Remove Reaper from the game

Yes, Shadow Step should be incorporated into Wraith Form and replaced with smoke grenades. Reaper had smoke grenades in the alpha but apparently Kaplan and his team thought that it did not fit very well into his kit. Which, personally, is BS. These guys can make one of the most popular and iconic videogames ever but can’t design a smoke grenade ability for Reaper?

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Personally i think reapers fine, he packs a punch to tanks which is his whole purpose and i suffer this as a tank player, but the problem with reaper was that he couldnt keep up with dive, which now has gone, but now we have hanzo, and once hanzo is sorted then i can see reaper back. But really i think reaper is alright and does his job, but you just gotta be cautious with long ranged heroes and keep track of stun cooldowns with heroes and bait it and punish them.

delete reaper plz…

You look ridiculous…