Remove Reaper from the game

Reaper represents OW as a whole:

Looks great on paper. Has so much style and character.

Falls completely flat in execution, and does not fulfill the role it’s meant to satisfy.


Almost want Reaper to be deleted, just because i get some issues with the recurring argument “You can’t do it, because Reaper will be even more useless”.
But the poor man has nothing to do w/ who likes to play him.

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But he’s the best darn Tank buster in the game. Removing him would make the Tanks too strong.

:spider_web: B…but he is waifu…

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Spirit does have Reaper one trick account in top 500 and it hasn’t deranked like since forever.

But he’s the best darn Tank buster in the game. Removing him would make the Tanks too strong.

Why are you talking about Hanzo and Junkrat in a Reaper thread?

Spirit does have Reaper one trick account in top 500 and it hasn’t deranked like since forever.

Because he is a brilliant player, sadly I am not Spirit, and 99% of Reaper players are not as good as Spirit.

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But hes so fun to play as :frowning:

My friend who mains Reaper would disagree. He literally kills everyone. I mean, not always, but he is quite effective with Reaper. I don’t think I’ve seen a Death Blossom from him that didn’t kill at least 3 people.

He’s been a Reaper main from the start. From the Season 2 glory days unto now.

He’s 3800. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind some buffs to make him even more ridiculous with him though.

He’s not that bad actually… If brig is not in though.

More reliable way to deal damage with her m2, a quicker freeze time on her ult, and a bug fix to losing her ult during its animation.

I think reaper doesn’t need that much, and the sad thing is everyone knows what he needs.

He needs shadow step fixed, and a slight spread reduction/range increase. Other than that he’s fine really. People get annoyed at his vulnerability during his ultimate, but that gives opportunity for team work with zarya or a support so I don’t really see it as a downside.

only Reaper mains play Reaper :frowning:

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It’s a sad state of Overwatch when a supposed sniper is better up close than a hero with shotguns.

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Hey hey ! Never ever write something like this again OP. He is my reason to bought this game and even if he is in a really bad situation right now I dont want him to get removed. I am a Reaper one trick and always will be.

Who was he…again?

It’s weird. I feel like I’m forgetting something really important.


Mei as a hero is fine but she is very buggy, thats why she isnt played much

I agree totally, reaper does pack a punch when played properly but he wont reason a massive buff as he will be op, hes like bastion, a slight tweak can make them op, personally i think hes fine, he just needs some quality of life improvements

My real question to you all reaper mains, how is spirit in top500 as reaper? Simply hes good, maybe you guys should try and improve or so called “get good”
He carries games with reaper, so i dont know what all the fuss is about

Spirit is not a Reaper main, on his main account he usually plays McCree, Genji, Tracer and Pharah when it comes to Offense heroes. He mains Reaper on one of his many alt accounts that is called R3ap3r, but he doesn’t play a lot on that account.

Also, simply because a pro player occasionally carries games with Reaper, doesn’t mean that Reaper is fine. Stevooo also occasionally carried games with old Symmetra, it doesn’t mean that old Symmetra was fine, and indeed she was reworked drastically just recently.

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  • Shadow Step - removed because it is the worst ability in the entire game.
  • Wraithform - now allows vertical movement.
  • New ability instead of Shadow step. May be a smoke grenade like his has in OW announce trailer?

Done, Reaper is fixed.