Remove Reaper from the game

It’s not like anything would change, since he is such a tragically pointless and irrelevant hero. He shall live on in my memories and in the lore. In fact, I dare say that if the developers decided to remove Reaper from the game for F-U-N hardly anyone would notice.


Who is Reaper? :thinking:


Yes please, remove reaper


Why you want Remove Reaper from Game -_- He is Cool and Amazing. Please not Remove Reaper


I should be mad at such a disrespectful statement, but I am not.


I think it’s an inevitability in their quest to make this the biggest hugbox in gaming.

Have you heard any of his voice lines? Seen his slow clap emote? Reeks of toxicity to me :roll_eyes:

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3edgy7me (19 characters)

Reaper the edgy guy they have in half the trailers? never seen him in a game for months.


“Half the trailers”, If I were not tragically and drastically abused by this society, I would laugh.

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3/4 of the trailers?

dont talk shît in reality you dont want that

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I’m sorry but you believe Reaper is garbage?
Have you seen his shrug emote?!?


No I don’t want that, obviously, I am just pondering on the fact that Reaper is so irrelevant that if the developers removed him from the game one day, hardly anyone would notice.

Of course I, in my perfection, don’t want him removed, gosh, it’s obvious. I even spent 50$ to get a Reaper player icon, that’s how much I am dedicated to this hero.


Yeah Reaper is in a sad, sad state right now… I mean it’s a tank heavy meta, and he’s barely ever played.


The funny thing is how Blizz was all like “we also predict what future meta’s rise, and pre-buff characters that are supposed to be strong against that meta. Right now we notice an uprising in the tank-meta, so we’re buffing Reaper and Mei”

Any1 seeing any of dem Mei’s or Reapers in their games? no? ok…

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Mei struggles quite heavily right now. I’m not sure what she needs, exactly, but she is definitely undertuned.

I think removing symmetra makes more sense than reaper, no offense.

“Our main goal is to get ahead of metas, so we buffed Reap and Mei to counter a possible tank meta. We also want to keep the game fun and exciting”

*Introduces a half-tank hero that completely obliterates anyone in a 1v1
*Gives Symmetra an ability that completely outshines Reaper’s ShadowStep
*Doesn’t buff the hero in F tier, but give Lucio a buff.

The dev’s are biased towards supports. It’s been so obvious recently

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At this point, I’d agree