick in everything apart from GM and I believe Masters.
And rightfully so due to her design/ease of use.

Remove res all together.

Top pick? Wasn’t she considered a troll pick from diamond and above? And even if it was only in masters and above, she had no competition them, she probably would be just good for lowers elos now days.
Revert Mercy altogether :slight_smile:.

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Top pick in ranks she should be due to her very nature.
She was a troll pick in higher ranks because players had the ability to hunt and kill the Mercy much more successfully.
A task which was unfun (god I hate the whole fun arguing but w/e) and frustrating.

It was and still is entirely about resurrect.

Because the people that wanted mass rez removed from the game needed a scapegoat - “Hide and Seek Mercy” was that scapegoat.

After the pros and twitch streamers used this information and their popularity to spread propaganda on how “boring and unrewarding it is to play against” Blizzard gave in and changed her, thinking that mass res being gone would make them happy.

Ironically those same people are still here asking for rez to be removed, and nothing in the community has changed about her, other than people now being aware of the wolves in sheep’s clothing. This is part of the reason why people are still wanting a revert. The hero was done wrongly due to subjective opinion and “feelies” on how it was playing against her, when she was actually balanced on a mechanical level.

Notice how when those same folks ask to remove rez, it’s on the same excuses they gave for mass rez “It’s too OP, it’s boring, its too easy, it’s horrible to play against, it’s broken, it’s unhealthy etc”. Any excuse / lie under the sun to get rid of it, without any compromise, and they will ignore any data / facts given to them that disproves this myth of “mass rez was bad for the game”.

“Fool me once…”


Well, when people bring up “Revert Mercy” as a suggestion they are often countered by “Hide’n’rez was terrible for the game” as if that was always a thing. But there were other versions before people started abusing the hide’n’rez mechanics… but people seem ignorant about that, and it bugs me… So, I absolutely think it is relevant, because people keep stating things like “She was always OP” when facts and figures absolutely dispute that.


This thread isn’t a Mercy suggestion thread.

This is usually countered by a plethora of perfectly reasonable nerfs that would make Hide’n’Rez much less of a thing.

It’s not because that’s not what this discussion is about.

I didn’t see anyone post that in this thread. And if they did, and I just missed it, why did you reply to me with it?

I don’t see why you’re replying to me just in case I would have said something that, you can quite clearly see for yourself, I didn’t say?