Remove one shot kill abilities

There is no reason why a Widowmaker or Hanzo standing across the map completely out of danger should be able to instakill for free. The only counter a widow is a better widow or an entire team comp swap. She just commands so much space simply by existing, it is so boring. I want to play overwatch, not hide and seek. If the widow hanzo nonsense remains in overwatch 2 there will be little reason for me as a support player to continue playing


That’s how snipers usually are in video games. They crit and one shot at the head. At least this game has shields, larger health pool characters, abilities and various map designs to nullify some of it. Imagine my feeling on BF4 on a wide open map and half the enemy team is using snipers with the only defense being a hole in the ground and smoke grenades. :cry:

I believe they should keep the one shot but not have ridiculous kits which is the problem. Although being one shot is not fun but they are snipers. They could change Widowmaker from Hitscan to projectile with her bullet arch’s down but high damage in the process

You must enjoy long queue times

Snipers usually do not have the mobility and powerful walling abilities they do in Overwatch so its hard to compare

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Yeah true, it is why her ultimate ability is uniquely special. There are arguments of all sorts for and against it if we think about it. Giving a hitscan snipers wall sight is quite strong but it is an ultimate ability. I guess that leaves Hanzo, but he has a projectile based bow so isn’t as effective as Widow but the hitboxes are quite forgiving. So, maybe still too good in that circumstance?

I guess in those games they don’t need mobility either, after all there are like 12-32 players on one team and one person sniped doesn’t influence the match as much as a small team here. So, definitely a sniper here matters more. Granted, over there, no one else has greater mobility either unless they are in a vehicle which snipers can use. Overwatch still has heroes who have arguably superior or consistent forms of mobility while the snipers have ‘bursts’ of mobility through, leap, grappling, and climbing.

It’s rough to balance for sure.

No, they usually have mines and other stuns to stop flankers from flanking them. Would you rather Widowmaker and Hanzo have those, or abilities to escape?

Could you imagine diving a widow only for you to be stunned, her to one shot you, and then go back to sniping?


That’s true in some games. Actually, in hindsight of thinking about BF4 (which I haven’t played in some years now), I remember that snipers were often a “recon” class and do have ways to locate enemies on the map with radar or arrow targeting. So, in a sense they also do have a walls now that I think about it.

I don’t have to, I dive Widow just to get stunned and one shot by McCree (who is also problematic for this reason) anyway, so ideally they just get reworks that do not involve one shot mechanics

You do know that

1.) This isn’t a widow problem. In the scenario I said, it would be widow who did all of that.

2.) Its not McCree’s problem either because you’re one person diving two people and are expecting to win.


Well the one hero standing across the map should not then be able to deny half of it by existing if they are un divable and have get out of jail free card grapple hook. It is very much a widow problem

But she herself is not undivable. She’s super squish and has one getaway on a long cooldown.


So, here’s the issue with that. Shields are phenomenal counters to widow, but players who like the shooter aspects of OW hates shields. So, instead of blizzard doing the rational thing and saying “No, shields need to stay strong”, they began nerfing them and the tanks.

People don’t seem to realize that, if tanks are strong, the DPS can be strong too. They complement each other. Instead, we have shields being weakened, shield tanks being phased out, and more pew pew gameplay being phased in. You know what that means, right?

I think characters will be MORE like widow: higher damage, faster TTK, and every character will essentially have things that are close to oneshots anyway. Like Hog’s hook combo.


One shot One Kill is GOOD for characters meant to be this way. But actually, what needs to happen is to Massively BUFF Widowmaker, Blizzaaaaarrrd!

It is decidedly bad for the game and the changes being made in OW2 only serve to worsen it. Specifically Widow shouldn’t be able to one shot instantly from across the map without warning and shouldn’t be able to grapple away while in combat

There’s no reason mercy can just press e and reverse that kill. Mind you widow has to aim and Hanzo has to at least shoot at head level.

This has never been true especially anywhere under gm.

kinda like bastion or roadhog or ball or…

git gud. and that’s kinda also mercy’s thing. Also, did we forget shields are a thing? Double barrier is still meta.

“Make the game easier for me or I’m gonna quit”.

I think the funniest part is that this post is titled around oneshot abilities but you specifically talk about snipers. Even if oneshots were removed, what then? high burst damage abilities? The overall TTK in this game is lower than what most people might think. Healing creep will make you think otherwise and is one of the main reasons snipers are still used. They require more skill because their (or at least widow’s) kits are less forgiving than others. There is no world where characters have vastly different kits and everyone is going to be on an equal level.


No. I mention snipers bc they are the biggest abusers of it. DPS players just want the game to be easy so they get shield and healing nerfed into oblivion and still complain, now we have snipers and mc-right click present in every game because everyone and anyone can play them and get more value than on other heroes.

This is not at all my sentiment with this post, I am trying to improve the game with feedback closer to what it used to be. I am sorry you missed my point

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I mean, I tend to go Sombra and just try and kill her or annoy her so she cannot take shots on my team; a sombra can pretty much negate a widow as long as they have a good sense of timing and don’t try and win fights that they are clearly losing.

I try and kill the widow, and if she’s good and gets me, I settle for not killing her but just consistently disrupting her and hacking healthpacks for my team; that way I’m reducing her window of opportunity to kill my team and giving my team healthpack advantage, if they’re smart enough to take it which of course they rarely ever are.

You don’t like a thread, then leave the post or keep QQing

I’m more okay with snipers being able to one shot (though spam arrow ability shouldn’t hs) than I am with Hog dealing massive damage while also having a massive hook range. Or Doomfist, screw that guy’s one shot potential, he has a good enough combo as it is.

Funny you say abilities but you only mention regular guns relying on player skill and aim and not a cool down and a press of a button. Trying to paint a agenda much? Sorry shots to the head is a regular thing with FPS games and without them you prolly looking at a 50% loss in player interest. It is the thing that defines genre and sorry to say there will always be someone better than you at it.

OW given the space for other types of players to operate does not mean the ground rules should or could be changed.

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